“Yes, in that battle, my companions, including Kakashi’s mother, used their lives as a cover to cover me and create opportunities for me to succeed. Killed the enemy’s Puppet Brigade’s Captain, thus achieving an overwhelming victory for the entire battle situation.” White Fang sighed, with a sad expression on his face, “From then on, I realized that companions are as important as missions. It’s just that I realized that. It’s too late. For this victory, I paid such a high price, and Kakashi had no mother when he was born. In the end, I only lost the name of Konoha’s White Fang that’s all.”

“Then Uncle Sakumo, where did your Hokage armband come from? Can you tell me its story?” Seeing White Fang’s sad expression on his face, I immediately changed the subject.

“This armband, you can give it to you if you like it.” White Fang shakes one’s head, handed the armband to my hand, rubbed his hands, and continued, “speaking of which, and then I Much of what happened to him was due to this armband, and it even indirectly caused my death.”

I took the armband and looked at it carefully: This armband is about 20 centimeters long. It is looser, with fiery-red wave patterns embroidered on the cuffs, and in the middle of the armband is a huge “fire” character. Although the pattern on the entire armband is very simple, it is enough to see its status. It is completely a reduced-version Hokage trench coat. More precisely, it is almost exactly the same as the sleeve of the Hokage trench coat.

“That war not only made me mega-shock Ninja World, but I also made great achievements for Konoha. It just so happened that Third Hokage at the time had already had some retiring intentions and was ready to let the virtuous. I was unfathomable mystery. He entered the position of Hokage candidate. There were not many Hokage candidates in the village at the time. Although Third Hokage’s most optimistic is his discipline Orochimaru, after the Second Shinobi World War, Orochimaru has become like a person, crazy research Various Forbidden Jutsu, even someone said that he caught living people for experimentation, Orochimaru was also under surveillance. Later I heard about it after spending a long time in Anbu. He researched and defied, defected, and almost hurt Kakashi. For this reason, I followed him for a long time. In the end, the spiritual official stopped me and warned me not to do anything that would affect the trajectory of history. Only when Kakashi had an accident, he allowed me to rescue him, but he could not reveal my current situation. , So this is why I will communicate with Kakashi in a state that looks like a soul in this Pain incident. In fact, this is just my Genjutsu that’s all that I performed on Kakashi.”

“It turned out to be like this, I used to listen to it. As I said, the eight-color red sunset of Konoha is the same as you. The father of Kurenai Yuhi, Yuhi Senior Shinku, and Kurama Yakumo of Kurama Clan are called the two strongest Konoha Genjutsu people. Their Genjutsu is even Uchiha Clan’s Genjutsu expert You can’t crack it, only Uncle Sakumo, you have cracked it. Sure enough, your Genjutsu attainments are also very powerful.” When it comes to this, I can’t help but give a thumbs up.

“I think you are mistaken about this. Genjutsu attainments are not directly related to the ability to crack Genjutsu. To use powerful Genjutsu requires very powerful Yin Attribute Chakra, just like Yuhi clan and Kurama Clan, who are born with Yin Attribute Chakra Rich, so it’s suitable to practice Genjutsu, but Ninjutsu may be a bit unsatisfactory. I later heard that Shinku seemed to have died in the Nine-Tails incident 17 years ago, which is a pity.” White Fang shake one’s head, Explained patiently to me, “The ability to crack Genjutsu is on the contrary, it is related to Yang Attribute Chakra. In theory, the stronger the heart, the more determined, the stronger the spiritual energy of the ninja, the less likely it is to win Genjutsu, even though You can get out of it quickly. By the way, I heard Shisui say, Kurone, you are immune to Genjutsu, right? It means that your Yang Attribute Chakra may be close to the limit.”

“It turned out to be In this way, I seem to have heard Third-Kage talk to me before. It’s been a long time and I have forgotten it. Uncle Sakumo. I remember when you said that.” I said, I scratched my head sorryly, “You continue to say you “It’s okay. You can ask wherever you have any questions. I haven’t communicated with people like this for a long time. Shisui and Shinnosuke are also busy. They are often sent out to maintain various stability by the spiritual officials. We seldom communicate.” White Fang showed a kind smile, patted my shoulder, and continued, “Where did I say it, yes, Fourth Hokage candidate. Orochimaru lost the election because of his own problems. And Tsunade, Because of the death of the sweetheart and younger brother, he was discouraged and left the village. Jiraiya, who did not like to be restrained, left the village immediately after Tsunade left. If this happens then, there are basically not many Hokage candidates. That’s it. Danzo’s political views are different from those of Third-Kage. Third-Kage will naturally not give Hokage to Danzo, and the two high-level consultants of the advisory group are not capable of serving as Hokage. So in the end, according to seniority and ability Come down, I’m the first Its brunt. “

“So this armband is at that time…” I waved his hand, he stopped talking, but was full of curious eyes.

“That’s right, at that time I was selected as a candidate for Fourth Hokage. As long as there are no surprises, I will take office in a few years. And this armband was also thought of by Third-Kage. The newly equipped thing is to show one’s identity, so that it is not easy to be guessed by colleagues. “When mentioned here, White Fang raised a sigh and continued, “It’s just that I didn’t expect…”


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