“……” everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and I smiled at each other in blank dismay.

“It seems…it’s a good way.” Takamatsuhara said with a bitter smile, “We thought too complicated.”

“Well, Lee, you fucking can What a genius…” I also said with a bitter smile.

“haha, everyone praised.” Lee scratched his head sorry.

bang! After detonating hundreds of Explosive Tags, the stone gate was finally blown up, and the long-dusty Earth Palace also revealed its true colors. Looking inward from the door, the dark Earth Palace is not inside. Know how many secrets are hidden, waiting for us to dig.

“tsk tsk, what smell.” Tiantian, who was near the door, covered his nose in disgust, “a rancid smell.”

“It is indeed a bit, this Earth Palace is too closed. For a long time, there is no air circulation to the outside world, so a lot of harmful gases have been accumulated. Fortunately, it is dry and the smell is not too heavy. Let’s wait for the air to circulate for a while before going in.” I waved my hand and asked gently I asked about the air coming out of the Earth Palace. It’s acceptable, but it doesn’t smell good. “I think the inside of the Earth Palace should be quite narrow. We shouldn’t have too many people going in. Just three or four. Just me, Takamatsuhara, and Yamato. Let’s have Neji. Other people are preparing to respond. Go in and remember not to light an open flame. I’m afraid there are some flammable gases like hydrogen sulfide in it, which may cause an explosion.”

The reason why I chose this There are reasons for several people, because Guy and Lee are too impatient, they are likely to accidentally trigger the mechanism inside, and every day is a girl, it is inconvenient to get in here. Neji has Byakugan, which can see through the passages and organs inside. Yamato knows Wood-Style. If the inside suddenly collapses or we accidentally trigger the mechanism, we can immediately defend. As for Takamatsuhara, although I don’t know what his skills are, since he is from Hidden Sand and the Captain of the search force, naturally he should be allowed in with him. Kankuro is a Puppeteer, and it doesn’t help to go in, so I won’t take him.

“Ah, can’t I go in? What a pity!” The curious expression on Lee’s face slowly disappeared, revealing a disappointed look.

“Although I am also very curious about what is inside, since Kurone has decided so, he must have his ideas, so we can respond outside! This is also a kind of patient training! Lee!” Ah Guy patted Lee’s shoulder, encouraging, “This is Power of Youth!”

“Yes! Guy teacher!” Sparks appeared in Lee’s eyes.

“I really can’t stand these two guys!” Tian Tian made a smiling face with a smile, then walked to the side of the rock and sat down.

“Okay, I think it’s almost done, let’s go in.” I laughed, and then took the lead and walked into the Earth Palace. It was so dark inside, and I couldn’t see anything. “There is not much light inside. Okay, let’s do this. Since you can’t order torch, let’s rely on Neji’s Byakugan and my Sharingan to find the way, Yamato, Takamatsuhara, you two follow me behind.”

“Don’t waste Chakra , I brought a miniature flashlight.” Takamatsuhara smirked and took out four pencil-length flashlights from the Ninja Tool Pouch and gave them to us.

“Oh.” I took the flashlight blankly, then pressed the switch, a bright beam of light immediately illuminates a lot of places, “Hey don’t say it, this thing is really good .”

I didn’t expect Naruto World to have something like a flashlight like my original world. The technology of this world is really strange.

Four beams of light immediately dignified the entire Earth Palace, and at the same time we can see the whole picture of the Earth Palace: This Earth Palace is a room of ten meters by ten meters, and the floor is about four from the ceiling. Around meters, the materials used are some common stones in the desert, and the style is like the architecture of the Roran tribe. It’s called Earth Palace, but it’s probably more appropriate to call it a basement, and it’s empty, with nothing but sand and stones.

“No way, this Earth Palace… is that all? Nothing…” I shrugged, some not knowing what to do, “Neji, you use Byakugan to see if there is anything Mezzanine, secret roads and the like, but watch out for traps.”

“Here!” As we said, Neji led us to a place close to the Earth Palace, and this wall suddenly appeared. A stone gate said, “The squash field in this Earth Palace is not right. My Byakugan was disturbed, but I can see that there is still space behind this stone gate.”

“Is there another stone gate?” There won’t be another stone… Then you have to find an Explosive Tag to blow it up…” I looked at the stone gate in front of me a little annoyed, and found that this stone gate is much smaller than the one outside, and it doesn’t look too thick. , So I tried to push it.

Squeak… The stone gate was pushed open unexpectedly, and unlike the two-page stone gate outside, this is a revolving door.

“Fuck! I can push open!” In order to avoid any mechanism, I opened the Sharingan, and then quickly walked in. Because the stone gate has elasticity, the door should return when I let go. So I waited until everyone came in before letting go.

bang! The rotating stone gate closed again, and I tried to push it again, but I couldn’t open it anymore.

“The design of this door is really insidious, there is no exit, do you want to trap us all in it?” I laughed embarrassedly, and everyone didn’t care. Maybe this stone gate can It is obviously impossible to trap the ordinary person, but to trap four Jonins, besides, I will still be Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

“This room…how does it seem to be exactly the same as the one just now…” Takamatsuhara said in surprise, “Look, there is a stone gate here!”

“Indeed, there is nothing in this room.” Yamato looked at the rough wall, lost in thought.

“Behind this daoist sect, there is another room.” Neji frowns said.

“Isn’t it just two or three same rooms, there’s nothing at worst, let’s go down and see what’s inside!” I waved his hand and pushed away each minding their own business Another stone gate, walked in, “No, it’s another empty room…”

“And this stone gate…” Another stone gate on the wall of Yamato patted, helpless Said, “I really don’t understand what the people who repaired this Earth Palace think, why do so many empty rooms!”

“Behind this stone gate…there is still a room…” Neji continued. .

“Keep going inside! I don’t believe it! He can still repair a hundred or eighty in this empty room?” Then, I speeded up my pace, pushed open the stone gate again, and walked in. ……

In this way, after running for more than an hour, I can’t count how many rooms I have passed through. Everyone finally couldn’t bear it.

“Should we not be in Genjutsu, right?” Takamatsuhara said, “In fact, we have been spinning around in several rooms?”

“Impossible is Genjutsu.” I Glance at each other with Yamato, frowned together, looked towards another stone gate, “This Earth Palace is really weird.”

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