“Tell me! Where is Itachi?” A handsome youngster pulled out a bright Kusanagi sword and questioned the two mysterious persons in front of him.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Shall we run?”

“Tobi, shut up!” Another youngster with a yellow upturned braid said disdainfully, “Uchiha Sasuke, you killed the mission that should belong to me, Orochimaru. So, I’m going to kill you!”

“Where is Uchiha Itachi, tell me, I’ll let you go.” Sasuke said coldly.

“Worthy-of is that man’s younger brother, you and Itachi are really alike, supercilious!” Deidara clenched the teeth and reached into the Ninja Tool Pouch.

sou! Sasuke suddenly moved, only split second, and came to Deidara and Tobi.

“so fast!” Deidara was startled, but immediately reacted and jumped to the tree behind him.

plop! Tobi didn’t react at all, and was chopped to the ground with a sword by Sasuke.

“Fix one, you will be left next.” Sasuke glanced at Deidara on the tree, and said blankly.

“Tobi! What are you doing! Get up and help!” Deidara shouted angrily. “Don’t pretend to be dead!”

“ah ha ha Sorry, Senior Deidara, this guy’s Body Flicker Jutsu is too fast, I didn’t react!” Tobi quickly got up, patted the dirt on his body, sorry Scratched his head.

Sasuke glanced at Tobi in surprise, but the main focus was still on Deidara on the tree. He felt that the guy on the tree was the enemy.

“Feel the art!” Deidara took out his hand from the Ninja Tool Pouch and threw it at Sasuke, “C1!”

Dozens of clay spiders moved towards Sasuke jumped go with.

“What is this?” With a light swipe of the Kusanagi sword in Sasuke’s hand, he struck a clay spider.

Boom! Although it was only a slight explosion, the airflow from the explosion pushed Sasuke several meters away.

“This thing will explode?” Sasuke’s expression became serious, and he immediately opened Sharingan, “There is Chakra in these clays! It seems that the explosion can be controlled.”

“Lightning -Style: Chidori Chidori!” Sasuke raised hand, many Chakra needles with Lightning Attribute were projected out, shooting down clay spiders in the sky, and hitting some clay spiders to Tobi underfoot.

Just as Deidara was about to detonate, a discordant voice came.

“Wait senior! Don’t Hah!” Tobi yelled. Because some clay spiders were nailed to his underfoot, Deidara gave him a white look and had to give up detonating.

“En?! Where is Uchiha Sasuke?” Deidara turned her head and suddenly found that Sasuke had disappeared. She reacted fiercely and immediately turned her head back, “Not good!”

Sizzle! The Kusanagi sword in Sasuke’s hand, wrapped around the lightning, scratched Deidara’s shoulder, and Deidara was able to escape to Tobi’s side.

“Ah, Deidara, you were almost killed.” Tobi Yin-Yang said strangely.

“Tobi, shut up!” Deidara scolded angrily, then pulled out a large piece of clay from the Ninja Tool Pouch and threw it into his mouth to chew.

“En? Senior Deidara, do you want to use that move?” Tobi curiously asked.

“Well, C2!…vomit…” Deidara nodded, and then spit out the clay. The clay that fell on the ground seemed to have life, and became a giant dragon, and from the giant dragon tail section , And dropped a lot of **like things, “Tobi! I leave it to you!”

“Okay! Deidara-senpai, wait for you! These ** are handed over to me!” Tobi picked up **, ran into the woods on one side.

“This dragon…is it ***…” Sasuke stared at the giant dragon in front of him, as if thinking about something.

“It’s not over yet!” The corners of Deidara’s mouth raised a weird curve, and the giant dragon spit out two Puppet-like people made of explosive clay, and staggered towards Sasuke. I guess Deidara has been partnering with Sasori of the Red Sand for a long time, and got inspiration from Sasori’s Puppet and invented this move.

Sasuke didn’t have the slightest fear, so he swung his sword and slashed up. Puppet was so slow that it was chopped in two at once. But like an earthworm, the Puppet’s body that was chopped in two turned into two brand new Puppets, only slightly smaller.

Sasuke did not hesitate, and continued to use his sword to chop the clay Puppet. As the clay Puppet continues to change his body, the number of clay Puppets is also increasing.

Sasuke is caught in a hard fight…

“To be honest, Deidara’s abilities are very practical, no wonder Akatsuki will let Itachi take the initiative to subdue him.” I drove through, hiding It was secretly observed in a tree in the distance, “However, it is a pity that Deidara not only lost to the attribute restraint of Leiketu, but also lost to Sasuke’s Protagonist aura.”

Because Obito is there Pretending to be crazy and stupid, so I dare not make a move for now, just waiting for the opportunity. With my current strength, there is no way to take Obito, so there is no need to deal with him. Another reason is that I want to make history follow the original trajectory as much as possible, and don’t deviate too much.

Anyway, the outcome of this battle is doomed. Sasuke will defeat Deidara and get tempered. Therefore, I didn’t take action even more, as long as Deidara is about to die, I can make a knife.

However, after Deidara let Tobi escape, he started using C4 Garuda.

This time, I have to take action.

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