“speaking of which, Uzumaki Clan and Senju Clan same root with different branches, can be regarded as a branch of Senju Clan. Sit down too, and I will tell you slowly.” vortex Shen Bai waved his hand and dusted the dust on a praying mat next to it, “This is a very long story.”

“hope to hear the details.” I walked forward and sat down. Then he reached into the Ninja Tool Pouch, juggled out two cups of hot tea, and handed one of them to vortex Shenbai, “Senior, please.”

“Oh, I’m interested.” Vortex Shenbai was not polite, took the tea, took a sip and emotionally said, “When I was young, I didn’t like drinking tea at all. I thought tea was weak and bitter, not good. At that time, I liked drinking most, so , I often make trouble after drinking…hahaha…It wasn’t until the birth of my daughter Mito that I changed my troublesome character and became more stable, and the wine glass in my hand was replaced with a teacup. I didn’t expect that I can still drink a sip of tea now. It’s a profit from disaster.”

When I heard vortex talk about his daughter, I couldn’t help but imagine that if Xiaoxue is still there, our child should be in school soon…Yes. Is the surname Hanaki with me, or Uchiha with Xiaoxue? Having said that, I almost forgot my original name… Xie Qi, Xie Qi, what a ridiculous person…

“young man, what’s wrong with you?” vortex gentle white extend the The hand shook in front of me, “Why do I suddenly start to be in a daze? It’s impolite to be in a daze when talking to Senior.”

“Sorry Senior Bai, I remembered some of the past, absent- minded.” I immediately recovered and said apologetically.

“It’s okay, I’m not the kind of old man who likes to swear.” Vortex Shenbai laughed and continued, “By the way, I only know that you are Konoha Ninja. Haven’t asked your name yet? But depending on your dress and age, it should be Jonin.”

“Yes, Junior Hatake Kurone, it’s a jonin from Konoha.” I looked down at the see through and Kakashi exactly the same Jonin’s vest and black tight clothes, nodded said, “speaking of which, I have been a Jonin for more than ten years.”

“Hatake Kurone…you are from Hatake Clan?” Vortex Gentry Bai was a little surprised, “How is Hatake Clan now?”

I was slightly nodded and said: “I am afraid the situation is not much better than Uzumaki Clan. Because of the war, Hatake Clan in the Land of Fire now, It should be only me and my clan brother Hatake Kakashi.”

“The world is unpredictable… Hatake Clan back then, how strong it is, except Senju Clan, Uchiha Clan and Hyuga Clan. The four Great Clan is also the most powerful of the eight non-Kekkei Genkai Clan.” Genkai vortex narrowed his eyes and looked at me, feeling, “I didn’t expect…”

“Senior, you know about Hatake Clan. “

“Well, I had a personal relationship with Hatake Clan’s Clan Leader, Hatake Clan. So I learned about Hatake Clan.” Vortex Genbai explained, “Hatake Clan was originally Land. -of-Iron’s Samurai clan, later one moved to Land of Fire and became a ninja, so Hatake Clan’s sword art is very powerful, and it can compete with the very powerful ninja only with Blade Technique. I have been fortunate to have seen the flag once. Wooden Chinblade and an Elite Jonin spar of Kage Level strength. Before the seal is finished, the Chinblade knife has been put on his neck. It is really amazing.”

“Indeed, the people of Hatake Clan Sword art is very superb, unlike me…” I recalled the family tree of the Kakashi family, Hagaki Chiba, the name seems to be… in Kakashi up to the Fourth-Kage people, it should be White Fang by all means. great-grandfather, Kakashi’s great grandfather.

“You don’t have to be humble. Look at the sword on your back. It’s not a common product. Since you can keep it, it means your strength is worthy.” Vortex said with a smile, “Okay. Let’s go back to the subject. All this starts with Sage of Six-Paths. I don’t know if youngsters of your generation know Sage of Six-Paths.”

“I know , The ancestor of ninja, founded Ninja.”

“Very good! So I don’t need any additional explanation.” Vortex Shenbai laughed with satisfaction, then took a sip of tea and continued, “Sage of Six-Paths has a younger brother who disappeared. According to legend, he moved to Moon with clansman. Regardless of whether the legend is true or false, his descendant on Earth became Hyuga Clan.”

” Sage of Six-Paths has two sons, Asura, who inherited his Sage body, and Indra, who inherited Sage Eyes. Asura and Indra finally fought each other and fought a battle. Since then, the two clans have become rivals. That is to say, Senju Clan and Uchiha Clan later.” Vortex Shenbai took another sip of tea and continued, “Until a few hundred years ago, a young man in Senju Clan fell in love with a foreign girl, but Senju Clan and In order to ensure the purity of the bloodline, Uchiha Clan must marry within clan, so it is not allowed to marry outsiders.”

“And then? The old stubborns of Senju Clan forcibly separated the two? Or, they were both. I eloped.” I thought of Xiaoxue again, so I was lucky, if it weren’t for Hatake Clan as a Noble Clan, plus Third Hokage’s face, plus the current era is not as conservative as before. As well as the enlightenment of Clan Leader Uchiha Fugaku and many other factors, I am afraid that Koyuki and I have to face a lot of resistance if they want to be together. Even so, it took me a lot of effort to meet Uchiha Fugaku’s requirements.

“That’s not true. Senju Clan’s Clan Leader was more enlightened at the time. The unswerving love between the two also touched Senju Clan Elders. Therefore, Clan Leader did not forcefully separate the two. But a few hundred The thinking a year ago was still very conservative. Clan Leader and Elder were also impossible to violate the clan rules and accept the couple. So the youngster was eventually expelled from Senju Clan and deprived of Senju’s surname.”

“The ending is quite satisfactory.” I nodded and asked, “So that youngster is the ancestor of Uzumaki Clan?”

“Yes, that youngster’s name is Senju vortex Because he was deprived of the surname Senju, his descendants took vortex as the surname, and Uzumaki Clan passed down like this.” Vortex Genbai put down his tea cup and said with emotion, “Because of the intermarriage with an ordinary person, Senju Clan’s bloodline was Dilute, no longer have Sage Body, and no one can use Wood-Style. However, Uzumaki Clan’s physique and Chakra Reserves are still much stronger than other people. After all, genes are difficult to change, even if diluted.”

“It turned out to be the case, but I heard that the people at Uzumaki Clan are very good at Sealing Jutsu, but I remember that Senju Clan is not known for the powerful Sealing Jutsu, what’s the matter?” I asked my question again come out.

“Sealing Jutsu…This has to mention another story…”

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