“What? Senior White Fang?!! Your joke is a bit big, right…” My jaw dropped to the ground in surprise, “You have to say Shinnosuke, I can understand, after all, they just disappeared. But Senior White Fang…”

“I understand your thoughts, even the first time I saw him, I was very surprised and thought it was me. I adore Senior White Fang too much, so when I saw that image, with white hair, short blade on his back, and Hokage armband, I subconsciously recognized him as Senior White Fang. After calming down, I told myself that it might just be appearance. The dress is similar that’s all. After all, Senior White Fang has passed away a long time ago.” Shisui recalled, “But after I had a conversation with him, I found out that he was really Senior White Fang himself, and then I asked. Let’s take a look at Shinnosuke-senpai, he also gave me a definite answer, so I shouldn’t be wrong. I don’t know why, but White Fang-senpai is still alive and has become the leader of Anobe.”

Shisui’s words made me fall into After meditation, speaking of White Fang, there is not much space in the original work, but this role is highly respected. Konoha is the first of the eight colors and the same character. It is said that his strength is not under Sannin, only by a handle. Ordinary can no longer be ordinary short blade, it became famous in Ninja World of expert stand in great numbers and became the Legendary of Ninja World. I also did some analysis on White Fang. From Jiraiya and Tsunade, I probably learned that White Fang is not under the Third Hokage in the Peak period, but the specific strength is no longer available. In addition to memories, White Fang only appeared on the scene one time. It was when Pain attacked Konoha. Kakashi Chakra was exhausted and died. They met the long-awaited White Fang in a certain space, and the two began to talk peacefully.

I have always been suspicious about this, because White Fang saw his son die an untimely death, his expression has not changed at all, his face is calm, as if Kakashi is not dead, even like a chat Let Kakashi talk about his experience. So I have always suspected that White Fang might have some way to bring Kakashi back to life, so I can talk to Kakashi confidently. In the end, Nagato used the wheel Revolving Heaven to give birth, and Kakashi was resurrected. White Fang’s expression remained unchanged, as if it should be, and it strengthened my mind. It is very possible that White Fang used some kind of Secret Jutsu for Kakashi before committing suicide, so that he could save him, so he would be relieved to commit suicide. As for what Secret Jutsu is, I made a lot of guesses, but I didn’t expect that White Fang was not dead at all.

If this happens then very meddlesome, it seems to make sense, why finally Shinobi World War, no Impure World Reincarnation came out of White Fang, Shinnosuke and Shisui, like other extremely unpopular characters. I found it, but I didn’t find the corpse. The reason is unreasonable. If these people did not die, but hid in the dark, then it would be reasonable. The White Fang that Kakashi saw after his death was probably White Fang himself. He contacted Kakashi through some kind of Sky Ninja technique, but Kakashi survived before he could be rescued.

Thinking of this, everything becomes clear at once, but this mysterious person is indeed somewhat capable. It can save that many people from the top secret and make them invisible in Ninja World.

“So firstly, this matter is not simple, Senior White Fang, Shinnosuke, two of them who should have passed away for a long time, no, you have to count Shisui, you three’dead’… …” I propped my chin and said, “This organization was acquired by this mysterious person to maintain the stability of the plane. This is a great manoeuvre.”

“Indeed, he is very courageous, and his strength is also Very powerful, able to do this without the knowledge of the entire Ninja World. Although I don’t know the meaning of his doing this, I think he is amazing.” Shisui couldn’t help but admire.

“By the way, Shisui, you have been in Anbu for so long, have you figured out the identity of that mysterious person.” I curiously asked, said truthfully, I really want to know the identity of that person, maybe It is helpful to me, and even I can use him to resurrect Xiaoxue in an easier way. Although the probability is small, I must try it.

“That person didn’t come to Anbu not many times. He came to give a mission at intervals of several months, and he was wearing a white robe, wrapped tightly, and wearing A very strange spiral mask, no face can be seen, and no sound can be heard. He didn’t say who he is or what his identity is. He just said that he is the manager of this plane. Let’s call him. Mian Lingguan is fine.” Shisui described.

“Spiral mask?” Shisui said that this feature reminds me of Obito, but don’t mention Obito, Madara is probably not such a great ability, but I still ask cautious and solemn “What color is the mask?”

“The white ones are slightly yellow, just like noodles…Speaking of this, I remember…” Shisui slapped his head and suddenly said “That person always exudes a strange aroma. It smells very good. Every time I smell it, I get hungry. When I met you at the noodle restaurant today, the aroma that came out of the noodle restaurant was very similar to the aroma I smelled. Like, I almost thought that the Mian Lingguan was eating noodles here, haha.”

“It’s not enough to eat noodles, I’m afraid he made this noodle…” I have a very bad kind of Premonition, everyone’s joking in the post bar seems to come true.

“Kurone what did you say? Why can’t I understand?” Shisui had a question mark on his face.

“I probably know who the Mian Lingguan is…” I scratched my head awkwardly.

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