In the wooden house, Yang Yu’s eyes widened at the moment, looking at a handsome looking teenager in front of him, the boy looked very similar to himself, but it gave people a slightly more mature feeling…

“So, you’re my brother Uchiha Shuishui? And I’m just a younger brother, Harumizu Uchiha? Are you sure you’re not kidding me?? Yang Yu asked, and at the moment he only felt that this unfolding was extremely fucked!

Can’t bear it!

Who the will tell me where in the original is the character of Harumizu Uchiha! And it’s almost exactly the same as Uchiha’s water stopper!

Your uncle! Parasitizing the wrong person!

Yang Yu was howling in his heart, and the expression on his face was also distorted and twitching…

“My silly brother, have you feverishly talking nonsense again, and you don’t know my brother anymore?” Uchiha Shuizu showed a fatherly smile and completely entered the state of Itachi God possession.

The corner of Yang Yu’s mouth twitched and he said dejectedly.

“Brother, I’m tired, can you go out first? I want to be quiet, don’t ask me who Jing Jing is! ”


In this way, from this day on, Yang Yu became Uchiha Harushui, the younger brother of Uchiha Shisui, and lived in Konoha in this capacity.

Time passed, and before you knew it, three days had passed.

In the past three days, Yang Yu carefully investigated the talent of this Uchiha Chunshui he boarded, inside and out.

Needless to say, as the younger brother of Uchiha Shuishui, Chunshui’s talent is naturally not bad!

Even, compared to Uchiha has greater potential to stop water!

It’s just that now this body has one of the biggest and deadliest problems.

The existence of this problem even made the talented Uchiha Harushui almost scrapped more than half, becoming a stupid thing!

Uchiha shame, born waste wood!

This is the nickname of the body that Yang Yu is now parasitic.

All this only because of this body… The amount of chakra that you were born with is too big and too big!

It can only be described as horror!

According to the data given after the system probe, at this moment, in Yang Yu’s body, the amount of chakra, which has not yet undergone any cultivation, is already comparable to the total amount of chakra in the body of an upper ninja!

That’s Shinobi! Further up, it’s the shadow level!

In the world of Hokage, Shangnin is already a first-class master!

Generally speaking, the Hokage world is divided into ordinary people, lower Shinobi, middle Shinobi, upper Shinobi, shadow level, super shadow level… Such a few levels.

Today’s Yang Yu, this body is strictly speaking, that is, it is more powerful among ordinary people, and he has not reached the level of patience. But it has such a terrifying number of chakras. It is already comparable to Naruto, the protagonist of the Nine Tails living in the body in the original work.

And Naruto, because of the huge number of Chakras in the body, it was very difficult to cultivate in the early stage, because the huge amount of Chakra in the body will directly lead to a spike in the difficulty of Chakra control!

Naruto is like this, and Yang Yu, who is very similar to Naruto’s situation, is also the same at this moment. Because the amount of chakra in the body is too large, it is extremely difficult to even get started with cultivation!

The difficulty is more than a hundred times higher than that of ordinary people!

“Headache, is it easy for me to get a genius body? How can there be this file broken. Yang Yu rubbed his aching eyebrows and once again activated the Doppelganger Technique! This was already the one hundred and ninth time he had performed the Doppelganger Technique today.

Practice makes perfect, Yang Yu knows his situation, and he can only hope for hard work. Fortunately, Yang Yu still has a little perseverance.


After a puff of smoke, a soft lying man appeared beside Yang Yu, only his appearance was one-tenth similar, and his lower body showed a mud-like doppelganger. The doppelganger was also lying on the ground beside him at this moment, with the chrysanthemum upturned, and he made a very unsightly pose!

“Damn, failed again.” Yang Yu was very painful, and his face was embarrassed.

“No, I can’t waste time like this anymore, it seems that I have to get blood essence, as long as there is enough blood essence, the system can help me deal with this problem…”

The Chakra of this body is too difficult to control, and if this problem is not solved for a day, he will not be able to cultivate normally at all. Even though he has now opened the Single-Hook Jade Writing Wheel Eye, he can’t even control the ability of the eye.

The Zerg system requires blood essence to function.

The blood essence can increase the level of the Zerg system, and it can also strengthen the control level of Yang Yu, the master of the system, over his body strength. The higher the control level, the stronger the control over Chakra.

Now if Yang Yu’s control level over the body is zero, then he can at least raise the body control level to level three, so that he can control the huge Chakra in the body without hindrance. Do practice like a normal person.

To increase to the third-level control, you need at least 100 blood essence points.

Of course, the uses of blood essence do not stop there.

Blood essence can also create and hatch five black beetle war insects. Each black beetle war worm has the strength to at least endure, which is the limit of what the first-level zerg system can currently control.

After the system is promoted to level two, the number of black beetle battle insects will increase to ten.

Grade three, twenty heads.

Level four, forty heads.

Level 5, eighty heads.

After level five, he is officially recognized by the system and will have the authority to summon base insects.

At that time, the number of black beetle war insects hatching thousands is a trivial matter, and new terrifying insect soldiers will appear for Yang Yu to choose from!

Only then can he be called – Zerg Domination!

“Blood essence.”

“I need a lot of blood essence!” Yang Yu’s fists clenched, and there was only one channel for obtaining blood essence so far, that is, killing.

As long as the creature is killed, the zerg system can automatically absorb blood qi from the other party’s body and condense and transform the blood essence.

After all, the Zerg system is still an extremely murderous system. Conquest, killing, plunder are fundamental to its survival.

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