
Naruto listened very seriously and kept nodding.

This made Nonoyu sigh: "Sure enough, kind children can be easily led..."

"Dean, then...can I learn medical ninjutsu from you?"

The way to cure Hinata's mother and even become stronger is right in front of her.

Of course he couldn't let go of this great opportunity.

"At that time, I can also take care of the little friends in the orphanage. After I go out, I can also treat the grandfathers and grandmothers who accidentally fell. I can even treat the injured Konoha ninja..."

Seeing Naruto say such kind words, Nonoyu was almost moved to tears.

But for such a pure and good boy, he needs to continue to deceive him...

No Naiyu's heart ached slightly.

She quickly concealed her emotions and decided to do her best to teach Naruto medical ninjutsu.

"No problem, but before learning specific medical ninjutsu, we still need to master some theoretical knowledge. For example, we need to know the "yang attribute" first..."

Not long after, a familiar figure appeared in the orphanage.

It’s Uzuki Xiyan who often comes to volunteer.

Taking advantage of this gap, in the name of volunteering, she began to protect Naruto at close range...


On the trees outside the orphanage, Shisui stared at the scene inside the orphanage and couldn't help but frown.

Uzumaki Naruto smeared the Hokage Rock, and eventually the Hokage punished him for helping here. The thing itself was fine.

But in this way, he would not be able to observe him up close.

Orphanages are usually semi-enclosed and it is not easy to enter by yourself.

There are two ninjas standing guard at this door alone.

While Shisui was staring at the orphanage in deep thought, he lurked aside and used "Transparent Release: Blood Succession Limit" to hide his Hayate, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Shunshen Shisui frowned.

——It means that he is unhappy because he is blocked out and away from the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, which makes the plan unable to be implemented.

He paused for a moment and meditated.

——It means that he must be thinking about how to enter the orphanage and continue his plan to get close to the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki!


——Uchiha is indeed plotting against the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki!


Sunrise and sunset.

When the sun rose the next day, Konoha ushered in the first Chunin Exam of the year.

The Ninja School was vacated and became the venue for the first written examination.

Candidates in groups of three filed in and walked towards the examination room in Classroom 301.

Itachi stood alone in the campus, staring at the many candidates coming and going.

Taking part in the Chunin Exam alone and at a young age, he instantly became the focus of everyone's attention.

Itachi was not afraid of all kinds of unkind looks.

With a calm look on his face, he quickly walked into the examination room...

Among these candidates, six disguised Kirigakure ninjas also pretended to be genin candidates.

According to Juzo's arrangements, they must pass every exam as much as possible.

But it can’t be too conspicuous, either high or low...


at this time.

The jounin lounge next to the ninja school.

Loquat Juuzang and the other leading jounin of the Ninja Village were staring at each other with big eyes.

The sofa is very soft.

Juzo leaned on it, surrounded by jounin who formed a circle.

"Hey...I'm not a rare animal in the zoo, why are you all looking at me?"

It was obvious that Juzo, who was being observed, was not afraid of the scene in front of him.

Even if he was being watched by multiple jounin, he didn't think he would be found out.

after all......

It has been too long since the Third Ninja War.

Well, although it seems to be only a few years, it is enough time for people to forget many things.

The memory of fish is only 6 or 7 seconds.

Human ones don't grow anywhere.

What's more, he has already disguised himself.

"The Kirigakure Village has always been closed to the outside world and has never communicated with the outside world, so everyone must feel that it is very rare..."

Nara Shikaku sat on the sofa opposite and smiled.

In order to intimidate the leading jounin from various countries, a Konoha ninja with a strong title is necessary.

As for the Pig, Deer and Butterfly combination, any one of them would be a strong person known to other countries.

"I said...this friend of Kirigakure, does he look familiar to you?"

Nara Shikaku was contemplating the information in his mind while talking.

However, even if his IQ exceeds 200, it is impossible to imagine that Loquat Juzo, who has become Kirigakure's traitor, will actually appear in front of everyone as the jounin leading Kirigakure's team...

"No, I don't know you at all."

Juuzang spread his hands and smiled, revealing his teeth that looked like sharp shark teeth.

Chapter 43. Nine Tails: Ultimate Darkness, Uzumaki Naruto!

Early morning at the orphanage.


Naruto yawned and stood up from the bed.

The environment in the lounge of the single dormitory is very good, and you can hear the noise of the surrounding children early in the morning.

