The street suddenly became empty, which meant that people had discovered the existence of Uzumaki Naruto.

The villagers passing by stopped and looked at Naruto with negative eyes, like robots receiving collective instructions.

These eyes generally contained fear, disgust, hatred... and other emotions.

Obviously, the trauma of the demon fox has continued to this day.

Even after many years, the pain caused by the Nine-Tails Rebellion is still showing.

Such a prosperous street suddenly became cold because of Naruto's existence.

The hawking around seemed to disappear.

Even the merchants who were originally shouting hard stopped shouting and glared at Naruto with the same eyes as passers-by.

Nine-Tails: "..."

The wind blew and blew a dead leaf.

The winter wind was very cold.

Naruto stood out from the crowd in his orange short-sleeved sportswear.

Nine-Tails: "Your eyes are even more annoying!"

If the eyes of passers-by were the reaction of ordinary people,

Then... Uzumaki Naruto's eyes are cannibalistic.

In the eyes of the Nine-Tails, Uzumaki Naruto is condescending, looking at the common people like ants.

This kind of arrogance... is even worse than that of the Uchiha clan.

The last person who looked at people like this was Uchiha Madara.


Uchiha Madara at least regards others as ants.

Uzumaki Naruto... In his eyes, these guys should all be walking bipedal creatures!


Under the gaze of everyone, Naruto took a step.

Then he passed by the scene naturally.

Pedestrians automatically made way for him.

What followed... was all kinds of discussions and whispers from behind.

"Demon fox..."


"He's out again..."

Soon, Naruto came to the mask shop and stopped here.

The masks full of faces attracted Naruto's attention.

Many of these masks can be COSed as ninjas from the Anbu, or... villains.

Because of Naruto's appearance, the few customers in front of the mask shop disappeared directly.

This made the owner of the mask shop very angry.

He was a man in his 40s.

He supported his family with a meager income.

And because he was single for many years, he had a bad temper.

When he saw Naruto, he immediately started to expel him: "Get out, kid!"

The shouting of the mask shop owner seemed to turn on a switch, and it was also like an outlet for the public's emotions.

Everyone's mouth corners were raised, revealing the dark side of human nature.

They were looking forward to... the mask shop owner cleaning up this "fox" kid.

"I'm just passing by." Naruto turned his head, turned around, and was about to leave.


Something was thrown on the back of Naruto's head.

It was a mask.

Boss: "Take this mask with you! After you touch it, no customer will want it!"

Boss, you are quite nice.

Naruto stopped and looked at the mask that fell at his feet.

People hate dogs, this is probably Naruto's current reputation in Konoha.

——It is negative.


Standing in the crowd, watching this scene, it was not just the passers-by who had nothing to do with it.

Hinata, who was shopping with the maid Hyuga Natsu, was also among the onlookers.

Hinata's heart was almost broken when she saw Naruto suddenly being treated like this.

"Why... do people treat Naruto-kun like this~?"

Hinata was puzzled.

But she subconsciously took a step forward and wanted to help Naruto.



Hinata's arm was suddenly pulled.

She looked back and saw... the cold and serious expression on the face of the maid Hyuga Natsu.

That cheek that was pretty and gentle in the past, for some reason, turned out to be a little scary at this moment.

"Don't bother him."

Hyuga Natsu's tone was cold and solemn.

During the Nine-tail Rebellion, the Hyuga clan's residence was also damaged.

Although the house was only slightly damaged because of being on the edge.

But many tribesmen died in the fight against the Nine-Tails.

The maid of the branch family who believed that Naruto was a demon fox naturally stood on the side of the villagers.


Hinata didn't understand.

The children of the new generation didn't know about the demon fox.

And most children were just told by their parents not to get close to Uzumaki Naruto.

"Hinata-sama, you must not touch him!"

Hyuga Xia hesitated for a moment, but still didn't give a reason.

Because the Third Hokage had ordered that no one was allowed to mention the demon fox.

Over time, it became a gossip behind people's backs.


Hinata turned around and saw Naruto standing there, thinking about whether to pick up the mask.

And the owner of the mask shop who kept talking and cursing.

Hyuga Xia: "Anyway..."

"Hey! That's a bit too much."

At this moment, a loud and tender voice broke the atmosphere of the scene.


Everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

Suddenly, a child with his hands in his trouser pockets stood on the telephone pole opposite the mask shop.

Being able to jump so high proves that he is not a child from an ordinary family.

With a proud face, Sako looked down at the scene below with disdain.

"In broad daylight, you embarrass a child. Is this how you, as an adult, treat guests?"

Sako's speech immediately triggered the whispers of the crowd again.


And seeing this peer who suddenly appeared and rescued Naruto.

His/her overly beautiful face made Hinata suddenly feel an inexplicable crisis...


The subtle sound of blood surging sounded.

Blue veins popped up and climbed up to the eye sockets.

Hinata, who involuntarily opened the "Baiyan" bloodline limit, quickly realized the characteristics of the other party.

"It's... a girl..."

Chapter 11. Sako who wants Naruto to be a friend

The owner of the mask shop, who was already a little angry, saw someone speaking for the "demon fox" and couldn't help but become even more angry.

It's unlucky to encounter this kind of thing early in the morning.

Just when he was about to curse, he suddenly found the "fan" emblem on Saeko's body.

Seeing the emblem, the mask shop owner immediately became a little scared.

"It's Uchiha..."

A low voice of discussion sounded in the crowd.

The Uchiha clan is a real wealthy clan in Konoha, also known as the elite clan.

As one of the founders of Konoha, their reputation is well-known.

Especially the powerful blood limit "Sharingan", even ordinary people have heard of it.

What's more...

The mask shop owner immediately felt two unfriendly eyes coming from the crowd.

I saw two Uchiha clan police department ninjas looking here with cold faces.

The duties of the police department, in addition to catching bad guys, criminals..., are always patrolling the streets of Konoha, and they spend a lot of time dealing with vendors.

The majesty erected on weekdays made the mask shop owner immediately realize that he had encountered a tough guy.

No matter what the reason, these hateful Uchiha meddled in other people's business.

But after all, they were people that he couldn't afford to offend.

So, the mask shop owner immediately turned around and returned to the shop cursing.

This was also a temporary surrender.


Naruto picked up the mask on the ground and looked at the crowd naturally.

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