“Offended, as far as the experts I have encountered, you are already very difficult to deal with.” Hashirama got out of a tree and walked in front of me “However, senior, you just moved Body Flicker Jutsu, I feel a bit similar to Flying Thunder God Jutsu developed by my Second Brother, but your predecessor seems to be more perfect. I will definitely let my Second Brother come and ask you if I have a chance. “

“Senior can take me to see Katsuyu Sage now?” Senju Hashirama slightly nodded towards me.

“The worthy-of is Senju Hashirama, it’s amazing.” My mouth raised a strange arc, “But, you are not the only one who knows Wood-Style…”

My body suddenly stiffened, and then the whole body became wood.

“This is…wood clone!!!” Senju Hashirama stared wide-eyed in surprise, “You can also Wood-Style!”

“young man, showing weak The spot is here! Wood-Style · Cutting technique!” I lifted the evasion and jumped out.

shua~ shua~ shua~! Several wooden thorns came out of the ground, but they were all passed by Senju Hashirama, but one wooden thorn still scratched Senju Hashirama’s leg. However, Hashirama’s recovery ability is very strong, and the wound has healed completely before bleeding a few drops.

“Careless.” Hashirama laughed embarrassingly, “I underestimated the predecessors.”

“Where, you don’t know my abilities, so I’m acting It’s just one.” I showed a proud expression, I was able to take advantage of First Hokage, but it’s an honor, I reminded, “Next, you have to be serious.”

It just so happens that I want to see it too. Without Sharingan, Senjutsu, and Eight-Gates, with my current ability, can I beat First Hokage?

“Thanks Senior start off leniently, then I will fight seriously.” Hashirama also put on a defensive posture, “Senior, offended.”

“It’s been a long time without using this Move, let’s start with this move today.” In my hand, the familiar seal came out again, “Landun·Black Madara is bad!”

roar! The familiar black leopard again Rushing out.

“Lan Dun?” Senju Hashirama frowned, but did not stop the hand seal, “Wood-Style · Wooden python strangling!”

A huge wooden python came from Drilling out of the ground, the panther broke into pieces in one bite.

Tzzzzzzz …… Accompanied by the sound of thousands of birds singing, the blue dazzling lightning has been condensed in my hands.

“Chidori!” I immediately rushed, and with the whoosh sound, the wood python was penetrated by me, Chidori continued unabated, and moved towards Hashirama rushed away.

“Earth-Style·The Art of Soil and Marsh!”

“Ouch!” I just ran a few steps, and my feet sank into the ground. I had to lift Chidori with my hands Pull out the leg.

As soon as the leg was pulled out, I saw Hashirama jumping towards me, and a flying kick went straight to my forehead.

Boom! I immediately crossed my hands to block, backed up a few steps, and then steadily held the figure, and fought with Hashirama as you come to me.

Hashirama worthy-of has been fought on battlefield all the year round, coupled with the increase of powerful Chakra, Taijutsu is very strong. It’s a pity that he met me.

Huh! Hashirama kicked me with a whip kick, and I immediately kicked his knuckle and kicked his leg back. At the same time, I made a fake kick of his knee. Hashirama immediately raised his leg, preparing to suppress my attack. At the same time, my upper body was pressed against him, and I fisted towards his face. Unexpectedly, Hashirama had been prepared for a long time, and punched him. Just when the two punches were about to meet, I turned my fist into a palm and immediately relieved the strength of Hashirama fist, and the inertia made Hashirama stick to me. I took advantage of the situation and used the other hand to cover my ears with lightning speed. A punch hit Hashirama’s chest.

If it’s an ordinary punch, of course it won’t affect him, but my fist is…

“Explosion-Style · **Fist!”

bang! Hashirama was blasted directly out of a dozen meters. I still kept this fist. With Hashirama’s body strength, I broke a few ribs that’s all, and recovered in a while.

“Um…” Senju Hashirama got up from the ground and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, but still smiled, “I thought I had overestimated the senior, but I didn’t expect to still underestimate the strength of senior . Seniors will not only use all kinds of weird Ninjutsu, even Taijutsu is so powerful, really there is Heaven beyond the Heaven.”

“Thank you, Hashirama, you can also show your true ability. “I said blankly, but my heart was refreshing. Although the current Senju Hashirama is not in the Peak period, it is not easy to deal with. It can be beaten like this by me, tsk tsk, I am really awesome.

“It seems that I have to show my true ability, otherwise it would be a difficult situation that was cleaned up by the seniors.” Hashirama stood up straight, with his hands folded, I can feel the powerful Chakra erupting. “Wood-Style ·Senju divine ability!”

rumble! A huge Senju Guanyin rose from the ground.

If I remember well, the strongest style of First Hokage in the Peak period is Sage Art · Wood-Style · Real Number Senju · Ding Shanghua Buddha, which is the perfect version of this move. The volume is so huge that Nine-Tails can be crushed with one hand, and its volume even exceeds Ten-Tails. The resulting destructive power is enough to change the terrain.

Although the Senju divine ability in front of us is just ordinary Wood-Style and has not yet been integrated into Senjutsu, it is also huge. It is estimated to be a lap larger than Nine-Tails, and the formidable power is definitely not bad.

“I didn’t expect Hashirama to use all the trump cards. I really can see me.” I looked up and gazed up and stood at Hashirama on the top of the head of Senju Guanyin, with a strange arc of my mouth.” Even Uchiha Madara can’t take this move. I don’t feel bad. If I can’t beat me, I’ll hide for a while and look for weaknesses slowly.”

“Through the escape! Hidden…”

I slowly disappeared from the figure and turned into nothingness.

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