“System tip: At present, the total amount of blood essence has met the requirements of level 2 system upgrade, do you consume 200 blood essence for system upgrade? Once the system upgrade is turned on, it is irreversible and the blood essence consumption cannot be refunded. ”

“With this upgrade, the system will be upgraded to level 2, and the upper limit of black beetle soldiers can be summoned at one time to 10.”

“Current Zerg system level: Level 1.”

“The number of Black Beetles that can be summoned (2/5), which has not yet been summoned to the full limit. Each summoned black beetle soldier requires 100 blood essence points. A succession of system prompts came, making Yang Yu also fall into thought.

In just a few moments, he chose to consume all the blood essence and summon two brand new black beetle soldiers.

Now in the Konoha Forest, although in principle, only ordinary ferocious beasts are generally infested here, and there is no abnormal danger beyond control. However, it is still necessary to pay attention to the fact that mastering a few more black beetle soldiers that can bring a lot of combat power bonuses to themselves is not harmful in short.

System upgrade?

When the five-headed black beetle soldier is summoned, it is okay to upgrade.



The light shone, only to see the rapid consumption of blood essence on the virtual interface of the zerg system, from 240 points of blood essence directly dropped by 200 points, and then the void in front of Yang Yu also cracked a huge black hole on its own, and two fierce insect beasts covered in black armor also quickly flew out from it.

The worm beast comes out, and the black hole disappears.


The black beetle insect beast roared up to the sky, it was the two black beetle soldiers who were comparable to the strength of the lower endurance.

“The Art of Sealing!”

Yang Yu drank lowly, and his hand also quickly froze, and a white scroll also flew up and down and was quickly opened.

A second or two later, the seal in Yang Yu’s hand was formed, and he came directly to the obedient black beetle soldier, and slammed the black rune mark condensed on his palm on the head of the black beetle soldier who had no intention of resisting at all, and then the black beetle soldier was also twisted, and was directly pulled by a huge force into the inside of the white scroll, turning into a distorted rune array.

This was Yang Yu’s basic sealing technique.

The basic sealing technique could not have sealed powerful creatures, especially the black beetle soldiers who were comparable to the combat power of the lower ninja.

But the Zerg life is extremely obedient, and it will not resist Yang Yu at all.

Even if Yang Yu told them to die immediately, they would quickly execute and tear themselves to pieces with a pair of knife claws in front of them!

Without resistance, it can naturally be easily sealed.

Not to mention how powerful the basic sealing technique is, in fact, this technique is very weak, and it is only useful when he meets Yang Yu, which can help him hide the origin of the life of the zerg. When it’s time to summon a black beetle soldier, you only need to use psychic techniques to pretend to seal it, communicate it into the white scroll seal, and summon it!

At that time, these black beetle soldiers will be named special psychic beasts, which will not arouse any suspicion.



After two white smokes, the newly summoned black beetle soldiers were sealed and stored, and Yang Yu also moved again, touching . He walked deep into the forest.

He also needs to find more creatures to kill. Kill.

You need to get more and more blood sperm.


Trudging all the way through the forest, Yang Yu also has a special metal brand around his waist, and sometimes a ninja of the lower ninja level will shuttle between the trees in the sky, monitoring the sudden occurrence that will appear at any time in the forest. Circumstance.

The special metal sign around the waist can be transmitted for short distances, and as long as a small amount of chakra is entered into it, it can immediately reach the shinobi who are patrolling the forest.

Of course, only very urgent and special moments can these subordinates be summoned.

Because once summoned, it represents this actual combat kill. The course is over, and I have trouble that I can’t solve.

Combat killing. Most of the courses are for students to play freely.

But eventually there are also ratings.

How well the students performed in the forest, how many beasts they killed, how much time they survived… In the end, there will be a record, and a comprehensive ranking will be carried out!

The higher the ranking, the greater the benefits.

Basically, reaching the top 30 has some monetary rewards, and the top 10 can get ninja tools, special ninjutsu teaching and other rewards.

The higher the ranking, the better the performance… The better the reward.

Things are not fixed.

What the final reward is, even the three generations of Hokage will pay attention to and distribute the reward.

A special metal brand around the waist that can be transmitted.

Same every kill. Killings will be recorded, and everything killed will be recorded.


Students kill in the forest. At the time of the killing, Yang Yu was also constantly collecting blood essence.



The voice of Ku Wu broke the void, almost every time he walked, he would take a fresh life, and at the same time, he would encounter a sneak attack. One afternoon, until Yang Yu returned to the camp to rest in the night, he had been killed. He killed a lot of scaled snakes, as well as some other beast poisonous insects, and even killed a medium-level beast.

The beast was like a boar, as big as an ox, and its power was extremely powerful when it charged.

It’s called Mori Roar.

It is a hot-tempered herbivore.

Sen Roar’s power is extremely large, and in terms of pure attack strength, many high-level beasts cannot compare to it… However, it is very inflexible, and it is easy to be killed by ninja beasts to avoid attacks, so it is defined as a medium-level beast.

Killing it, Yang Yu absorbed as many as 150 blood essences!

The amount of blood essence obtained is much higher than that of other mid-level beasts given by the system… Because of its large size, the blood gas in the body is very sufficient.


“I’m tired.” Yang Yu was lying in the marching tent, and directly threw a soldier’s grain pill into his mouth and chewed, and his mouth also kept making a hard click. The sound of things shattering. As the medicinal power of the Soldier Food Pill melted in the body, the consumed physical strength was also restored, and a comfortable warm current rose in the body.

An afternoon trek through the forest and kill. Killing, he basically shot by himself, because he wanted to sharpen his combat skills, Yang Yu did not rely on the black beetle soldiers, and he solved everything he could solve by himself.

Doing so has greatly improved his actual combat ability and adaptability.

The consequence was that he was also tired and half dead.

Of course, the harvest is quite big.



In the dark, on the retina deep in Yang Yu’s eyes, the translucent virtual interface belonging to the zerg system also appeared, and in the blood essence storage column, there were already no less than 600 blood essences at this moment. And at this moment, the black beetle soldier also has five heads, reaching the upper limit of the level 1 system!

“System.” Yang Yu spoke softly, his voice echoing slightly in the tent in the dark night.

“Consume 200 blood essence to upgrade the system to level 2, the system is upgraded, and after opening the upper limit of the number of new insect soldiers, all the remaining 400 blood essence points will summon black beetle soldiers.”

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