After getting 10 minutes of alone time with his wife and daughter, the Daimyo quickly opened the door and entered.

When the door is closed...

Something happened quietly.


inside the house.

The daimyo who entered all the way passed through several rooms.

We arrived at the innermost and most spacious room.

His wife, the miko... was sitting on her knees at the top of the room.

Wearing a golden hat and crown, her long chestnut-colored hair reaches her waist.

The gorgeous and wide white divine robe trimmed with gold covered her noble body and hem.

Long time no see, I miss you day and night.

The daimyo almost choked with tears.

Such a beautiful wife is right in front of me...

Suddenly, the daimyo noticed something was wrong.

He was obviously wearing divine clothes and staring at his wife, but there was a strange sad look on his face.

What's wrong?

The next second.

Without moving, a young man with blond hair walked out from behind the miko who was sitting at the top.

Naruto put his hands in his pockets and stood next to the seated miko with steps that he would never recognize.

Before the daimyo could react, what did this yellow-haired boy do...


Naruto stretched out his hand and pulled.

The divine clothing covering the witch's body automatically separated, like a river being divided into two halves.

The interior of the white divine costume.

It is a dark blue home kimono, very conservative. Covers 90% of the body.

Only the white neck, hands and feet are exposed.

However, in addition to the dark home kimono, there is also a dazzling red "clothes" also worn on the body...

Also because of this "red dress", the miko put her hands behind her back.

It turned out that the two sleeves of the divine robe worn outside were empty...

When the daimyo saw clearly the true situation of his wife, the scene in front of him made his eyes dizzy.

The daimyo was instantly furious and subconsciously yelled: "What's going on?!"


Naruto spread his hands.

In the next second, he grabbed the miko's chin and twisted it to face him.

Then, Naruto shouted to the daimyo: "Look, the daimyo of the country of ghosts...miko, it's..."

At the same time that a bad premonition suddenly arose in the daimyo's heart, Naruto grabbed the miko's chin and pulled her towards him...

Caught off guard, the miko suddenly opened her eyes: "Ugh~!"

Chapter 60. The wise Susanoo is also about to die! 【Ten updates】】


The daimyo's eyes bulged angrily.

Face and neck flushed.

The whole person was furious and almost going crazy.

Naruto saw the daimyo's wonderful expression from the corner of his eye, and he felt extremely happy.

It’s me Dior~!

Oh no...

It's me, Naruto Uzumaki!


The miko screamed.

But because the mouth was sealed, the voice could only be suppressed in the throat.

There was sadness in her eyes, and two lines of crystal tears dripped from her noble face.

The daimyo was furious and felt as if his heart had been cut to pieces by a thousand knives.

The witch was sad, filled with apologies and shame and anger towards her husband.

Naruto was delighted, his mind filled with the thoughts of the Rakuten.

Besides the entangled three, there was another person staring at this scene.

Uchiha Spring......

Quan, who was secretly watching this scene, immediately understood when he saw Naruto doing such a thing.

"The nine-tailed demon fox is not dead~~!"

This confirmation stirred up huge waves in her heart.

In the excitement, the Sharingan opened.

The nine-tailed demon fox that he thought he had killed was still alive and affecting Naruto.

So much so that Naruto did something like this again~!


An astonishing fountain of will welled up in his heart, and his heart was saturated with a deeper darkness.

Her face became more gloomy and her eyes became more terrifying.

The scarlet kaleidoscope pattern is extremely weird.

"It shouldn't be like this..."

Quan's lips moved slightly and he murmured in his heart.

"Naruto... this kid was bewitched by the Kyuubi again! He took action against the miko... as well as the ANBU woman and the Hyuga maid~!"

With the insight of the Mangekyou Sharingan, Izumi Uchiha... knew, or guessed, everything.

However, her tone took on a special meaning when she said this.

Some kind of strange emotion grew in her heart.

Just when she was about to take action to punish Naruto...oh no, the companion tailed beast inside Naruto.

The daimyo was so furious that he almost went crazy and lost his mind.


Purple-black wings stretched out from his back.

The flaming demonic power infiltrated his body.

The demon Jinchuuriki... appears here!

The Daimyo's actions caused everyone outside to react.

Such a huge force is countless times greater than when Huang Quan came to attack!


The witch with sorrow in her eyes knew everything was happening.

Everything happened as predicted... it still happened...

However, she was unable to save everything.

I can only watch helplessly as my furious husband is corroded and possessed by the power of the demon...


An ancient voice replaced the daimyo's voice.

At this time, the daimyo's eyes had turned into a blazing purple-black flame.

"Thanks to this unknown kid for directing a good show... so that I can successfully occupy the body of the daimyo who has lost his mind..."

Poor daimyo.

Although he has royal blood, as an ordinary person.

He was directly occupied by the ghost!

And this is actually what the ghost has been planning.

The so-called mantis stalks the cicada, the oriole is behind.

The mysteriously confident daimyo misjudged his own strength and will.

"Little kid, what's your name?" The ghost asked Naruto with interest.

"When asking someone's name, you should report your own name first. Didn't your mother teach you?"

Naruto slowly let go of the shrine maiden's chin and turned to look at the ghost.

The shrine maiden in "red clothes" stayed where she was, unable to move.

"Hmph... Remember, I am the thousand-year-old demon Wuliang..."

"Oh, you can call me the Seventh Hokage, the Nine-tailed Jinchuriki, Uzumaki Naruto."

Naruto answered with a tone full of black humor.

At this time, noisy footsteps were heard outside.

Xi Yan also jumped out of the side room and immediately dragged the miko away.

So, only Naruto and Wuliang... and Uchiha Izumi who was hiding in the dark were left in the room [? ].

When Uchiha Shisui broke into the room, he saw the scene of Naruto and Wuliang confronting each other.

"Everyone, don't mess with it~, Wuliang has occupied the body of the daimyo, it wants to kill the miko aunt, and also destroy our Konoha~!"


Uchiha Shisui suddenly opened his eyes wide, and his expression became very terrifying in an instant.

The four words "Destroy Konoha" seemed to have touched a switch in his body.

Uchiha Shisui, who had suffered from the element of awareness... or the PTSD of the will of fire, immediately revealed a cold murderous intention.

No matter what the nine-tailed demon fox is, he is Konoha's property.

But the demon... that is a naked big demon!

"Uzumaki Naruto, I remember you... The Land of Demons is my country, and the entire ninja world will fall into my hands in the future..."

Faced with the siege of Uchiha Shisui and others.

The demon was not afraid at all.

It controlled the body of the daimyo and stared straight at Naruto.

"See you later--"

Just when the daimyo was about to run away.

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