"Hot...so hot..."

Hinata Xia murmured and got up from the floor with difficulty.

She held the wash basin and then touched the bathroom door handle.

After staggering to the living room, she was aimless and like a headless fly, and could only fall sideways with a thud.

Then, it meandered on the ground.

The endless heat made her body extremely hot, even her face.

Stars began to appear before my eyes.

Excessive "vitality" will cause such an effect.

She is a normal healthy human being, so naturally she does not need extra life force.

However, this situation is forced.


A line of clear tears flowed from her eyes. She pursed her lips and could only endure... endure...



Naruto had already opened up his stance and faced off against Uozuki Xiyan.


As Naruto jumped up, he ran towards Uozuki Xiyan.

The latter reacted immediately.

The two of them continued to compete with each other in physical skills, adding their legs and feet together.

Uozuki Xiyan was able to respond to Naruto's offensive with ease at this time.


Naruto raised an eyebrow and his pupils turned into vertical ones.

Initially using the power of Nine Tails.

Then, the two clashed again, and at this time Uzuki Xiyan began to fall into a disadvantage. After all, her strength was not as good as Naruto's.

But it barely has the speed to respond.

At this point, the two stopped, and Naruto nodded with great satisfaction: "Not bad...the strength has at least improved by one level."

In particular, there are three, six or nine levels of Jonin.

Maoyue Xiyan is considered the goalkeeper.

Her strength can only increase naturally with the passage of time and age.

These are the rules of the ninja world.

But at this moment, the extra power Naruto gave her made her even stronger.

The strength has almost reached the level of special jounin such as Takashi Raido and Yamashiro Aoba.

The strongest among the special jounin are Shiranui Genma and Morino Ihiki.

Naruto believed that as long as he fucked Uozuki Xiyan a few more times, she would definitely be able to surpass these two.

"Naruto, thank you even more..."

Maoyue Xiyan wore her mask sideways, revealing a beautiful smile.

At first glance, it seems normal.

But in fact, her personality and thinking have been changed...

Naruto preferred to call it "pollution".

"Uzumaki Naruto, you twisted her thinking..."

Kyuubi made a judgment in disbelief.

Even if it is it, it will at most make the jinchuriki go berserk and add a temporary BUFF.

Uzumaki Naruto, this devil brat, completely twisted her!

"No~, Kyuubi, don't talk nonsense~."

Naruto started with another classic mantra.

Just when Naruto was about to continue making up nonsense, Kyuubi snorted: "Forget it, you have the most bad things in your belly, no one is worse than you!"

Even though Kyuubi saw through something, Naruto still decided to keep pretending.

Without hypocrisy, can you still be called the protagonist?

So, Naruto said: "Kyuubi, you misunderstood me... I actually want to save everyone. As long as Sister Xiyan becomes stronger, Brother Hayate will not die in the future... Forget it, you don’t understand anyway~”

Kyuubi: "Hmph..."

Chapter 30. Made a nice sound [10th update]

Xi Yan, whose thinking was distorted, was naturally polluted.


Pollution can also be divided into positive and negative aspects.

Naruto believes that he is the protagonist, kind and the righteous party.

Then, Xiyan's situation can be called... "good fall".

"Sister Xiyan, I will help you improve your strength even more in the future..."

Naruto gave a further warning.

Xiyan's smile became even brighter, feeling that Naruto was extremely kind: "Thank you very much, Naruto..."

She thought that becoming stronger with Naruto's help would also be helpful to her career.

Maybe it won't take long before he can compare to Tenzo.

He is also a member of ANBU Team 6 and is similar in age to Tenzou, but the other person is a real master. Naturally, Xiyan is somewhat envious and compared to him.

"Ahem...what did you do to me..."

At this time, the door to the backyard opened again.

Hinata Xia stumbled out.

She looked through her body through her white eyes, but found no trace of toxins.

The only thing he observed was that his physical strength and chakra became stronger.

To put it simply, without pollution, it becomes... pure and powerful.

"Nothing, I just share my life force with you through "Yang Escape"..."

Naruto told the truth without hesitation.

There are many people who can perform Yang Release, what will happen to me, Uzumaki Naruto? Could someone else come over and dissect me?


Hinata Natsu was stunned for a moment.

Then she realized that things were ridiculous, because there was no one sharing Yang Escape through cows, milk...

"Watch your tone."

Naruto's tone suddenly turned cold.

"From now on, your eyes are my eyes!"

The strategic significance of Hinata's Byakugan will allow him to see every detail of Konoha!


Naruto moved and disappeared. When Hyuga Xia reacted, Naruto had already grabbed her chin.

Hyuga Xia, who was dragged to her knees on the ground, couldn't help but let out a wail: "Woo~."

At this moment, she felt as if her chin was about to be broken.

Naruto looked directly at her face and looked into her eyes.

A needle-like red light met with white eyes.

Simple Yang escape?

Yang escape is not simple...

He did lie.

"Come, I'll show you something good..."

Naruto dragged Hyuga Xia into the house.

After closing the backyard door, Naruto and Hyuga Xia came to the bathroom.

Because the faucet was turned on randomly before, there were traces of tap water everywhere on the floor.


Naruto stopped, still holding her chin in his hand.

The pretty maid grabbed randomly with both hands, and finally squatted down with the wall.

The milk injected with Yang escape penetrated Hyuga Xia's body and caused her to change...

She drank a drink at the Hyuga base this morning, and once before.


What does that mean?

As soon as Naruto raised his hand, Hyuga Xia stood up from her squatting position.

Without waiting for her to stand up straight, Naruto stretched out his right hand again.

As he touched her, Naruto began to seal with his right hand, but he only sealed for a moment and then pulled it back.


Hyuga Xia was stunned when she was suddenly touched.

She didn't understand what was going on yet.

Her chakra responded to Naruto's seal gesture.


Chi Chi Chi~!

"Uh uh uh uh uh~~~!"

Hyuga Xia's body suddenly arched back.

That's right, Naruto was imitating Red Bean to use Orochimaru's body to seal... the technique of killing two snakes.

That is... the same as what he did to Yugao.

Now he used it on Hyuga Xia.

The corresponding technique directly let the pretty maid release the water ninjutsu.


Watching Hinata Xia fall backwards, hit her head against the bathroom wall, and finally fall to pieces, Naruto grinned and showed a happy smile.

"It made a nice sound~."

Naruto laughed.

Hinata's pretty maid's cry sounded like heavenly music to Naruto's ears.


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