“Officer Lei Ling? You said you know Officer Lei Ling?” I was a little surprised, but when I thought about it, I was relieved, “Yes, you are all spiritual officials. Normal.”

“I know a fart, it’s not all because of you.” When I mentioned Officer Lei Ling, I felt very angry when I hit Uncle with his hands. “When I talk about him, I won’t be angry. You guy It didn’t belong to this plane originally, so it’s fine for him to get you. You guy is not an easy to deal with. It messed up the original historical trajectory of this plane. It took me a lot of effort to correct it. “

“Revision? It can be corrected? Awesome!” I knew I was at a loss, so I just took a flattery look, “Senior, can you tell me how you corrected it? If you keep it confidential, It’s okay if you don’t tell me, I’m just a little curious.”

“My identity has been scammed out of you. What’s the secret of this little matter?” Uncle gave me a glance and continued. “In fact, it’s not a big deal, because the original historical trajectory has been destroyed by you, and it has been impossible to restore it to its original state, so I can only redirect the trajectory back to the original direction as much as possible to make the butterfly effect happen as little as possible. For example. Hoshigaki Kisame, you killed him, but he played a big role in promoting the plot, so I can only save Hohzuki Mangetsu secretly and let him replace Hoshigaki Kisame.”

“It turned out to be like this. , I said, why suddenly a Hohzuki Mangetsu popped up.” I suddenly realized, and continued to ask, “Then Gekkou Hayate, and the golden horn silver horn, is it your handwriting?”

“At that time, if he reported Third Hokage to Gekkou Hayate, it would have very serious consequences, and the entire historical trajectory would be reversed, so I used Danzo’s hand to kill him. As for the golden horn silver horn, it was because you killed him. Kakuzu and Hidan, so I arranged for them to replace Kakuzu Hidan to destroy the Temple of Fire and kill Asuma. But I didn’t expect you to hand them over and almost died, so I can only expose Uchiha Shisui to save you Now, I know, with your IQ, even if Uchiha Shisui doesn’t reveal his identity, you can guess it, so I just asked him to tell you the whole sequence of events.”

“I originally thought These are all provided by God’s will, but you didn’t expect it to be arranged by you. It’s really…” I couldn’t help taking a sip of Liangpi, the invisible hand of the Mian Lingguan was really terrifying, controlling the entire history with one person.

“Can’t say that, I don’t know if Officer Lei Ling told you that our spiritual officer was originally selected by Deva Path to take on the mission of maintaining the stability of the world. So, I Doing this is the meaning of Deva Path, which is God’s will.” Uncle hand uncle, holding his arm, sighed, “So, don’t think I’m cruel. Those who originally survived because of you were arranged by me. It’s not something I can decide, it’s their own fate.”

“I can understand, this is your mission.” I am nodded, and there is no complaint about the Familiar Officials, even if they die. Gekkou Hayate and Asuma are my friends, and even my sweetheart lost his life under the arrangement of fate.

“Thank you.” Uncle slightly smiled.

“By the way, since I changed the historical trajectory, why not just erase me instead of making so much effort to correct it? Wouldn’t it be easier?” I continued to ask questions. , “With my strength, you can arrange me without leaving any traces, and then create an unexpected illusion, no one will find out.”

“You should thank Officer Lei Ling, if it weren’t for him, I’m really going to obliterate you directly.” Mian Lingguan laughed, and looked at me a bit playfully, “He saved you.”

“Does Lei Lingguan have such a big face?” I was a little surprised. I didn’t expect Officer Lei Ling to not only say that Officer Guang Ling would help me, but also to save me under Officer Mian Ling. It seems that I really have to find a chance to express my gratitude in person, “Senior you are better to talk. “

“I am the stability maintainer of this plane, how could I agree to his ridiculous request!” Mian Lingguan said proudly, “It’s not this rogue who just wants to say it. I can’t compromise.”

“Fuck, is Officer Lei Ling so cruel?” I startled, “Senior, you are not his opponent?”

“Of course not! Although the strength of the Lei Lingguan is very strong, it can be said that it is also one of the very best in the Lingguan, but I also not to be trifled with. This is my plane, so he wants to beat me, not so It’s easy.” Mian Ling said proudly, “but the rogue is not here alone, he also brought a helper, a very grumpy female lunatic, I have no choice but to compromise.”

“A female lunatic?” The image of a lunatic officer appeared in my mind, and then I asked, “A lunatic officer?”

“It should be, the female lunatic is finished. I left without saying a few words. I can feel that her space-time ability is very powerful. It may be the light spiritual official you mentioned. Anyway, I don’t know it. It’s really hard to say a lot of people.” A lingering expression of palpitations.

“Are you so afraid of her?” I said with a bit of amusement. Fortunately, I didn’t provoke the light and soul officer, and her attitude towards me was pretty good.

“Okay, don’t be nonsense.” Uncle waved his hand impatiently, “I have said everything that should be said, you go, as long as you don’t do anything that particularly affects the trajectory of history, I Don’t bother to care about you. Don’t come to me if you have nothing to do. Don’t do things for me, I thank you.”

“Last question.” My expression immediately became serious, “My sweetheart , Uchiha melts snow, and impossible resurrection.”

Hand hit uncle did not answer me, but said meaningfully: “I can’t control your business. But if you plan to resurrect your wife , Then you have to plan to fight against fate, heaven defying. What will happen, I don’t know, but this road will be extremely dangerous.”

“many thanks.” I thought. move, back home.

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