“Well, I haven’t seen you in a few years, but you are still the same, Sasori of the Red Sand,” I squinted at Sasori, the Hiruko that I destroyed with Yawata. The Puppet has been repaired now, and from the appearance, it has been improved a lot, and it looks very difficult to deal with.

“I thought you were running fast, this time, I won’t let you go.” Sasori of the Red Sand said coldly, “Without that Scorch-Style ninja to help you, I think you can How long will it last?”

“So what about the old man? Is he qualified to fight with you.” Chiyo slowly walked up and took out a bunch of kunai connected with Chakra Threads from his sleeve.” You guys step back first!”

Seeing the situation, Sakura and I immediately took a few steps back.

“Fight against the sword!” Chiyo’s Kunai flew straight towards Sasori.

Dang dang! After Kunai cut Sasori’s clothes, they were all blocked by Hiruko’s tail.

“I haven’t seen you for so long, you are still so cruel. If so, then you all become my collection!” Sasori tore off his clothes, revealing Puppet’s body.

“This…should not be the real body, right?” Sakura swallowed and asked.

“Yes, this is a Puppet doll, and it was made of a living person.” Chiyo said without looking back.

“Where is the real body? Where is it?” Sakura continued, “Should Puppeteer manipulate Chakra Threads behind Puppet?”

“The real body should be in that Puppet . Puppeteer is not good at close combat, so it鈥檚 easy to expose a weak spot and be attacked when manipulating Puppet.鈥?Chiyo continued, 鈥淪o hiding in Puppet can solve this problem. Puppet is a defensive shield and an offensive lance. .”

“Little girl, do you know how my Puppet is made? ji茅 ji茅……” Sasori laughed strangely, “First pull the intestines out, clean the corpse, then let the blood and make it antiseptic Deal with it, and then install the mechanism, such a Puppet will be completed, ji茅 ji茅……”

“This is how my current Puppet came out. Count the Hatake Kurone and this Chiyo over there. Old woman, my Puppet collection happens to be enough for 300 pieces. This is my art. I look forward to it. ji茅 ji茅……”

“Art, when Sasori was in Hidden Sand Village, he was Known as genius Puppeteer, he has made a lot of great Puppets. But he is keen to make people into Puppets and call them art.” Chiyo said, “The Puppet he has now is made from other ninjas in Ninja Village. …Human-Puppet.”

“Human-Puppet…” Sakura looked surprised Sasori.

“Soon you will become like this.” Sasori said coldly, “Become one of my artworks.”

“He is Puppet Attack and Defense In One, Sasori must be pulled out of Puppet first.” Chiyo wrinkled his frowned head. “But the mechanism of Puppet is very tricky.”

“Chiyo mother-in-law, aren’t you familiar with Puppet? Yes. There is no way.” Sakura continued.

“Puppet countless changes, any changes will be completely different.” Chiyo stared at Puppet and said, “This Puppet has changed a lot from the time I saw it before. All changes have been made, so I have to test it first. I can鈥檛 break that Puppet鈥檚 defense, only relying on Sakura, your Chakra Enhanced Strength and Hatake Kurone鈥檚 Ninjutsu.”

“You must be close to that Puppet. , And then smash it. But, must avoid all mechanisms, otherwise, it is very dangerous, Sasori鈥檚 highly toxic Sakura has been seen.”

“Avoid all mechanisms, I may be able to, Sakura is unlikely .” I shake one’s head.

“Yeah, I can’t do it.” Sakura said embarrassingly.

“Indeed, it takes a lot of actual combat experience to do this.” Chiyo eased off the bun, tossed his hair, and said with a smile, “I don’t care how you look at me. Maybe I think I鈥檓 an unreliable old woman, but leave it to me. I have more experience in actual combat than him, so he still dare not do it. Otherwise, he doesn鈥檛 like to wait. , I’ve already started it.”

Speaking, Chiyo leaned over to Sakura and said a few words.

“Understood!” Sakura nodded solemnly.

“It’s almost done! I hate waiting for someone!” Sasori became uncomfortable and took off his mask.

whiz whiz whiz whiz sou! Sasori鈥檚 mouth shot a densely packed Senbon.

Chiyo and Sakura dodge in a very coquettish position, and I use a crystal wall to block in front of me.

Through the transparent crystal wall, I was surprised that the two of them walked so that they could escape the Chiyo who is hiding the sky and covering the earth. I can understand Chiyo, but Sakura… I suddenly thought With the original work plot, Sakura should be controlled by Chiyo with Chakra Threads, so he could escape.

“Chiyo is really an excellent Puppeteer, not inferior to Sasori.” I couldn’t help but emotionally said, now I am suppressed by Senbon and can’t raise my head. I can only rely on them for output.

“The old woman can hide away. I expected this little girl to be…” Sasori stared wide-eyed in surprise, and at the same time he threw his left hand out, again shooting a densely packed one inside. Senbon, “That’s it! It depends on how you hide it!”

However, under the denser Senbon, Sakura and Chiyo still managed to dodge with ease until the last Qianben fell.

Seeing that Senbon stopped, Sakura immediately rushed up with his fist, while Chiyo stayed still.

“The old woman won’t move… You look down on me too much.” Sasori waved his tail, and moved towards Sakura stabbed it up.

Suddenly, the tail stopped in front of Sakura. I could see through Sharingan that there were several very small Chakra Threads stuck to Sasori’s tail.

“What!” Sasori shocked, “Oops!”

“Sakura, take advantage of it now! Break his Puppet!” Chiyo waved Chakra Threads in his hand and shouted.

Sakura condensed Chakra on the fist and punched Hiruko on the back.

ka-cha! The entire Puppet was broken to pieces, and Hiruko’s head rolled to the side. A figure in Akatsuki robe flashed out of Puppet.

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu!” I, who was waiting for a long time beside me, waved Qingfeng, and instantly pierced the chest of the black shadow.

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