Each sub-base will provide an equal amount of computing power that will bring the Zerg to the top of the current stage. The peak strength soared by a large margin.

The main base also has a limit on the control of computing power at different stages of the sub-base.

For example, when the first-level Zerg base is located, the main base does not open the sub-base option at all.

And now in the period of the second-level zerg base, the main base can control the two sub-bases at the maximum, so that its computing power will eventually split into three times!

As for III. Grade Zerg base?

Level 4 Zerg base?

With the upgrade of the main base, there will be more and more sub-bases under your control, and it will show geometric multipliers!

Perhaps when upgrading to the Zerg main base of level five or six, the sub-bases that can be created under his command can already reach tens of thousands, and the large-scale existence of sub-bases will also make the computing power of the Zerg base soar indefinitely, and the number of Zerg soldiers under his command will also explode! At that time, the Zerg is the real Zerg, and the Zerg sea of insects across the universe will bloom with incomparably dazzling light for the first time!


All this needs to evolve, Yang Yu needs to constantly improve the level of the Zerg base in order to develop the potential of this extremely terrifying race step by step, maybe one day he can rely on the power of the Zerg to crisscross the entire multiverse and crush the endless powerful race!

But it’s too early to tell.

Now Yang Yu has just started, although he is quite smooth in the parallel world of Naruto… But in the face of the endless potential of the entire Zerg, he is only a novice on the road.



Time and space were distorting, and Yang Yu felt that the muscles inside his body were also shaking slightly, as if there was an ubiquitous force penetrating his body, constantly tearing the power on his body. Inside the glittering passage, he kept walking, and the environment here made even the concept of time gradually blurred and distorted.

Here, inside the base wormhole, the space-time tunnel between the two bases.

After instructing the insect soldiers who remained on the side of the sub-base to go out and continue to explore and find the second sub-base resettlement site, Yang Yu took the kaleidoscopic chakra eye sealing scroll and embarked on the return journey back to the main base.


Because of the vague concept of time, when the Yangdi wormhole returned to the main base, even the whole person was still in a state of half-dreaming confusion.

He felt as if he had slept, as if he had just woken up, and wanted to carefully recall everything he had just experienced, but he felt as if he had a big dream. Moreover, the perception of time is also vague and distorted, just as people wake up from deep sleep and cannot perceive the time from darkness to dawn, Yang Yu can’t say how long he has been in the base wormhole.

“System, how long did it take me to teleport just now?” Yang Yu asked the Zerg system, his flesh and blood, will be confused by this perceptual problem, the Zerg system should not be confused, should be able to give the answer they want.

“One second.”

“From stepping into the base wormhole to returning to the main base, the whole process takes only one second.” The zerg system quickly gave a standard answer, and this answer made Yang Yu incredible for a while, although his impression was vague, there were still some memory fragments left, and from those memory fragments, he clearly felt that he should have spent a lot of time inside the base wormhole.

In this case, the Zerg system quickly gave the answer.

According to the Zerg system, the space-time distortion in the space-time passage constructed by the base wormhole teleports people instantaneously in a way that distorts space-time. In the distorted space-time, those who may exist in it will feel that a lot of time has passed, but in the normal dimension of space-time, it is actually just a moment.

The whole process is said to be a second, in fact, it still calculates the time it takes Yang Yu to step into the base wormhole and walk out of the base wormhole.

In fact, he spent less time in the space-time tunnel inside the base wormhole!

It’s just for a moment.

“Forget it.”

“Stop, stop.” Yang Yu’s head was as big as a fight, he didn’t understand the technical principle of this, and he simply didn’t continue to think about it by asking for trouble.

If it could be so easy to understand, I am afraid that he would be able to open up a wormhole on his own now, obviously Yang Yu can’t do this now, even if the Zerg system spreads out all the manufacturing principles of the base wormhole in front of his eyes, he can’t understand it under the huge scientific and technological theory knowledge fault. So he also gave up freely to get to the bottom of it, otherwise he would be uncomfortable with himself.

After giving up the principle of pursuing the base wormhole, Yang Yu soon came to the gene furnace established not far from the main base.

The gene furnace has the word furnace in its name, but in fact, it can’t be beaten with the appearance of the furnace.

The name just means that it can extract and smelt endless genetic power.

This is one of the core functional buildings of the Zerg.

The importance is second only to the base, and the blood essence incubation room belongs to the same level of importance.

Because of it, the Zerg have a better evolutionary environment.

With the evolution of the Zerg base, the ability to refine and fuse various genes, and even the ability to refine biological genetic modification and create new Zerg soldiers, will be the most important for Yang Yu and the entire Zerg base!

Now, Yang Yu will use it to solve the first genetic problem that he urgently needs to solve now.

Coming to the front of the gene furnace, Yang Yu soon took out a white sealing scroll from his arms.

Several gestures formed a special mark, and the seal scroll was also unlocked.

A pair of kaleidoscopic chakra eyes plundered from Uchiha Fugaku also fell on Yang Yu’s palm like beautiful modern glass bead crafts, and invisible chakra power gushed out from Yang Yu’s palm, gently and carefully holding these two kaleidoscope chakra eyes, for fear of destroying them in the slightest.

“The melting pot of genes.”

“Help me analyze this pair of eyeballs, the maximum energy consumption, the highest level analysis.” Yang Yu’s order was given, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye was carefully placed inside the gene furnace. _

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