“Isn’t it? Sasuke is belching????” I looked at it in confusion, “No, I remember not acting like this, Sasuke seems to have escaped by some means It’s gone.”

The gazed burned Sasuke, Itachi was expressionless, as if it was not his younger brother who was burned to death. Looking at Itachi’s expression, I knew that Sasuke must have escaped underground through Golden Cicada shelling method like Orochimaru, leaving a fake body, pretending to be burned. To be honest, Sasuke’s method is also very difficult to deal with, but in front of Itachi, it is really tender.

“Is it burned to death?” Itachi walked slowly to the burned Sasuke, lost in thought, “This is troublesome, my eyes are out of reach, my stupid younger brother.”

Suddenly, the ground of the Itachi underfoot split instantly, and Sasuke sprang out.

“Lion play!” Sasuke kicked Itachi with a roundabout kick, trying to kick Itachi into the sky, and then make a combo.

Unexpectedly, Itachi grabbed the leg and threw it out. Sasuke lost his balance for a while, was hit with a set of Military Fitness Boxing by Itachi, and was kicked in the sky again.

“Um…” In Sasuke in the sky, he swung around and punched at Itachi’s temple, but Itachi grabbed his arm instead. Itachi used Sasuke’s arm as a fulcrum, a side flip body stuck Sasuke’s neck with his foot, and used his weight to force Sasuke to fall to the ground.

“Cross solid!” I immediately recognized the style used by Itachi, and couldn’t help laughing. “I didn’t expect Itachi to secretly learn my locking and anti-joint fighting skills. No wonder Taijutsu has improved. So many.”

The so-called cross-fixing is a kind of locking technique, which is mainly manifested as the active side and the passive side’s body cross in a cross shape. The active side’s two legs are on the passive side’s neck. With the chest, make one arm of the passive team go through the crotch of the active team, and the active team uses both hands to press the passive team’s arm against the chest and straddle it hard to make the passive team yield. This is a locking technique to control the enemy. , Very powerful, I used this move to defeat Guy who opened three gates.

“Sasuke is restrained by this move. Unless Chidori is used to flow all over the whole body, it will be difficult to escape, but Itachi It shouldn’t be is just as simple as locking Sasuke.” I squinted. Keep an eye on the reactions of Itachi and Sasuke.

Just as expected, before Sasuke could use Chidori flow, Itachi immediately exerted force, twisted Sasuke’s arm and then quickly backed more than ten meters, and Sasuke’s Chidori flow was then covered with whole body It was just a step late, and it did not attack Itachi.

“It’s dislocated…” Sasuke gritted his teeth and reset his arm, then looked at Itachi in a complex mood, and said, “This move is Kurone teacher’s Taijutsu, but I didn’t have time to learn it.”

“Don’t worry, you will have a chance to learn.” Itachi whispered.

“What did you say?” Sasuke asked suspiciously, then looked at the clouded sky impatiently, “Forget it, it’s not a good thing anyway.”

Very well. Unfortunately, Sasuke did not hear what Itachi said, but I heard it perfectly clear.

“Okay, it’s over.” Sasuke moved his arm and jumped onto a high rock, looking down at Itachi.

The dark clouds of the sky in the sky are getting thicker and thicker, and they start to rub together, producing lightning.

“Is the Great Fireball just for this foreshadowing?” I suddenly realized, “So that means…Sasuke will use…Qilin?”

Although Itachi I don’t know what Sasuke is going to do, but from Sasuke’s performance, it can be judged that Sasuke is going to use some kind of big trick, and this is also Sasuke’s last trump card, S-Rank Ninjutsu, Lightning-Style · Qilin.

“There is no way to dodge this move, Itachi, realize it! Repent!” As Sasuke raised his hand, the lightning in the clouds slowly gathered on his top of the head, and Sasuke again Chidori was used to drain the flow and aimed at Itachi below, “Lightning-Style · Qilin!!!”

Sasuke waved his hand, and the huge lightning Qilin moved towards Itachi galloping away, unstoppable…………

In order to use this move, Sasuke did a great foreshadowing. First of all, it used Fire-Style · Great Fireball Jutsu to increase the temperature of the surrounding air rapidly, thereby generating rising airflow, and the rising airflow generated product Nimbus, eventually cumulonimbus cloud produces lightning. Then Sasuke applied Lightning to Shape Transformation, turning it into the shape of Qilin and leading it to Itachi through Chidori in his hand, instantly petrify the rock to ashes, and Itachi had no room to escape.

Speaking of which, in the battle with Fourth-Kage Mizukage Yagura twelve years ago, I also used this move. At that time, I first created the cumulonimbus cloud with Lan Dun·Thundercloud Cavity Wave, and then took the opportunity of being hit in the sky by Yagura, I used Lightning-Style·Qilin, and made draw with Yagura’s small Tailed Beast Ball. , Both of them were overturned by the shock wave. Fortunately, Sasuke was still young and Itachi did not participate in the battle, so no one saw it, otherwise it would be embarrassing now.

The advantages of this Jutsu are obvious, wide range, high attack power, low Chakra consumption (just using the lightning of nature) and the speed is too fast to avoid. But the weakness is also obvious. It needs the help of natural weather (you can also make it yourself, but you need a very powerful Fire-Style shot to the cloud), and you must use Sharingan to see the speed and flow of the lightning, so as not to hit yourself when using it. Speaking of which I also got red eyes back then, because there was no Sharingan, and I didn’t even care about whether the lightning would hit me or not, so I used Qilin directly. But luck is also really good, did not shoot himself in the foot.

Although it is said that this move is impossible to hide, it is not enough for Itachi, who has Mangekyo Sharingan turned on.

The moment the dazzling lightning hits Itachi, the fiery-red skeleton envelops Itachi…

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