After completing the soul binding procedure of the soul rebirth technique, Yang Yu completely relaxed.

In the following time, his personal safety was greatly guaranteed.

You know, these are times of war.

The Third Shinobi War could come at any time, and in this precarious era, even Hokage would die. No one knows what will happen in the next moment. There is only one life, and if you die, you will die, and for Yang Yu before, this world was so insecure, so that his mind was full of thoughts to improve his strength as soon as possible to protect himself.

In particular, it is not clear how Uchiha stopped the water to open the kaleidoscope chakra eye in the near future, and he is more stressed. Even suspected that Uchiha’s kaleidoscopic chakra eye that stopped the water was most likely related to the life and death of his cheap brother, and this was opened. After all, there was no mention of the person Uchiha Harushui in the original book, and if there really was, then he had died in the era of war. Otherwise, it would be impossible not to mention it.

Every time he thought of this, Yang Yu felt that there was a sharp blade hanging above his head at any time!

And now?

A pie like a smash from the sky fell on him at once.

He was safe.

Has the ability to almost immortality.

As long as the Zerg base still exists, as long as there is still a Zerg soldier in this world!

Then he is immortal!

The enemy’s decapitation tactics will also no longer work for him!

Death, for Yang Yu today, suddenly became extremely far away.

So he relaxed.

The whole person relaxed from the tense state and became innumerably comfortable. All the pressure disappeared in an instant.

From this moment on, Yang Yu’s mentality also changed for the first time.

Originally, he just wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible so that he could survive, but now when survival is no longer a problem, a word called ambition has sprouted from his heart for the first time. He is the ruler of the Zerg, and all existence in the future must be centered on him and subservient!


Yang Yu was very satisfied with the technique of soul rebirth, and after being excited for a while, he did not immediately leave the Zerg base.

Instead, at the prompting of the system, he went to another room made of flesh and blood deep in the Zerg base. The style is still simple, except that deep in the room there is a flesh and blood cylinder platform, on which a golden-transparent glass-like thing is quietly placed.

That was the last thing in the Domination Pack.

Class C Gene Enhancer!

This is the only thing in the Domination Gift Pack that can instantly strengthen his own strength!

He doesn’t even have the physique and strength of the lower endurance now.

But once you drink this C-grade gene enhancement liquid, it will be different, and your strength will immediately begin to soar! Strengthen his power from the bottom of his genes!

Soon, Yang Yu walked to the front of the flesh and blood platform.

Look up close at the C-grade gene fortifier lying on the platform.

Yang Yu opened his mouth and asked: “System, this C-grade gene enhancement liquid, as long as you drink it directly?” ”

“Yes, Master.” The system replied without hesitation.


Yang Yu nodded, directly stretched out his hand, grabbed the C-grade gene enhancement liquid, pressed the blue button at one end of the crystal glass tube, the opening of the glass tube also opened with a bang, a trace of golden smoke rose inside, and a refreshing fragrance was also transmitted, making people’s food increase like a big increase, and their stomachs grumbled.

Under the invasion of this aroma, in just a moment, Yang Yu felt that he suddenly had a big appetite as if he had been hungry for ten thousand years, and he looked down at the C-grade gene enhancement liquid, and there was only one thought left in his mind.

Drink it!

Drink it!

Drink it!

Drink it!

The incomparably violent desire rose up in the body, as if every cell was eager to eat, Yang Yu was all over, and the next moment he no longer deliberately controlled himself, and directly poured the golden liquid that was rippling in the crystal glass tube and constantly emitting aroma into his mouth along with his desire.



Yang Yu’s raised neck squirmed, and the golden liquid had been completely swallowed into his abdomen.

In an instant, a refreshing feeling that jumped from the bottom of the foot board to the top of every hair above his head rose, making Yang Yu couldn’t help but let out a groan. groaned. He only felt that every cell in his body was being moisturized at this moment, and a stream of heat spread from the center of his body to his limbs!

Muscle, skin, body fat are all burned in shock!

Yang Yu opened his eyes, and his eyes were all red!

The Zerg system monitors the data of the body at any time, and where Yang Yu didn’t notice at this moment, the information representing his personal data was beating wildly!

Physique, strength, physical defenses, agility and more.

All body data is greatly improved!

Soar exponentially!



Yang Yu’s body, deep into the cell level, if you use microscopic equipment to watch, you will find that every cell is mutating at this moment!

From the bottom of the genes, they are becoming stronger than before.

The structure inside the cell becomes tighter, and the distance between the cells becomes tighter.

With such changes in cells, no matter the body’s strength explodes, the defense ability will be greatly improved.

Even in Yang Yu’s body, that special set of bloodline forces were also being affected by the C-grade gene enhancement liquid, becoming more powerful and more perfect.

That’s the bloodline power of the Sharingan!

In just a short moment at the beginning of the strengthening, Yang Yu’s eyes were changing, and the crimson pupils had changed from the original double-hook jade to three-hook jade! Moreover, this is not the end, after advancing to the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, the pupil power will soon reach the limit of this level.

After reaching the extreme of the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, it is still evolving.

Although it failed to break through to the level of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, it was also much stronger than other people’s three-hook jade writing wheel eye… Pupil power has advanced to the most extreme state of the Sharingan, which is perfect!

With this pair of eyes, he will be able to see the enemy’s attack movements more clearly than other Uchiha people with three-hook jade chakra eyes, predict the enemy’s attacks, and also replicate the opponent’s ninjutsu faster and more accurately.

Even after opening the kaleidoscope chakra eye in the future, the perfection-level pupil power at this moment will be much stronger than after opening the kaleidoscope with other chakra eyes!

The special pupil technique power that can be comprehended by him is even more terrifying!

Kaleidoscopic chakra eye opening requires special conditions, not only to meet the genetic level of reinforcement needs, but also to have a special desire for a certain ability in the heart to finally open. In the original work, people who often open the kaleidoscope need to kill or witness the death of relatives and friends, which is why.

Therefore, Yang Yu also failed to break through to the level of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes with C-grade gene enhancement liquid in one go.

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