A few days later, during the Five Kages conference, a big news came out: Missing-nin of Konoha, Uchiha Sasuke blatantly attacked Five Kages, causing Land-of-Iron Samurai suffered several casualties and had a huge impact. And just when Uchiha Sasuke lost to Third-Tsuchikage’s Particle-Style, about to be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. A man wearing an Akatsuki wearing an orange-yellow spiral mask suddenly rescued Sasuke, calling himself Uchiha Madara, and asked Five Great Countries to hand over Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails, and announced Fourth Shinobi World War Started, and then left calmly. An even more shocking thing happened. The sixth-generation Hokage Shimura Danzo was revealed to use Genjutsu to control Land-of-Iron Samurai leader Mifune in an attempt to gain command of Allied Shinobi Forces. After the conspiracy was discovered, Danzo flees with his guards…

Because we live next to the Five Kages conference venue, as soon as it happened, Yamato’s inquiries were given to us firsthand. news.

“I didn’t expect Sasuke to do such a thing.” Looking at the smoke billowing venue, Sakura was surprised and fell into thought.

“Danzo is ruined this time.” Kakashi’s expressionless shake one’s head, “How dare you use Genjutsu in front of the other four shadows, it’s blinded by greed.”

“Then what do we do? Are we going to find Sasuke’s traces, or chase Danzo?” Yamato analyzed, “Although Danzo is not authentic, he is still Hokage in name. It is not good for us to stand there. So I suggest we go to Sasuke.”

“I didn’t expect that Tobi turned out to be Uchiha Madara, hidden deep enough, no wonder Kurone couldn’t help him.” Kakashi shake one’s head, said, “Sasuke fell into his hands. I am afraid it is harder to find him than heavenly ascension.”

“Let’s split up, go out and find Sasuke, I’m alone, Kakashi and Sakura are a group, Yamato and Naruto One group, remember, don’t act rashly when you find Sasuke and send me a signal.” I turned to look at Naruto and said seriously, “Especially you, Naruto, don’t try to bring Sasuke back to you alone, don’t Forget, Uchiha…Madara is still with Sasuke.”

“I understand, don’t worry, Kurone teacher.” Naruto was nodded with a rare serious expression.

“So…act.” After speaking, I came to a few kilometers away in a flash.

If I remember correctly, Sasuke and Danzo fought fiercely on a bridge in the original work, so the past few days I secretly searched for the bridge with dozens of kilometers, and finally passed the terrain and Danzo Probably escaped back to the Land of Fire route, determined this place, and secretly arranged a large number of Flying Thunder God Jutsu technique formula nearby.

“Broken Tibetan Bridge…” I said silently, and then laughed blankly, “The name of this bridge is really interesting. Danzo is not wronged here. However, I just shot it directly or observed it secretly. Then I wait for an opportunity to regain Shisui’s eyes…”

“Forget it, let’s go and check it out.” I scratched my head, opened my chakra, hiding my Chakra, and touched it quietly.

Just as expected, Uchiha Sasuke and Danzo have already fought on the bridge, while Karin and the so-called “Uchiha Madara” are standing by and watching the play. As for Danzo’s two subordinates, Aburame took the roots and the mountains, it is estimated that they have been taken into the Kamui space.

clang! Sasuke’s Kusanagi sword and Danzo’s kunai collided heavily, and both of them retreated…

“Wind-Style ·Vacuum Sphere!” Danzo sucked sharply Qi, several high-pressure air bombs were spit out in succession.

shua~ shua~ shua~! With Sharingan’s Clear Sight Ability, Sasuke evaded several Vacuum Spheres again and again, and in the end only one Vacuum Sphere wiped his face, leaving a small scratch on Sasuke’s face.

“Ahhh!” Karin yelled, “Sasuke has such a handsome face, it can’t be broken! The damned guy attacked Sasuke’s face, despicable!”

“I Should I help Sasuke or Danzo.” I squatted not far from the bridge and began to think.

If I don’t take action and follow the normal development of original work, the end result is Danzo suicide, Sasuke is slightly injured, and Mangekyo is close to blindness. My Mangekyo is probably not much better than Sasuke, and it is not far from blindness, so the purpose of my trip is to get Shisui’s right eye back. But if Danzo commits suicide, his eyes will also be sealed with Four-Tetragram Seal, which will definitely not work.

If I help Sasuke beat Danzo, it will speed up Danzo’s defeat, but Danzo knows that he can’t win, and it is very likely that he will jump the wall in a hurry. At that time, I still had time to use the Four-Tetragram Seal technique to destroy Danzo. Drop Shisui’s eyes. Moreover, I have to guard against Obito’s sneak attack. Therefore, I can’t shoot directly, unless I can kill Danzo directly. But Danzo also has Kage Level strength anyway, I am not sure of a direct spike.

Then, get rid of all the infeasible course of action, and even if it is illogical, it is the most reasonable course of action. That is, help Danzo, hit Sasuke, and then wait for the opportunity to get Shisui’s eyes. This will not only stabilize Danzo and prevent him from using the Four-Tetragram Seal technique of perish together, but also take the opportunity to deal with Obito.

At this moment, the battle situation suddenly changed and Sasuke, who was forced back by Danzo’s fierce Taijutsu, began to use Susanoo.

“Susanoo!” The purple skeleton wrapped Sasuke and completely blocked Danzo’s attack. Susanoo’s twisted fist hit Danzo’s forehead hard.

bang! Just as the fist of Suzuo was about to blast Danzo’s dog’s head, a black palm caught the purple fist.

“Long time no see, Sasuke.” The corner of my mouth raised a strange arc, appearing in the black beard.

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