“En?” Following the direction White Fang pointed out, I turned my head and found Shisui standing behind me sometime, holding his arms and staring at me.

“Shisui? When did you come, why didn’t you call me.” I walked over to Shisui immediately, put my arm around his shoulder, and said, “Last time you walked too much I’m in a hurry, I haven’t had time to have a good chat, this time I must not miss it.”

“Un.” Shisui was slightly nodded, with a calm face and a few smiles.

Seeing Shisui’s calm look, unexpectedly, I didn’t know what to say.

“I really didn’t expect that Mian Lingguan would bring you here. It seems that Kurone big brother, you are indeed not an average person.” Shisui gazed me, I said thoughtfully. “Yeah, Anbu, Anbu…an… isn’t it just the word Kurone when it’s taken apart? I don’t know if this is just a coincidence, or if there is some connection between the face officer and the Kurone big brother.”

“I don’t know.” I was a little surprised by Shisui’s conjecture, but I really didn’t know anything, so I had to shrugged and said, “About me, I think Xiaoxue should have told you I was not from this world. I just happened to be here. It was Third Hokage who asked me to join Hatake Clan and named me Hatake Kurone.”

Speaking of which…Obbe… Kurone ……Hatake Kurone ……I really want to say that the face officer has nothing to do with me, I don’t believe it myself. However, Anobe, long before I came to this world, already existed. Impossible was established because my name is Hatake Kurone. So, does the origin of my name have something to do with the dark part of the Mian Lingguan? This is really possible. Think about it carefully. At that time, Third Hokage didn’t do much verification after listening to what I said, so he chose to trust me, and even gave me a lot of trust and expectations. This is very abnormal. Even if Third Hokage is very kind and kind, as the head of a village, facing a stranger who suddenly appeared, it is absolutely impossible to let him integrate into the village so hastily, and even personally arrange a fake identity and name. Then the situation at that time is worth pondering. It is very likely that the official Mian Ling took the initiative. For some reason (such as the request of Officer Lei Ling), he controlled the thinking of the majority of people in the village including Third Hokage and quickly accepted it. Has gained my identity and regarded me as a member of the village. To change the will of others, this effect can almost be achieved by Shisui’s Kotoamatsukami, let alone reach a semi-God Level other Mian Lingguan. According to the situation at the time and my reasoning, the name Hatake Kurone was probably named by the Mian Lingguan based on the name of Anbu and spoke it through the mouth of Third Hokage. That’s why he told me that it’s meddlesome. Even brought me to such a top secret place. However, I didn’t bother to ask the Mian Lingguan any more. There was not much careless righteousness, and I just knew it in my heart.

“Forget it, let this matter end here.” Shisui shake one’s head expressionlessly, and said, “Anyway, my elder sister and I are already dead. Let’s learn about it again. It doesn’t make much sense.”

“Sorry, I failed to protect your elder sister.” Speaking of Xiaoxue, my expression became serious again. Her death is a pain that I cannot erase in my life.

“Don’t blame you, I was already in Nabe at the time, so I still know about you and elder sister.” Shisui patted my shoulder and said, “You were trapped in place at the time. On the edge of the face, I asked the face spirit officer, he said that people trapped in a place will lose all the cultivation base, the overwhelming majority will not be able to escape, and will be trapped inside forever. It’s a miracle that you can find a way to escape. “It’s a pity.”

“Unfortunately, if I could escape one day earlier, even a few hours earlier, I would have a chance to save Xiaoxue.” I beat my chest regretfully, and then asked, ” But you were already in Anobe at the time. Why didn’t you take action? Is the Mian Lingguan not allowed?”

“Yes, it is reasonable to say that as a member of Anobe, it is possible to have I have the right to save my loved ones. But my elder sister is a bit special because I have some causal relationship with you. If I save it, it will completely change the trajectory of history. Therefore, the Mian Lingguan kept stopping me and did not allow me to take action. My elder sister already-open Mangekyo, the strength is not lower than Kage Level, and the help of Summoned Beast was defeated. And if you, I remember well, your strength at the time should be like Quasi-Kage Level, even if it was advanced It doesn’t make much difference if you arrive. So, this tragedy is doomed and you can’t change it.”

“Don’t worry, when my strength is enough, I will find a way to resurrect Xiaoxue.” Squeezed the fist, his eyes filled with determination.

Looked at my firm expression, Shisui’s Adam’s apple moved. His expression was a bit complicated, but after all, he didn’t speak. I did not continue, but took out a small bottle from the Ninja Tool Pouch, with an eyeball suspended in the nutrient solution.

“These are your eyes, which Itachi entrusted to me before his death. Give it back to you now. There is also one at Danzo’s. I will get it back in a few days.” Pass the small bottle to Shisui.

“Itachi chose this hardest road after all…” Shisui hesitated for a few seconds, then reached out and took the bottle, and said: “Then I will keep it for you for a few days, wait If you get your right eye, I will help you transplant it.”

“Why? Are you not going to change your eyes back?” Although Shisui’s reaction was expected, he saw him see himself There was no fluctuation in her eyes, expression, or even the slightest hesitation. I was still a little surprised.

“I still know a little bit about Mangekyo Sharingan. Only the immediate family of Mangekyo Sharingan can open Eternal Mangekyo after transplantation. If I change my eyes back, what do you do, your eyes I can’t find it anymore. Could it be that the eyes of Transplant Fugaku Clan Leader? That won’t open the Eternal Mangekyo!” Shisui shake one’s head and put away the bottle, “And I, I’m already dead now, there’s no need to change it. Going back to the original eyes, Fugaku Clan Leader’s Mangekyo is also very powerful, enough for me to use. Therefore, you need this pair of eyes more than I do. Before you go blind, you must change it and I will help you.”

“Since you have said it all, no matter how polite I am, I am hypocritical.” After hearing Shisui’s words, I did not hesitate. Nodded said, “Then please, Shisui.”

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