“Thanks Senior for help!” I took a sigh of relief, turned my head, and suddenly shocked.

Behind me, on my shoulders, is a young woman in golden armor. The next to her body armor outlines her perfect figure. She wears a strange mask that is half black on the left and half white on the right. She wears a waist-length yellow long hair behind her head. Although she can’t see her face, I think there must be a devastatingly beautiful under the mask. Face. Moreover, the coercion she brought to me was not under the officer Lei Ling I saw at the time, indicating that she is very likely to be an expert of half God Level or above. However, it seemed to be kind to me and saved my life.

“Okay, don’t try to figure it out, I won’t hurt you, the strength of the seal on your chest is still mine.” The woman released her hand and crossed her chest and said.

“My chest?” I was taken aback, and then reacted, and suddenly said, “Oh! So you are the legendary light officer, the officer Lei Ling mentioned to me, many thanks Senior! “

“You don’t need to thank me, if it weren’t for the scoundrel begging to ask me for help, I wouldn’t bother to care about this stall.” Guang Ling said, rolled the eyes, “specifically That guy should have told you about the matter, and I don’t bother to repeat it with you. If you have any questions, please hurry up and ask. After asking, I will tell you something, and then I have to hurry up.”

emmmm, it seems that this woman has a bad temper and is a bit irritable, I thought to myself.

“I don’t seem to have any problems either. By the way, why do you and Officer Lei Ling wear weird armor? Do you still need armor to protect this realm?” I asked casually.

“This armor, every spiritual official will have a pair. The specific style is related to their own abilities. It contains the power of Deva Path, which can withstand the attacks of experts below God Level. Usually no one wears it. It’s also worn during wars and when time and space turbulence passes.” Guang Ling explained, “This armor is ugly and heavy. Although I don’t like wearing it very much, time and space turbulence is very unfathomable. The place, even the power of Deva Path can’t cover, the ghost knows what’s messed up in it. There used to be other spiritual officials who had a large support, without armor, and unfathomable mystery. So, we transmigrated the plane and passed through time and space. Turbulence, I will naturally wear this stuff.”

“It turned out to be like this. I didn’t expect it to be so dangerous in the turbulence of time and space.” I was really embarrassed to think that I passed the turbulence of time and space twice.

“Do you have any questions?”

“No more.”

“That’s OK, then I’ll make a long story short.” The Guangling officer looked at me , Said, “The purpose of my coming this time is mainly to help you better control your own strength. With your current strength, the power of God Level is too strong. If you suddenly inherit it, your body will explode because it can’t bear it. “

“Well, I have a deep understanding. I almost lost my life just now. Thanks to the light and spiritual officer, I can stabilize now.” I nodded, “But I don’t feel that power anymore, even I feel that my strength has fallen to Quasi-Kage Level. I don’t know if it’s an illusion.”

“It’s not an illusion. I sealed your strength and divided it by the strength of your plane. Now Your strength is only Quasi-Kage Level, and it is better than the average Elite Jonin.” The luminous officer explained, “Also, I have sealed all your Senjutsu, spell and other messy abilities.”

“What? You, you, you! This…” I was shocked for a while, and then furious, “It was hard to learn this, and to reach the current cultivation base, you might as well kill me. !”

To be honest, if it weren’t because I couldn’t beat her, I really wanted to go up and strangle her.

“Hey…” I slumped on the ground all of a sudden, “I want to return to the current cultivation base, and I have to spend more youngsters.”

“Okay. Don’t sigh, I’m doing it for your own good.” The luminous officer pulled me up like a rabbit and said, “I just sealed your power temporarily. You close the eyes, try to let your mind go and see. What can I see.”

According to the words of Guan Ling, I closed my eyes. Suddenly, a dazzling rays of light flashed in my mind, and ten lock-like things appeared in front of me. Six of them look like bronze, three are silver, and the largest one shines with golden rays of light.

“En?” I opened my eyes all of a sudden, took a look at Guang Lingguan, and closed the eyes again to confirm that there were indeed ten locks.

“How about it, did you see ten locks?” Guang Lingguan said.

I am nodded, and seem to have some guesses about the intentions of the Guanglingguan.

“Your body cannot accept such a powerful force for the time being, and your fighting skills are far from enough. Even if you have the strength of God Level, you can’t fully display it. You can face the real God Level. The expert is only amazingly beaten. So, I suppressed your strength to Quasi-Kage Level. Every time you kill an expert above Kage Level. You can unlock one brass lock and unlock three brass locks, you Your strength will gradually return to Kage Level Peak, unlock six brass locks, and your strength will return to Super Kage Level Peak. And every time you kill an expert above Kage Level, you can unlock a silver lock, Unlock the three silver locks and you can reach the Sage-level Peak.” The luminous officer slowly said, “If this happens then, that power will be absorbed by your step by step, and your fighting skills will become more and more. Proficiency.”

“What about Golden Lock?” I curiously asked.

“After you unlock the first nine locks, your strength has accumulated enough impact God Level. When you kill another Sage-level expert, you can unlock the last one. Golden lock, strength directly crosses the breakthrough to the middle of God Level. In this plane, it should be invincible in the whole world.”

“I understand, the light and spiritual officer is very hardworking, Junior many Thanks.” I bowed.

“You don’t have to thank me, these all are the guy’s confession, otherwise I won’t be here.” Guang Ling glanced his head aside and said proudly.

“Officer Lei Ling…senior…why did he help me like this? Senior Officer Guangling, do you know the reason?” I scratched my head, “I think there should be no Such a person.”

“This, you will be understood in the future.” The Guangling officer smiled lightly, and then resumed his serious tone, “Okay, everything is done, I have to I’m gone, I can’t stay here for too long, we’ll meet again some day, say goodbye!”

“Again…” Before I finished saying goodbye, a golden light flashed in front of me , Guanglingguan disappeared without a trace.

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