“Okay, Hatake Kurone, you know that just an Izanagi and your existing methods can’t help me. And I also admit that without a barrier, I break Not your Flying Thunder God Jutsu.” Obito snorted said, “So, put away your tricks, Sasuke, let’s go.”

“Un.” Sasuke nodded, then glanced at me .

“Sasuke, do it for yourself.” I said blankly.

With a burst of space fluctuations, Obito and Sasuke disappeared in front of me. I heave a long sigh, put away Qingfeng, thoughts move, and came to Izumo corner.

“Um…” Firstly I reached the corner of Izumo, I immediately covered my eyes and knelt down.

I don’t just want to do it quickly when I use Izanagi for Danzo. In fact, my Mangekyo is already overwhelmed, and I might go blind at any time. So I can only take the risk, sacrifice one eye, and quickly solve Danzo. And those words to Obito later are just bluffs, to avoid being seen by him, creating an illusion that I still have the power to fight.

“No, I have to go to Shisui quickly and help me transplant Mangekyo. Once both eyes are blind, my situation will be very dangerous. Obito can kill me at any time.” I thoughts move and said Arrived at Hidden Leaf Village.

The sight of the remaining eye is getting blurred, and blood is constantly flowing out of the eye socket. I know that I will be completely darkened soon.

In order to find Shisui as quickly as possible, I went directly to the food tent and found the Mian Ling officer who was working. Fortunately, it is not a restaurant yet, so there are no outsiders in the tent.

“Quick! Take me to Shisui, my eyes are quick…” I said anxiously, covering my eyes. Before I finished speaking, there was a tingling pain in my eyes, which made me thoroughly I fell into the darkness and lost consciousness.

Some people say that closing the eyes can experience the feeling of blindness in both eyes, but I want to say that this is incorrect. Although I can only see darkness when I close my eyes, there is still some light passing through my eyelids, so I am not blind. In true blindness, the retina can’t feel any light at all, even black can’t be seen, and there is nothing in the sight.

The most intuitive feeling is to close one eye, cover it with your hand, and use the other open eye as a reference, then the sight of the other closed eye is blind. There is no color, not even darkness, only endless void.

I once felt the feeling of blindness for a short time (the battle with Pain, readers who have forgotten can revisit Chapter 100 or so). That feeling makes people very insecure.

“Kurone big brother, wake up!” I don’t know how long I slept, and a familiar voice came into my mind.

“En? Is it Shisui?” I opened my eyes in a daze, only to find that I couldn’t see anything, so I closed my eyes disappointedly, “By the way, I’m blind. “

“Kurone big brother, you use Mangekyo too often, and blindness is inevitable.” Shisui comforted, “Fortunately, you found my eyes, and I will give you the transplant. Go up. When the time comes, you can not only see the light again, but also gain more powerful power. You don’t have to worry about Mangekyo’s blindness anymore.”

“Shisui, thank you.” I don’t know what to do. What I said, I just feel that I owe him too much, “Not only did I fail to protect you, nor did I protect your elder sister, and now I have to rely on you to help me transplant the eyes that originally belonged to you, I am really… what a from The loser of head to tail!”

“Brother-in-law, don’t blame yourself, these are not your faults. I know what you have done for elder sister these years. You have done your best. Me and elder Sister is proud of you. I think if elder sister is alive in the sky, I don’t want you to force yourself so hard.” Shisui shook my hand and said sincerely.

“Okay, Shisui, let’s end here for the past. Blindness will affect the body for too long, so let’s quickly give Kurone anesthesia, and then perform the transplant operation!” White Fang’s voice came from the side.

“Anaesthesia?” Perhaps it is a habit of injury. When I heard the word anesthesia, I felt a little strange.

“Yes, of course it will be anesthetized. That is to have surgery on the eyes, do you have to resist it?” White Fang laughed, “Apart from Senju Clan’s physique, I am afraid that there are no other people. Anesthesia for eye surgery, right?”

Yes, I’m not First Hokage, nor Uchiha Madara with First-Kage cells transplanted, but I don’t have the ability to use my eyes as a USB. Transplant through surgery.

“Okay, let’s get started.” I lay my body flat, and then released the within-the-body Chakra for anesthesia.

Different from Real World, Naruto World performs surgical anesthesia without the need for anesthetics. Instead, it uses Medical-nin’s Chakra for anesthesia. The principle of anesthesia is probably similar to Genjutsu, so the patient can feel no pain.

“Senior White Fang’s sword art is more exquisite, and Medical-Ninjutsu is also more proficient than me, so he will perform the operation on you, and I will be responsible for the anesthesia.” Shisui gently put his hand on my forehead With the injection of his Chakra, my spirit slowly relaxed, and my consciousness gradually blurred…


“Kurone ……Kurone… …”

A call made my consciousness gradually awake, I slowly opened the eyes, in a daze, I saw a slender figure sitting in front of me.

“Is the operation over? Shisui.” I rubbed my eyes.

A smooth hand stroked my cheek, with a little warmth in the cold.

“You are thin, and you are old.”

With that dreamlike voice coming into my ears, I immediately opened my eyes wide and stared in disbelief At the person in front of you.

“You…you you you…”

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