“I’ll go back with you, Kurone big brother.” Yamato pondered and said, “My Wood-Style has a restraint effect on Nine-Tails, and it can help control Naruto, you I’m afraid of being alone…”

“Then I ask you, can you control the Naruto of Nine-Tails to Eight-Tails, Yamato?” I don’t look down on Yamato’s Wood-Style, but now In the situation, Yamato’s strength is no longer helpful, even more how, no help is needed.

“I…” Yamato was speechless for a while.

“Okay, have confidence in me, Yamato. Although my Wood-Style may not be as good as yours, but facing Nine-Tails, unless it is Wood-Style at the level of First Hokage, there is no Anything, so it’s safer for me to go back alone.” I waved his hand, patted Yamato’s shoulder, and said with a slight smile to him, “After all, I’m your old boss, haha.”

“Okay, I won’t insist. Kurone big brother, you have to be careful.” Yamato looked at me worriedly, “Now Lord-Jiraiya has also sacrificed. Konoha’s power has been lost very much. You can No more trouble.”

“Don’t worry, I’m black lightning, haha.” I laughed, “Okay, now I appoint you as Captain to assist Hidden Sand’s people with their work. Then lead the team back to Konoha as soon as possible.”

“Yes!” Yamato was nodded seriously.

When I was preparing to return to Konoha with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, I checked the tens of thousands of Flying Thunder God Jutsu technique formulas left in Konoha, and the smile on my face gradually disappeared.

“It seems that Pain has flattened Konoha…” I clenched the teeth because most of the technique formulas I left in Konoha have disappeared, only some remain in the woods on the edge of the village .

“What’s wrong?” Yamato saw that my expression was a little wrong, and immediately asked.

“It’s okay, I’ll leave it to you here, I’ll go first.” I shake one’s head, thoughts move, and returned to the woods outside Hidden Leaf Village.

“Fuck…” Although I foresee the tragedy of Hidden Leaf Village for a long time, it is quite shocking to see it with my own eyes. Such a big village is like getting a ***, all The buildings and people in the village were shaken to the edge, and there was only a huge “crater” left in the original village.

“This scene is a bit familiar…” I thought that back then, I did something similar in Hidden Rain Village, but I didn’t expect to pay for it. Konoha also suffered such an extinction. I can’t help feeling a lot of emotions, “It’s really a great reincarnation for Deva Path, who is bypassed by the sky…”

“Mangekyo Sharingan!” But now is not the time to be emotional, I have to find Naruto and Nagato quickly, and This matter is over. Because my Sage Mode is all banned, if you want to sense the target, you can only rely on Mangekyo’s eyes-power to find it.

“emmmm seems to be my acting unnecessarily…” Before I could find Naruto’s location, as soon as I looked up, I saw the huge Chibaku Tensei in the sky. I shake one’s head dumbfounded and moved towards Chibaku Tensei, “I should be able to catch up…”

Another side, under Chibaku Tensei, half-armed and barebacked by Nine-Tails. Difficult Deva Path of the situation raised his head and glanced at Chibaku Tensei of the top of the head, and finally relaxed: “It took a little bit, but I finally caught the Nine-Tails. I can finally…”

Suddenly, Deva Path pupils Shrank, saw Naruto hanging upside down on Chibaku Tensei, turn pale with fright: “How is it possible! Nine-Tails escaped from Chibaku Tensei! No…Nine-Tails is gone, Uzumaki Naruto escaped!”

Heaven in the sky, Naruto under Chibaku Tensei suddenly opened his eyes, orange-red Sage eyeshadow appeared, pupils also turned into toad eyes. Chibaku Tensei began to slowly collapse, Naruto stepped on the stone back to the ground and jumped in front of Deva Path.

“It’s almost time to make a decision.” Deva Path said blankly, “Do you feel some pain? If you don’t feel the same pain, you can’t understand others, even if Able to understand, and impossible to be considerate of each other. Just like you are in vain when you chase Sasuke.”

