“From now on, no one will live here anymore, it really becomes the remains of Roran.” I stood at the gate, gazed inside, and bowed deeply, “Purple Sha, rest in peace.”

More than a hundred years have passed, my Azure Edge Sword still has no wear and tear, and it is as bright as new. If you want to come to Zi Sha, you must maintain it frequently.

“I’m afraid I won’t come to this place again. Farewell to Zisha and Farewell to Roran.” I carried the Azure Edge Sword on my back, thoughts move, and left here.

I did not go back to Izumo Corner, but came to Hidden Leaf Village, Hatake Clan House, the familiar home that has been away for many years. The training unhurried of Izumo no Kakuspell spell. At a time, I have left Konoha for more than two years. Counting the days I spent in Shikkotsu Forest, it would take more than a hundred years. There are so many people in the village, I almost disappeared. So, I decided to go back to the village and stay for a few days before going to Izumo no Kok.

After returning home, just like I thought, Kakashi is not at home. Maybe there is a mission or where to go. My room is very neatly arranged and there is no dust. It seems that Kakashi often comes in to help me clean it.

“Kakashi, I’m interested.” I smiled and picked up the photo frame beside the bed. In the photo, Koyuki was hugging me, smiling very sweetly.

“Xiaoxue, I’m back. Waiting for me, that day, soon.” I put down the photo frame, found my Jonin suit from the closet, replaced it, and put on the headband.

“Konoha, I, Hatake Kurone, I’m back.” I put on the long-lost clothes, smiled, and opened the door.

“emmmmmmm…who should I go to first?” As soon as I stepped out, I was shocked. After thinking for a while, I decided to report to Fifth-Hokage first.

I didn’t use Flying Thunder God Jutsu to go directly, but walked slowly, admiring the street view of Konoha along the way, and comparing the changes in the past two years, I walked in a leisurely courtyard for a full hour , Just came to Hokage Residence.

Tuk tuk tuk! I knocked on the door of Hokage’s Office.

With a creak, the door opened, Shizune walked out from behind the door, and was a little surprised to see me.

“Kurone Lord? You are back.” Shizune reacted immediately and shouted behind him, “Lady Tsunade, Kurone Lord is back.”

“En?” Tsunade It was also taken aback, and then he said, “Shizune, let him in, you go out first.”

“Yes, Lady Tsunade. Kurone Lord, please come in.” Shizune sideways to make way for me, and then Go out and close the door.

“Fifth-Kage, long time no see.” I smiled and found a sofa and sat down.

“Well, yeah, long time no see.” Tsunade’s face was gloomy, and his face was sullen. “You still know that when you come back, I thought you were like Jiraiya, traveling everywhere, happy Very good.”

“Fifth-Kage what you said, am I this kind of person?” I laughed blankly.

“Do you know? Konoha is very short of people now. It took me two years to clean up the mess left by old fogey. Fortunately Danzo has stopped a bit in the past two years, otherwise it will be even more headache. Tsunade complained, “You and Jiraiya, these two scoundrels, tricked me back into being Hokage. It’s better to be a Hokage. Look at it, I’m tired, how old is it.”

Tsunade patted a mountain of official documents in front of him, and then patted a choppy chest. I glanced at it secretly and thought to myself, you are at this age, and you still want to be young.

“Forget it, let’s not talk about it. In the past two years, where have you been?” Tsunade calmed down, raised his legs and asked, “I heard Jiraiya say how long you stayed in the Fire Temple Then I went to Mount Myōboku to study Senjutsu for a few months, and then I couldn’t find anyone.”


Suddenly, the door was opened. , Two familiar figures walked in.

“Yo, Tsunade, long time no see.” Jiraiya laughed, “Hey, Kurone is there too.”

“Tsunade mother-in-law! Ha! Kurone teacher! Long time no see !” Naruto leaned over excitedly, “Kurone teacher, I have become-stronger a lot!”

“Well, it is indeed quite high and stronger.” I smiled and touched it. Naruto’s head.

“How about? Is there any result of training?” Tsunade looked calm.

“Do you think we will come back without results?” Jiraiya said proudly, “Naruto is now a lot of become-stronger.”

“Really? That can be tested. Click.” Tsunade said with a smile.

“Testing? How to test?” Naruto was a little confused.

“Of course I found someone to fight you.” Tsunade’s mouth raised a strange arc, “In order for him to fight you, I haven’t sent him a mission for a long time.”



Cracking, the door was pushed open, Shikamaru and Temari walked in.

“Shikamaru!” Sakura pointed at Naruto with a smile, “Shikamaru, look at who this is?”

“Well, Shikamaru?” Naruto also turned his head.

“Naruto?! Isn’t this Naruto?” Shikamaru was a little excited, “Naruto, you are back!”

“Well, I just came back this morning.”

“It seems that you have changed a lot! You are not as stupid as before.” Shikamaru said with a smile hehe.

“no, it hasn’t changed at all.” Sakura rolled one’s eyes.

“Sakura…” Naruto was speechless.

“hahaha.” There was a smile in the room.

“Then, is my opponent you? Shikamaru.”

“Opponent? What the hell? I just came to deliver the documents.” Shikamaru a confused face.

“Isn’t it you?” Naruto turned his head to Temari next to him, “Who are you?”

“I… don’t you remember me…” Temari looked speechless .

“Naruto, your opponent is not here.” Tsunade pointed out the window, “Your opponent is there.”

“En?” Naruto walked to the window and opened it. The window.

This plot is very familiar. If I remember correctly, the one outside the window seems to be…

“Ha! Kakashi teacher!” Naruto called.

“Oh, Naruto, have you grown taller.” Kakashi put away Icha Icha Paradise and stood up.

“Kakashi teacher hasn’t changed at all!” Naruto jumped out, “By the way, I prepared a gift for Kakashi teacher!”

“It’s a nostalgic scene Ah.” Tsunade emotionally said.

“Yes.” Sakura nodded.

“En?” Kakashi stared at the thing in Naruto’s hand, showing a very excited expression, his eyes flashed, “what!!! You…you are…”

“This is the latest work in the intimate series after three years. Although I think it’s boring, Kakashi teacher should like it.” Naruto passed the book.

“wa oh oh oh!” Kakashi opened the cover, as if rays of light were emitting from the book.

“Okay, this is the end of the touching reunion, come in.” Tsunade gave a white glance, turned and walked back.

“That means, my opponent is Kakashi teacher you?”

“Not exactly, my opponent is you, and Sakura.” Kakashi jumped onto the windowsill , Squatted down and stared at the two.

“Kakashi teacher is an opponent?” Sakura and Naruto said in surprise.

“Yes, take Kakashi as the opponent, and test your strength to determine where you are going.” Tsunade nodded.

“Although I want to start right away, Naruto should be tired when he comes back. Take a break,” Kakashi said.

“I’m not tired at all, let’s start now.” Naruto be eager to have a try.

“See you on the third practice ground.” Kakashi couldn’t wait to turn around and prepare to leave. I know he must be going to read secretly, haha.

“Wait, I suddenly changed my mind.” Tsunade smiled and pointed at me, “Since Kurone happens to be back, it’s better to change it. You master and disciple will deal with him. .”

“What the hell? Why is there something to do with me?” I jumped up from the sofa.

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