whiz whiz whiz! Danzo was stabbed into a hornet’s nest by the sky full of shuriken, and his body was also burning, but his expression was very disdainful.

Shua! I rushed to him and beheaded with a sword.

“Five times, there should be five Sharingan on Danzo’s arm.” I shook Qingfeng and quickly searched all around.

Sasuke killed it once with Amaterasu, I killed it once with Lan Dun, once with Flying Thunder God Jutsu sneak attack, once with Yahata, and now I use shuriken plus Fire-Style to kill again Killed once, five times, and I feel a bit exhausted one’s limited abilities. Now I feel more and more that the practice of the light and spiritual officer is really foresight. I have too little combat experience. No matter how strong the strength is, it is very likely that I will not be able to beat people who are close to me, or even inferior to me. The reason I was able to defeat Pain in the past was entirely because I was too familiar with their abilities, plus countless deductions. If you play on the spot, you don’t know how to die.

Fighting with Raikage and Danzo has taught me a lot of lessons and improved my combat experience. However, thinking of fighting against the experienced Uchiha Madara in the future, I still feel pressured.

Just as I was thinking about it, the resurrected Danzo has slowly touched me.

“Be careful!” Sasuke reminded loudly.

簌! Danzo waved a sharp kunai with Wind Attribute and stabbed me.

“Oops!” I secretly thought a bad sound, Danzo has already posted in front of me, there is no time to wave the Azure Edge Sword to resist, and his kunai has a sharp wind blade, which is also impossible. Grab it by hand.

“Susanoo!” In desperation, I had no choice but to turn on Mangekyo again, blocking some of the bones that had to be made in front of me, and at the same time punched Danzo with my right hand.

Boom! Danzo hit me firmly in the stomach. He groaned and the kunai on his hand was inserted into the bones of the beard. The tip of the kunai even pierced my skin, but fortunately it blocked it.

“Inch punch!” Danzo thought I couldn’t fight back if he was close enough to me, but I didn’t expect my fist to suddenly exert force and push him out with a punch. At the same time, his fingers were fast hand seal.

“Lightning-Style · Green Sharp Gun!” I lifted the Azure Edge Sword and pointed at Danzo. The extended Lightning-Style Chakra, like a long spear, penetrated Danzo’s chest.

“Um…” Danzo vomited a big mouthful of blood and asked laboriously, “What was the name of that move Taijutsu just now? It’s amazing to be able to attack at such a short distance!”

“You have never heard of the inch box in the Chinese martial arts Wing Chun.” I said coldly, and took back the Azure Edge Sword.

“Really? No matter how powerful it is…” Danzo’s mouth raised a strange arc, and his body immediately became illusory.

“hehe.” With a flick of my wrist, I took the Azure Edge Sword back, and then began to alert all around.

I have killed Danzo six times, and I don’t know if Sasuke has launched Genjutsu. I turned my head and looked towards Sasuke, showing a questioning expression. Sasuke nodded gently, and then shook my arm.

“I hope it can be done at one time.” I vomit one mouthful of impure air, ready to win with one blow, “I don’t have much Chakra anymore. It will not be good for me to drag it down.”

“Wind-Style ·Vacuum Great Sphere!” Just as expected, Danzo didn’t know where to jump out and started a sneak attack.

“Lightning-Style · Qingfeng breaks the extreme!”

sou! I hand seal with my left hand, and my right hand immediately threw the Azure Edge Sword moved towards Danzo, entwining the lightning. Azure Edge Sword is no stronghold one cannot overcome. It easily penetrated the Vacuum Great Sphere like lightning and moved towards Danzo’s forehead.

“Are the mountains and rivers exhausted? Even the weapons are thrown out.” Danzo sneered, turning his head to avoid the galloping Azure Edge Sword, the Kunai in his hand slowly condensed on the Chakra of Wind Attribute. Turn into a sharp wind blade.

“Raikiri!” I suddenly appeared from above Qingfeng, holding Raikiri and stabbing towards Danzo.

“I knew you were coming to this set!” Danzo obviously anticipated my method, neither dodge nor dodge, the wind blade stabbed at me impartially.

Although Izanagi can restore Danzo to the starting state every time, his age is there after all, so his own Chakra will not be much, so he will try to minimize the release of Ninjutsu, constantly Use Izanagi to consume opponent, which is why Danzo doesn’t avoid our attacks much. He intends to cause some damage to me every time he consumes a Sharingan, and finally drag me to death.

Looking at the wind blade in Danzo’s hand, my brain started to think quickly, weighing the pros and cons, and considering whether to avoid it. With Flying Thunder God Jutsu, I can completely dodge his attack, but my attack will also fail, and it will be even more difficult to attack Danzo. If I don’t dodge, because I don’t use Thunder clone, my main body will be solidly touched. But Sasuke gave me the signal just now that Danzo has hit his Genjutsu. It is very likely that he has not succeeded in launching Izanagi. I just need to prevent him from hitting my vital point and the battle is over. Obtaining Shisui’s Sharingan at the cost of serious injury is not a loss.

Although that many thoughts flashed through my mind, it was only in the split second that I made a decision and took a gamble.

puci! puci! When Danzo’s wind blade pierced my shoulder, my Raikiri also penetrated his chest.

“It seems that the old man won.” Danzo coughed up his mouth and looked down at the pierced chest, his face suddenly changed, “How…maybe…”

“You hit my Genjutsu.” Sasuke, who was watching the battle from a distance, walked over slowly and began to show off his pretense, “Danzo, your time to die…”

“Genjutsu? …Sure enough…” Danzo shakes one’s head and fell down.

Looked at the fallen Danzo, I always had a bad feeling in my heart, so I secretly pinched a seal, then slowly squatted down, and started to stop the bleeding with Medical-Ninjutsu.

“Finally solved it?” Sasuke relaxed and sat slumped on the ground.

“It should be.” I looked back at Danzo, who was already dead and couldn’t die anymore, so I got up and walked towards Sasuke, “Sasuke, you…”

“Be careful!” Sasuke suddenly jumped up, reminding loudly.

“En?” I turned my head and saw Danzo, who had died, stood up again, waving kunai and stab at me.

“Fuck!” I turned pale with fright, but it was too late to dodge.

puci! kunai pierced through my back heart and pierced my heart.

“Um…” My eyes were black.

PS: Hatake Kurone died again and the whole play ended.

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