“Mangekyo Sharingan ……open!” Itachi’s eyes opened and closed, and the original three-tomoe quickly fuse together and turned into a dart-like shape.

In the dark basement, the two pairs of Mangekyo Sharingan looked at each other tightly, trying to find the weak spot on each other.

“I will try my best to fight for a while, someone is watching…” Itachi’s lips squirmed slightly, and he used his lips to convey a message to me, “It’s definitely in the dark…”

“No problem, let’s compare Taijutsu first!” I nodded and punched it.

hua! My this fist is very powerful, if it is Guy, it will definitely be received, but Italy is not strong enough, and it will definitely suffer if it is firmly received. So he chose to dodge, and used a clever and brisk way to constantly resolve my attacks.

Although Itachi is seriously ill and very poor, Taijutsu is not his weakness. When I didn’t open Eight-Inner Gates, every attack was used by Itachi. The way is resolved. However, Itachi didn’t have any more energy to attack me, so he could only defend passively until the physical strength was exhausted.

Finally, the clock passed, and I fought Itachi for more than fifty rounds. Itachi finally couldn’t hold it anymore, and I punched it in the chest. It’s just that my fist stopped a few inches in front of Itachi’s chest, and a skeleton shining with fiery-red rays of light blocked all my attacks. Naturally, I don’t have the strength of Tsunade and Raikage. It is impossible to penetrate Susanoo by relying on fist. So I immediately jumped dozens of steps later to keep a distance from Susanoo of Itachi.

“I didn’t expect the Taijutsu of the Kurone big brother to be so sharp. My sick body can’t stand it!” Itachi covered his mouth and coughed a few times, showing a reluctant smile, “Taijutsu said to me. As for Genjutsu, there is no need for competition. For Ninjutsu, I know that Kurone big brother you are the Ninjutsu Grandmaster, and I can worship the losing end. Then let’s compare Dojutsu and see if Sharingan can play in the hands of Kurone big brother. What a formidable power.”

“Kurone big brother! Take it!” Itachi waved Susanoo’s fist and hit me with a punch.

“I want to see too.” The corners of my mouth raised a strange arc, and the snow-white skeleton instantly enveloped my body, and then, it was like a drop of black ink falling into clear water , The snow-white skeleton quickly changed color, emitting black rays of light, “Susanoo!”

Boom! I also slammed a punch and collided with Itachi’s fist.

Om……ka-cha ……ka-cha ……

The huge impact caused by the Susanoo collision shattered the surrounding walls, and my tympanic membrane hurt.

“Go out and fight, I think this place is about to collapse.” I looked up at the cracked ceiling and said to Itachi.

Itachi nodded, raised his hand to break the ceiling and jumped out, and I followed closely behind.

Boom! boom! boom! Two Susanoos, one red and one black, are constantly confronting each other. Although on the surface there is no difference between the winner and the loser, I already know it in my heart. If I continue to fight, I will definitely lose.

Like the Ultraman flashing red, my Chakra is severely deficient, and Susanoo is about to disappear. Although Sharingan has no obvious rejection reaction in me, I am not from Uchiha Clan after all, and Chakra consumes faster.

If Uchiha Clan’s consumption of Sharingan is 1 times, then Kakashi is 10 times, and mine is 3-5 times.

“Amaterasu!” Itachi also seemed to see my dilemma, and Amaterasu burned above my Susanoo.

If Chakra is sufficient, then the recovery speed of my Susanoo can be faster than the burning speed of Amaterasu, but now, I either disarm Susanoo, or wait for the entire must be burned by the raging flames of Amaterasu . In desperation, I had no choice but to remove the musts, and with the removal of the musts, Amaterasu also disappeared.

“It seems that this time, I am slightly better.” Itachi wiped the blood from his eye sockets, and said with a smile, “I don’t have much Chakra left. It’s a narrow win. .”

“Who said Mangekyo Dojutsu, only must have done it?” My mouth raised a strange arc, Mangekyo turned quickly, “Weeping!”

“What?!” Itachi took a subconscious step back and stared at me closely, “It seems that I am careless.”

At this time, Itachi’s top of the head was floating with snow, like winter . But what is peculiar is that this snowflake is actually light blue.

“This is Koyuki’s Dojutsu-Weeping Ze? I don’t know what the effect is.” Gazed Itachi top of the head The snowflakes falling slowly, I couldn’t help but shocked, “What a beautiful snow, light The blue snowflakes are like the two strands of light blue beside the cheeks mixed in the little snow-white long hair, quiet and cold.”

“This technique…should be auxiliary. Quality Ninjutsu, right? It doesn’t seem to have any formidable power?” Itachi subconscious extends the hand to pick up the falling snow, “Should it not pose a threat to Susanoo?”

His… just like snowflakes When it fell on Susanoo, it immediately corroded Susanoo’s skeleton, and the fiery-red skeleton was covered by light blue snowflakes, appearing on the verge of collapse.

“Not good! This snow is not only extremely corrosive, but it can also devour Chakra!” Itachi frowned. If this goes on, he is the one who loses, “No! Can’t be here! Stay in the snow!”

But no matter how Itachi moves or attacks, the snowflakes on the top of the head are like spotting him, constantly falling and corroding Susanoo.

“As expected, Mangekyo Dojutsu, none of them are furnishings, all of which are extremely powerful. Although weeping this move, it fits Koyuki’s kind-hearted character very well, it seems harmless to humans and animals. It’s beautiful, but if you despise it, you will have to pay a heavy price.”

Just as Susanoo of Itachi was about to be broken, there was a sudden pain in my eyes, and blood poured out.

“wu!” I covered my eyes and knelt down, trying to relieve the pain with Medical-Ninjutsu.

“I’m saved.” The snow on Itachi top of the head disappeared. He relieved Susanoo at once, walked slowly to my side, and pulled me up.

“It seems that you are better at Itachi.” I felt that my eyesight had dropped a little bit, and it was a bit ghosted by Itachi, “I still lost.”

“Every other.” Itachi laughed and turned his head in the other direction, “You are not from Uchiha Clan. It is amazing to be able to do this.”

I think Itachi is a little absent-minded, So I also moved towards Itachi and looked in the direction of his gaze. In the distance, a youngster with a long sword and awesome boom was moving towards us.

“Kurone, you go first, my stupid younger brother is here.”

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