looked that I solved Deidara so peacefully, Sasuke was stunned and at a loss.

I pulled out the double swords inserted on the ground and walked slowly towards Sasuke, expressionless.

Seeing me walking towards him, Sasuke’s expression immediately became serious. He immediately used Chidori and pointed at me: “Although I know I am not Kurone teacher’s opponent, but if Kurone teacher If you want to take me back, then I will fight you desperately, and I will never return to Konoha!”

“Hello, do it yourself.” I threw the Kusanagi sword to him, and Qingfeng scabbed it, thoughts move, left here, leaving only Sasuke with a confused face in place, not knowing what to do.

Sasuke was released, and the plan to find Sasuke naturally went bankrupt. Everyone finally found traces of the battle between Sasuke and Deidara in the woods, and returned to Konoha disappointedly.


“There seems to be nothing major in recent months.” I tore off the calendar at random and looked at the next few days, except for four days later. Apart from the spectacle of the Golden Ring solar eclipse, there is no other special place. Naruto World is not a backward and ignorant place. Everyone does not have any special opinions on solar eclipses, but it is a rare astronomical phenomenon that’s all. At most, there are individual cults and the heretical path of the devils. , Mess up.

According to my notes, the only big thing next is that Jiraiya scouts Hidden Rain Village a few months later and is killed by Pain.

Hidden Rain Village as early as eight years ago, because of the heaven-shaking, earth-shattering battle between me and Pain, it was finally destroyed by that move that I used to open eight gates, but After so many years, Hidden Rain Village has long been restored to its original scale. After all, Akatsuki’s financial resources are not covered.

To be honest, I really want to save Jiraiya, and with my current strength, although I am still a little reluctant to deal with Pain, if I plan carefully, I will save Jiraiya and retreat from the whole body. Despite being suppressed by a part of my strength, my strength has now reached Kage Level, which is slightly stronger than when I fought against Pain.

However, if Jiraiya is rescued by me, the trajectory of history will definitely be greatly affected. Even if the Mian Lingguan does not trouble me, he will take some measures and it is very likely that Jiraiya will die. Elsewhere. However, I am not going to give up Jiraiya. Even if it will change the trajectory of history, I have to try my best. At worst, let him die by fraud, and then I will discuss it with the face official.

“This is the case for the time being, it’s really a headache.” I rubbed the temple and vomited one mouthful of impure air, no longer thinking about Jiraiya.

During dinner, Kakashi told me some trivial things, such as the disappearance of several Kekkei Genkai ninja mysterious in other Ninja Village, and Naruto and Sai who were injured and hospitalized during the mission today. And so on.

“Naruto and Sai were injured?” I asked while eating, but for a ninja, mission injury is also a common occurrence, “Is it serious?”

” It shouldn’t be a big problem. It’s just this superficial wound. It’s fine after a few days in the hospital. Naruto, as you know, is very resilient.” Kakashi said with a smile, “Tomorrow, let’s go to the hospital to visit them.”


“Okay.” I’m nodded.

In the early morning of 2nd day, I waited for Kakashi in the living room early. I just don’t know why. Kakashi, who usually wakes up very early, has not yet gotten up today. This is not his style. By convention, Kakashi got up as soon as Mengliang was going to train or execute a mission. It was him who often came to call me to get up.

“Is it because I was too tired to perform the mission recently. I shouldn’t. Kakashi doesn’t seem to have been in the mission for the last two days.” As I was thinking, the door of Kakashi’s room opened, and his face was solemn. Walking out, the exposed right eye was full of dark circles.

“What’s the matter with you?” I immediately came to him and asked with concern, “How did you become like this? You…have not slept all night?”

Kakashi didn’t speak, just nodded.

“What’s the matter? You won’t watch “Icha Icha Paradise” all night, right?” I smiled and jokingly said, but noticed that Kakashi’s solemn expression was not stretched by my jokes. I immediately frowned and asked, “What’s the matter? You’ve never been like this for so many years.”

“It’s okay, just didn’t sleep well.” Kakashi bowed his hand, reluctantly He squeezed a smile and said, “Sorry for keeping you waiting, let’s go.”

“Okay.” I didn’t think too much about Kakashi’s anomaly, probably Kakashi thought about it. What kind of sad things are unavoidable. When I think of Xiaoxue, it will be very low.

When I went out, I was about to use Flying Thunder God Jutsu to go to the hospital, Kakashi suddenly said to me: “I suddenly remembered something, I want to report to Lord Hokage. Kurone, you first Go to the hospital, I’ll look for you in a while.”

“Okay.” I didn’t think too much about Kakashi’s abnormal behavior, so I watched him moved towards the other direction. Then I thought about moving and came to the hospital in Konoha, and soon found the wards of Naruto and Sai.

Naruto and Sai seem to have just been cleaned up by Sakura, with big bags on their heads. Seeing me coming, Naruto came to me happily. As for Sai, he smiled and lay in a daze on the bed.

“Ah yeah, Kurone teacher, you can count as visiting me. I’m going to be moldy in this hospital. Obviously it’s all well, Sakura still won’t let me out.” I firstly, Naruto is like Just like opening the chatterbox, complaining to me endlessly.

Until Kakashi came, Naruto stopped complaining and turned to Kakashi: “Ha, Kakashi teacher, you are here too!”

“Un.” Kakashi’s eyes were bent into crescents. , Smiled and said, “I know you’re bored, I brought some gifts for you both.”

Speaking, he handed Saai a book, and I glanced at it, it should be A version of “Icha Icha Paradise”. Sai smiled and took it, and began to look down.

“Kakashi teacher, what about mine?” Naruto showed a look of anticipation.

Kakashi took out a ring box-like thing from his pocket and handed it to Naruto.

“What is this?” Naruto opened the box excitedly, and I stretched out my head curiously.

There is no ring in the ring box. What lies inside is a pair of bells and a pair of squashed bells.

“The bell?” Naruto picked it up in confusion, and asked, “Isn’t this the bell we grabbed back then? Why is it broken? Kakashi teacher, why did you give him to me?”

“Ah, I accidentally broke it, so I want to ask you to fix it.” Although smiling, Kakashi has a strange expression, “Okay, I’m leaving now.”

“Kakashi teacher, can you fix it yourself, what are you doing for me?” Naruto looked towards Kakashi reluctantly, but Kakashi had already reached the door, so he had to put the bell away.

“Then, goodbye.” Kakashi smiled and waved, then left straight away.

“Something is wrong, there must be something in it.” I stared at the back of Kakashi’s departure, thinking hard, “What the hell is it?”

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