I looked at the time and saw that it was only 5 o'clock in the morning.

There is no other way, just go to bed early and get up early to keep your body healthy.

After washing, Naruto hung a "Do Not Disturb During Practice" sign on the door.

Then he sat cross-legged on the bed and started practicing.

Yang attribute, Yang escape, medical system.

The basic knowledge of this part was taught by Nono yesterday. With the common sense of fire experts in his mind, Naruto completely sorted out this system.

Admittedly, Naruto admitted that he was not a good material for a medical ninja.

Because medical ninjas need to master a lot of knowledge about herbs, human body... etc.

This requires reading countless materials and books, even manuscripts, drug formulas, etc.

After all... even a wise man with a sophisticated mind like Orochimaru needs a medical ninja like Kabuto as his helper.

Therefore, Naruto easily sorted out the route he should take, "the ultimate Yang escape". It is also the way to go as an "Asura Chakra Reincarnation".

Speaking of Yang attributes, we have to mention a real strong man who existed 1,000 years ago, the pioneer of the Ninja Sect-"Six Paths Sage".

The Six Paths Sage has a complete "Six Paths Yin and Yang escape".

Some people also believe that the Six Paths Sage's brother, Otsutsuki Hamura, also possesses a complete Six Paths-level Yin-Yang escape, regardless of whether this is right or wrong.

At least in the official Naruto official book "The Book of Formations"... the descendants of Hamura's Earth lineage, that is, the Hyuga clan's Hyuga Hiashi, Hyuga Hizashi, Hyuga Hinata, Hyuga Neji, and other Hyuga clan members, have neither Yang nor Yin attributes. Obviously, they have seriously degenerated compared to their ancestors.

As for the Six Paths Sage, his descendants have also undergone some kind of degeneration.

The two sons of the Six Paths Sage, Ashura and Indra, inherited the Yang and Yin attributes respectively.

This attribute continued to be passed down and passed on to their descendants... that is, the "Senju Clan" and "Uchiha Clan" of the Six Paths Sage's grandchildren.

Set in the official Naruto official book. The Senju Clan inherited Yang escape, and the Uchiha Clan inherited Yin escape.

The former has a strong physique, which brings additional characteristics such as vitality, physical skills, and the strength of skills.

The latter can open the Sharingan and master the spiritual energy characteristics such as illusion.

Compared with the Six Paths Sage, Ashura and Indra's power obviously only inherited at most half.

Compared with the brothers, the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan are more weakened.

Although Naruto is not a Senju clan, and has nothing to do with the Uchiha clan. But as a reincarnation of Ashura Chakra, he has a very special color.

This can be seen by comparing the wood escape of Senju Hashirama and the wood escape of Yamato [Tenzo].

The same blood limit has a huge difference in power in the hands of the two.

The reason why Senju Hashirama is so strong is absolutely related to the Ashura Chakra in his body.

Of course, even among the reincarnations of all generations, Senju Hashirama's strength is one of the best.

Because according to Black Zetsu,

For 1000 years, the two chakras of Indra and Ashura have been reincarnated continuously, fighting for generations like quantum entanglement.

Every time, they died together.

Only in the generation of Senju Hashirama, he was able to suppress Uchiha Madara.

"In order to prevent myself from "breaking my hand", I have to work hard~."

Naruto decided to follow Senju Hashirama's example and work hard to become stronger since childhood.

Only by becoming stronger than the other party...that is, stronger than Sako, can we avoid the tragedy of everyone breaking their hands~.

Senju Hashirama can always suppress Madara, and I, Uzumaki Naruto, can always beat Sako.

In this regard.

Even if Naruto feels that he can indeed save Sako and save the Uchiha clan.

But fate...

The entangled fate of Ashura and Indra's chakra reincarnations may happen sooner or later.

Power...No matter what you do, power is the premise of everything.

Back to the point.

Asura's identity as a chakra reincarnation means that he is born with "yang attribute".

Yang attribute can lengthen the health bar, increase vitality, make physical skills stronger, faster, and more... "durable".

The blue bar will also become longer, the number of spells will be more, and the power will be greater. Even without the assistance of the Nine-Tails, it can evolve from chakra into "Chadora" and even "Chatonra"!

——Just like Senju Hashirama.

Yang attribute training does not require knowledge, only "feeling".

"Just like me in the original work, using the six-path-level Yang escape to create an eyeball for the white-haired Kakashi..."

Naruto thought.

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