
A group of ninjas of the Uchiha clan finally rushed forward hard, Uchiha Sen is the patriarch after all, and his orders cannot be disobeyed. These ninjas don’t have a sense of belonging to the Uchiha family like Yang Yu.

The current Uchiha family has completely declined.

Not at all strong back to the Sengoku period.

After experiencing the departure of Uchiha and the reign of the second generation who hated the Uchiha clan, the strength of the entire Uchiha clan has been weakened to an extremely weak point.

The Uchiha Guard, although nominally hung with the name of the Konoha Guard.

But the actual strength is actually not strong.

Compared to the many great clans of the entire Konoha, as well as the strength of the large number of troops under the Hokage, it is really nothing.

The Uchiha Guard, the total number of about four thousand people!

It is led by most of the lower Shinobi, part of the middle Shinobi, and three upper Shinobi.

Two of the three Shangnin were out on a mission at the moment, leaving only one member.

Strength is empty like this.

This is also the reason why in later generations, the entire Uchiha clan was so easily exterminated.

And the ninja who surrounded Yang Yu at this moment?

There are only a few thousand people, and most of them are Shinobi, and there are less than twenty Zhong Shinobi!

These people launched a charge against the wolf-like insect soldiers under Yang Yu?

Isn’t this looking for death?

If they held on to the spot and trapped Yang Yu in a defensive posture, they might be able to trap Yang Yu for a long time and drag a lot of reinforcements to support.

Initiate a charge attack?

Soon, Uchiha Sen regretted his order.


I only saw a large number of ninjas shouting and rushing up, and the sneer on Yang Yu’s face was even stronger, and he waved his hand.

“Bone spur attack, put!”

A large group of thorny snakes attacked en masse!

Bang bang!

At this moment, the air was shaking, and a large area of black-pressed bone spurs tore through the air, directly bombarding those ninjas who did not have any defensive impact with a spiral trajectory. Although those ninjas also have the strength of the lower ninja, from the perspective of comprehensive strength, they also belong to the power of the black beetle soldier and the stinging snake. But their defense is much weaker, after all, they are flesh and blood, and there is no armor protection.

How powerful the bone spurs of the stinging snake are, in terms of pure power, the point-to-point single attack power can even be comparable to a large-caliber sniper rifle attack. Rate, accuracy, attack in one!

More than five hundred thorn snakes, each volley has thousands of bone spurs shot out.

And this firing frequency is also extremely high.

Under precise control, the stinging snake can even shoot a fly within 100 meters, and most of the bone spurs at this moment directly bombard the heads of the ninjas.

In an instant, I saw that this space was shrouded in a group of bone spurs pressed by black pressure, and the air continued to make a rumbling boom.

Subsequently, I saw a large number of ninjas who were hit by bone spurs and flew out, and some people also wanted to seal and release ninjutsu, but their sealing speed was too slow to keep up with the speed of bone spur shooting.

Just one face is already turned on the back, and blood flows like a river! At least two-thirds of the ninjas fell forever, especially those in front, whose entire bodies were torn into pieces of flesh and blood.

“Kill them! One does not stay! Yang Yu ordered directly.

“Shh-” A black beetle soldier with an exceptionally strong aura also hissed, and directly led the way and rushed out.

“Hiss-hiss-hiss-” Immediately behind it, a large group of black beetle soldiers also roared and rushed directly towards them, and rushed into the remaining ninja group. For a time, the ninjas who survived encountered a crisis again, and they also fought back, but the ninja knife in their hands slammed on the tough and thick carapace of the black beetle soldiers, and immediately clanged and bounced away, leaving only some white marks and the knife edge formed by the ninja knife slashing.

They can’t even break through the defenses of the black beetle soldiers!

Black beetle soldiers, the carapace on the body surface is too hard, comparable to steel!

It is not at all that these lower Shinobi of the same level can be harmed, only sporadic middle Shinobi can inflict damage on them and break through their carapace. But as soon as those Naka Shinobi emerged, they would be killed by the fire attack of the stinging snakes who were ready to attack, and the black beetle soldiers who were injured by them also retreated and began to eat the corpses of the ninja on the ground, and soon recovered from their injuries as they ate, becoming alive again.

“Fire Escape, Hao Fireball Art!”

“Fire Escape, Phoenix Immortal Fire Art!”

Some ninjas who were not attacked in the rear also withdrew their hands to seal and perform ninjutsu.

A large flame also shot out, enveloping the battlefield!

But it’s still useless.

Yang Yu didn’t even bother to let the stinging snakes continue to attack, only let the black beetle soldiers charge, with the hard carapace to block a large area of incoming flames, against the sky full of flames rushed into the last group of ninjas, whoops! The black beetle soldiers wielded their sharp claws, and after a moment, the entire battlefield calmed down.

Looking around, there was not a single ninja still standing.

There are only a few people left, who are not dead at the moment, but they are missing arms and legs and are struggling and groaning on the ground. Recite. For these people, the black beetle soldiers quickly stepped forward and directly smashed their heads, killing them with mending knives.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of ninjas were killed.

And Yang Yu’s black beetle group did not even show casualties.

It is really that the defense of these ninjas is too fragile, and most of them were killed by the stinging snake group in one face, and some of the remaining people could not resist at all under the impact of the black beetle soldiers, which far exceeded them, and the weapons in their hands could not hurt the black beetle soldiers, so they were naturally completely annihilated without damage.

If thousands of psychic beasts of the same level with heavy carapace defenses came over, maybe the casualties on Yang Yu’s side would be much greater.

And these ninjas of the Uchiha clan were almost in a state of complete restraint by the insect soldiers under Yang Yu.

“You, you…”

“Uchiha Harushui, you actually killed so many people of the same clan, do you really want to rebel against the clan.” Uchiha Sen was completely frightened, and at the moment he had hidden far away, his lips were trembling, and he was dripping blood when he saw thousands of ninjas being killed like cats and dogs. At the same time, he also raised his fear for Yang Yu for the first time, and saw the small figure that was only seven years old, as if he saw a devil.

More than ten minutes ago, he was still facing Yang Yu from above, as the head of a clan.

At this moment, the status of the two sides has been completely reversed.

“Old stuff.”

Yang Yu stepped over a piece of blood, walked directly past a large number of black beetle soldiers, came to the front of the battlefield and looked at Uchiha Sen, who was hiding in the distance: “I have already said before, don’t force me to make a choice against my will, otherwise I will let the blood of the Uchiha family flow into rivers.” Don’t say that I didn’t give you a chance, if you confess yourself in front of me now, maybe I’m in a good mood and can get away with it. ”

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