Yang Yu was surprised.

According to the information in his memory, he knows very well that his body has a bad relationship.

Because it is now the era of war, this era exists as a scrap material with a bad reputation, no one will want to have the slightest relationship with such a guy, and it is already very good not to ridicule two sentences. Many people’s approach is even sneering.

Because of this understanding, Yang Yu also showed a calm look at the strange eyes of the surrounding classmates when they looked at him.

As long as it is not a positive insult to himself, Yang Yu does not care how others see him, and there will be no special reaction.

He knew very well that with the potential he now had, this situation would soon change completely, and it would turn everyone’s attitude upside down!

He was surprised that someone would pass a note to encourage himself when he was not yet out of the name of scrap wood?

This is a very new thing.

Moreover, this person is also the flower of tomorrow of the Uchiha clan, Mikoto Uchiha.

“Interesting.” Yang Yu took a deep look at Uchiha Mikoto’s back, this time there was no trace of distorted desire in his heart, but another voice occupied all of him, making his eyes looking at Uchiha Mikoto also full of hot light.

“It is worthy of being the woman I fancy, and I have decided, in the future, you must be my Yang Yu’s woman.” No one, without my permission, can touch you in the slightest. ”


Yang Yu’s voice was just an episode, because the turmoil brought by Uchiha Fugaku also quickly dissipated, and everyone returned to the class, carefully recording and absorbing the explanation of Kumaruro-sensei on the podium about various ninjutsu knowledge.

“Teacher, when I was looking through the ninjutsu scrolls in the clan yesterday, I saw the Instantaneous Technique, and I am very interested in this ninjutsu, and I hope that the teacher can explain something about this technique. It is recorded in the clan that this is one of the most basic ninjutsu, but why have we never touched it in the ninja school? A classmate raised his hand to ask questions, now free time to ask questions, so he can ask about ninjutsu topics of interest.

Of course, the question asked must be a category that the teacher can answer, after all, now the teacher of Yang Yu’s class, Kumaruro, is just a stronger shinobi, and his own understanding of ninjutsu knowledge is only limited to the level of the middle ninja.

“Transient Technique?” Kumaru was dumbfounded.


Yang Yu’s ears also pricked up, returning from distracting attention to the flow of chakra in his body, thinking about the ninjutsu problems he had mastered, and listening intently. It is extremely difficult to practice this thing of instantaneous art, although it is a basic level ninjutsu, it is also the only ninjutsu that makes him depleted at present.

Yang Yu’s current talent, most of the basic ninjutsu can be learned in one go.

But only the Instantaneous Technique, when he kept trying to cast, it was always difficult to master.

This ninjutsu is very different.

It is essentially different from other ninjutsu cast externally, it is a ninjutsu that acts on the inside of the body, and even changes the Chakra flow line in the local area, so that the Chakra quickly volatilizes and burns when flowing through a fixed area, bursting out with incomparably terrifying power, thus forming a powerful release of power, allowing the caster to complete the instantaneous high-speed movement!

Depending on the strength of the caster, the concept of high-speed movement is also different… But at least it is also a terrible speed that ordinary people’s dynamic vision cannot keep up!

This is the most meaningful technique for actual combat in basic ninjutsu!

Even the beginning of many powerful high-speed movement techniques in the future, only mastering the basic-level instantaneous technique, according to the learning requirements of the technique, imprinted in their own body Chakra flow imprint. Through this special imprint, many techniques improved by the Instantaneous Technique can be performed in the future.

For example, the stand-in technique, which is also one of the basics of ninjutsu!

This thing is improved according to the Instantaneous Technique, and it is one of the most classic of many ninjutsu!

That’s right.

The substitute technique is actually carefully summarized, and it is also a kind of instantaneous technique, only after learning the instantaneous technique and imprinting a special Chakra channel in your body, can you have the prerequisites for performing the substitute technique. If you don’t learn the basic Transience Technique, you will never be able to perform the Avatar Technique!

Avatar technique, using willow wood as the casting material.

With the special ninjutsu formation integrated into it, you can locate the surrounding area of five to ten meters, and use this area as a medium to communicate the instantaneous imprint in the caster’s body, so that the caster can use the willow wood medium imprinted with the ninjutsu formation to carry out instantaneous exchange and transfer, this move is called the substitute technique because it is always accompanied by the enemy’s deadly attack!

This is the general outline of the introduction to avatars in the Ninjutsu scroll!

At the same time, it is also a middle ninja, a lower ninja, a trainee ninja level… The only technique that can communicate the imprint of the instantaneous body to achieve high-speed movement.

On weekdays, if you do not perform the Avatar Technique, the Instantaneous Technique cannot be actively performed at this stage, after all, it is just a kind of imprint sealed in the caster’s body, and it must be communicated and awakened with special techniques, and there needs to be a positioning ninjutsu around to perform it.

His mind quickly passed through all the information about the Transience Technique and the Avatar Technique, and Yang Yu also heard Teacher Kumaru on the podium clear his throat and began to reply to questions about the Transience Technique.

His answer was very standard, first telling all the information Yang Yu had learned, and then turning the conversation around, he began to cut to the right way and talk about his special understanding of this technique, and even released it on the spot, releasing Chakra for a simulation demonstration.

“The Instantaneous Technique, although it is only one of the most rudimentary ninjutsu foundations. However, the difficulty of its casting is only affordable to a formal ninja of the lower ninja level, so it is almost impossible for any student in the ninja school to master it…”

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