“Take me to your main body, I have something to say directly to him.” Naruto completely remained unmoved, Said seriously.

“Oh? I noticed the main body.” Deva Path flicked his hand, took out a black receiver from his sleeve, and said, “Either Teacher Jiraiya, Hatake Kurone, or you , Konoha’s ninja is still quite capable. But, what I have to say has been said, until now, no matter what you say, everything will not change. Hatake Kurone is not in the village, no one can save you this time.”

“Wait a minute, let me say a few words.”

“Sage Mode, that tricky Chakra shuriken, seems to be able to only use two shots at most. And, if This happens then, and Sage Mode will disappear.” Deva Path shook hands on the black receivers and kept approaching Naruto.

“It seems that I can only fight. Although Kurone teacher is not in the village, I will defeat you with my own strength.” Naruto’s eyes became serious.

“If both shuriken shots are missed, you will lose, and I will not leave you any weak spot. As long as you miss the shots, I will beat you half to death, and then Take away.” Deva Path ran faster and faster, moved towards Naruto and killed it.

“That’s really no way, I’ll find the main body myself.” Naruto arched his body and made a defensive movement.

Boom! boom! Deva Path and Naruto handed over, but Naruto, who turned on Sage Mode, was extremely agile. In addition, Deva Path had just been ravaged by Nine-Tails. In just a few rounds, he broke the black receivers in Deva Path’s hands. Then he kicked it out.

“hmph…” Naruto’s mouth raised a weird curve, and then he inserted black receivers into his shoulder. After a few seconds, Naruto’s eyes noticed the tallest tree in the forest. “I found the main body.”

“damned, I used Sage Mode to counter-detect the main body.” Deva Path struggled to get up and shouted, “It’s useless, you can’t get to the main body. Yes, I will…”

pu! A long sword runs through Deva Path’s chest.

“Oh…” Deva Path vomited a big mouthful of blood and looked back in disbelief, “damned, all the attention is on Naruto, when is this guy…”

“It’s over.” I raised my left hand blankly and quickly hand-seal, “Magnet-Style · Permanent Degaussing Technique.”

With a buzzing sound, Rinnegan of Deva Path disappeared. It turned into black pupils, and the whole body fell to the ground like mud, completely devoid of vitality.

“Kurone teacher? Are you not in the village? When…come here…” Naruto ran over excitedly, lowered his head and said, “The whole village is…Kakashi teacher Also…”

“I’m all understood, don’t worry, everyone will be fine.” I smiled on Patted Naruto’s shoulder and encouraged, “The battle is not over yet, let me see your training Sage The results of Mode, take me to Pain main body.”

“good!” Naruto raised his head, his face full of confidence, he pointed his finger and said, “I just used Sage Mode. Sense, the Chakra that controls Pain came from the tallest tree.”

“Well, that location is very convenient for transmitting signals.” I turned my head and stared at the tallest tree, the corner of my mouth. A weird arc was raised, and there happened to be the Flying Thunder God Jutsu technique formula I set up before, “Let’s go!”

thoughts move, Naruto and I appeared in the big tree in an instant. next to.

“This is Father’s Flying Thunder God Jutsu, it’s amazing, but unfortunately I can’t learn it.” Seeing the sudden change of scenes, Naruto’s eyes exuded rays of light, but it dimmed again .

“The ruler is longer and the inch is shorter. This Jutsu may not be suitable for you, but, haven’t you played Rasengan vividly and thoroughly? Teacher Minato must be very proud.” I smiled and shake one’s head, said, “Besides, you have just met each other, haven’t you?”

“Kurone teacher, how do you know…” Naruto was taken aback.

“Friends outside, now that you are here, come in and talk.” A hoarse and low call came from the tree trunk.

“Of course.” I swung my sword open the tree trunk and walked in with Naruto. The space in the tree is very large. Nagato is sitting in a strange wheelchair with Konan standing next to him. Both of them looked at me nervously.

“Oh, long time no see, Nagato.” The corners of my mouth raised slightly, “You are more vicissitudes.”

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