After another year, Hashirama has been able to enter Sage Mode more proficiently, so he sent a Wood-Style clone out to see the situation of clan, in order to decide whether to finish apprenticeship .

The 2nd day Wood-Style clone went out, Hashirama came to me in a hurry, with a serious expression, very different from the usual hehe haha’s teasing than Hashirama, I guessed it, clan probably was out What’s the matter, it is very likely that Senju Hotokema is dead and Hashirama is going out to succeed the Clan Leader and fight Uchiha Madara.

“Something happened to clan?” Although I probably guessed the result, I asked tentatively, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

“My father, I have been together with Uchiha Clan’s Clan Leader, Uchiha Tajima perish.” Hashirama said silently, “Uchiha, Madara has succeeded as Clan Leader and launched an offensive against us Senju Clan. On our side, the group of dragons has no leader, and there have been a lot of casualties. Therefore, I must hurry up to finish apprenticeship and go out as the Clan Leader.”

“In the past two years, your Sage Mode, although there is no Achieve perfection, but I have already mastered it well. Finished apprenticeship is no problem.” I patted Hashirama’s shoulder, “Go out, you will not be here for a short time.”

“Well, I’ll leave in a while. I’ve reported to Katsuyu Sage, and it agreed to my request for finished apprenticeship.” Hashirama took out a note from his arms and handed it to me, “I know Senior Brother, you are here to pay. Will stay for a long time, this is my experience of training Senjutsu, I hope it will help you a little bit.”

I took it and turned it over a few times.

Sure enough, this is the notebook from First Hokage, but it is much newer than the one I got. I am very familiar with the above content. I turned to the last two pages at once, and they were blank as expected.

“This note is not very helpful to me. I should leave it to your descendant.” Instead of returning the notebook to Hashirama, I took out my pen and started writing. I use Chinese cursive script. I am afraid that no one else in Naruto World can understand Naruto World except myself.

I quickly wrote down what I wanted to tell my future self, and then returned the notebook to Hashirama.

“Senior Brother, what are you?” Hashirama looked at what I wrote with some confusion, but couldn’t see why, “This is similar to the ghost picture talisman, Senior Brother, what did you write? Huh?”

“You can pass this notebook to your descendant, and naturally there will be a destined person who can understand it.” I laughed.

“Well, Senior Brother, you must have your reason for doing this, so I won’t ask more.” Hashirama closed the note, then picked it up, “Then, we’ll meet again some It’s day, Senior Brother.”

“Maybe, you will never see me again in your lifetime, take care, Hashirama.” I moved towards Hashirama and stretched out my hand.

“Senior Brother is serious, time is in a hurry, I will go first.” Hashirama shook my hand, and then left in a hurry.

The figure watching Hashirama gradually disappeared, I was a little bit unspeakable.

“Ai, I am the only one who is left to fight again.” I shake one’s head and hurry up and start training. “I don’t know when I am a head.”

Day after day, year after year, as the conversion of Senjutsu Chakra continues to increase, my heart has become more and more mature, vicissitudes of life, only the cold appearance and firm belief remain unchanged.

The hand of time flicked round after round, like a white horse passing through a gap, seventy-five years passed in a flash.

I have been in Shikkotsu Forest for a hundred years, and the accumulation of one hundred years is very rich. Even so, my Chakra conversion volume is still a bit short. However, there is really only the last straw left, and I can finish the training of the become Immortal technique by tomorrow at the latest.

“Hashirama…he has already passed away.” A hundred years of wind and frost made my memory a lot lighter. I sat on a wooden pile and slowly recalled it.

“One hundred years…One hundred years…If it wasn’t for everyday all to remind myself and recall all the plots of Hokage, I am afraid I would have forgotten why I came here.” This one hundred years I am really tired of repeated mechanical training.

“A hundred years have passed, the time outside should probably be…emmmm…” I secretly calculated, “It should be the era of Fourth Hokage, and it should almost be Attack of Nine. -Tails.”

“Attack of Nine-Tails…That means…” I suddenly remembered something, and stood up, “That means, “I” is about to come Naruto World is out!”

damned! I almost forgot about it! Official Lei Ling explained to me that no matter whether I have completed my studies or not, I must go back for at most one hundred years, otherwise I will run into my newly transmigrated self and some serious things will happen.

“However, I can finish it tomorrow. I should be fine.” Thinking of this, I relaxed, “Still…”

Suddenly! The earth shook and the mountain quivered, my underfoot ground shook violently, like an earthquake.

“What’s going on?” I hurriedly gathered Chakra on the soles of my feet and stabilized the figure, “How could Shikkotsu Forest be an earthquake, this is…Sharingan!”

Three A tomoe climbed into my eyeball, and I immediately observed it.

“This…this is the fluctuation of time and space…” I stared wide-eyed, because I saw that the entire Shikkotsu Forest is filled with violent space fluctuations, “This is absolutely impossible when Sky Ninja’s technique is used. As a result, the formidable power is too big, and Shikkotsu Forest will be destroyed if this continues.”

Without any delay, I quickly found Katsuyu Sage.

“Katsuyu Sage, what’s going on? How can Shikkotsu Forest?”

“I don’t know, damned! This strange thing has never happened before.” Katsuyu Sage was also helpless, “I have sent a few clones out to have a look.”

Suddenly, Katsuyu Sage was shocked.

“It’s over.” Katsuyu Sage said to himself.

“What happened? What happened?”

“You know, Shikkotsu Forest is like Mount Myōboku and Ryuchi Cave. Although it is an isolated barrier, it is There is still a channel connection.” Katsuyu Sage whispered, “However, just now I sent clone out to investigate and found that there was no space fluctuation in the outside world. When I was about to come back, I found that I could not come back, so I had to cancel the clone. Bring back the memory of clone.”

Listening to Katsuyu Sage’s words, I was shocked. It turned out that Shikkotsu Forest is isolated from the world because of this. I am still wondering why Shikkotsu Forest has always been after I came. It was open, but after more than ten years, it suddenly became impossible to enter.

Katsuyu Sage didn’t notice my expression, and continued: “I guess it’s good, for some unknown reason, the space of Shikkotsu Forest fluctuates and collapses, so now I can only I can’t get in anymore.”

“And…if this collapse continues.” Katsuyu Sage’s expression became grim, “Shikkotsu Forest will be completely isolated from the world, and we will all be trapped here. I can’t get out anymore.”

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