“Yes, I didn’t expect that I would survive.” The man laughed, sat down next to me, faced the outside of the store, and lowered The hat covers his face.

“These years…a very meddlesome relationship must have happened, right? Where did you go?” I quickly finished ramen, patted the money on the table, and turned around, “Shisui. “

“This is not a place to talk. Let’s change to another place and slowly relive the old.” Shisui calmly glanced at each other with me and said.

I nodded, put my hand on his shoulder, thoughts move, and came to the cabin in Izumo no Kokura.

“This is where my Summoned Beast lives. No one can come in except me and the Summoned Beast.” I opened the dusty wooden door to let in fresh air in the wood house. The musty smell and the smell of green grass in the air filled the cabin. It seemed that certain chemical reactions had taken place, and there was an indescribable weird feeling.

“Kurone big brother, your performance surprised me a bit. I originally thought you would have a shocked expression when you saw me!” Shisui said jokingly.

“It was true at the beginning, but during the few days in the hospital, I slowly reacted. I knew you might come to me again, so I was not so surprised. However, Your appearance still surprised me a bit.” Although I have a lot to say to Shisui, but that many years away, the sudden resurrection of Shisui makes me feel a little awkward, I don’t know how to start to talk, “Does Itachi know? “

Shisui shake one’s head, slowly said: “If I didn’t show up in front of you, I’m afraid in this world, everyone would think that Uchiha Shisui would have died long ago.”

“Yeah, we all thought you would have died a long time ago, and your elder sister…” As I said, I stopped suddenly, like a knuckle in my throat.

After a long while, I continued: “Sorry, I failed to protect your elder sister.”

“Brother-in-law, it is not your fault.” Shisui held me She shook her shoulders gently, “Don’t be sad, I don’t want to see you sad, I don’t want to see you sad, and she will definitely be proud of you now. The name of Konoha black lightning is no longer at all. It’s inferior to Yellow Flash.”

“Stop talking, name that’s all.” I pushed Shisui’s hand away, shake one’s head, turned to the door, and the sun shone on my face, making me Feeling a little warmth, “I’m done talking about things, let me talk about you, if I guess it is right, someone should have saved you, and that person is not simple.”

” Worth-of is the Kurone big brother. I guessed it right away. That’s right. I jumped off the cliff that day and was indeed rescued.” Shisui nodded, continued, “However, I lost my eyes at that time. The person who rescued me did not want to be named, so I have no way of knowing who saved me, but it is certain that his strength is very strong. Although I lost my eyes, the strength is better than that of ordinary Jonin. It’s not much worse, but I can’t touch his attrie at all. Apart from not knowing who he is, I also found that the person who saved me seems to have an organization under his hand, but there are not many people in that organization. Even though the people in “don’t want to reveal their identity to me, they took good care of me. It’s been like this for almost a year.”

Suddenly, Shisui was silent and looked towards me, because he knew that, next It’s time to expose my wounds. I nodded with a smile, motioned him to continue.

“Until a year later, the person who saved me suddenly asked me if I would join his organization and told me what his organization’s purpose was.”

“What’s the purpose?” I was curiously asked, but I didn’t expect that besides Akatsuki, there are other weird organizations in this world.

“In the words of that person, it is called maintaining the stability of this plane and letting history follow its original trajectory as much as possible.” Shisui said in a formal tone.

After hearing Shisui’s words, my face was expressionless, but my heart was really choppy. what? ? ! ! Someone knows about planes in this world! That means that this person is either a transmigrator like me, or an expert of half God Level or higher, just like the Thunder Spirit Officer and the Light Spirit Officer.

Which one is it? My mind is thinking quickly like boiling water. Judging from what the person said, it is not like a transmigrator. It seems that the person’s responsibility is to maintain the stability of the plane, so it must not be a transmigrator. Then the answer is obvious. This person is probably a semi-God Level or even a God Level expert who maintains the stability of the Hokage plane. Based on what the Light Spiritual Officer once told me, there is a hidden Spiritual Officer in Naruto World. I didn’t care about it at the time. Now it seems that the two clues coincided with each other. So it seems that this mysterious person who saved Shisui is probably the most expert in Naruto World — a certain spiritual official.

Seeing that I was shocked, Shisui laughed, and continued: “At that time, I was also your face, what plane? What historical track? I was confused. Later, I probably wanted to understand, maybe it was to maintain world peace. , Keep the mission of Ninja World stable.”

I secretly laughed, Shisui, you guessed it wrong. What you think is not the same thing at all.

“But, what he said next makes me even more confused.” Shisui did not notice my expression and continued to each minding their own business and said, “He said, I am for this world He is already a dead person, so he can never reintegrate into society, let alone go back to Hidden Leaf Village, meet anyone, nor interfere with anything that happens in this Ninja World. His only duty is to assist him and keep history going. Go on the right track.”

“And then? By the way, how did your eyes come from?” I suddenly remembered this, and asked suspiciously, “I remember your eyes, One was taken by Danzo and the other was in Itachi. Where did your current Mangekyo Sharingan come from? Judging from the pattern, it does not seem to be your original pair.”

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