The news spread extremely quickly, and at first it was a little slow in the Fire Nation, but when it spread to neighboring countries, there were already countless people talking about it.

Because it’s so legendary.

Konoha Shinobi Village is recognized as the strongest ninja organization in this world.

Yang Yu actually single-handedly fought against many top powerhouses in Konoha at the age of seven, and finally won, severely damaging three high-level powerhouses in Konoha, and taking away one! Even the strategic weapon of Konoha Shinobi Village, the Nine-Tails Pillar Power, was taken away.

Although defeating the top powerhouse of Konoha does not mean completely defeating the entire Konoha.

But Yang Yu’s name was still spread quickly.

It has become a topic that people from all over the world talk about after tea and dinner.

Especially in that battle, about Yang Yu’s copy eye… It has been praised by countless people, and the most widely spread battle in Konoha’s mouths is that Yang Yu uses the power of the copy eye again and again, quickly copying the ninjutsu cast by the strong men of Konoha to counter them, and exerts it with a stronger posture to defeat them fiercely!

No matter how difficult it is to practice ninjutsu, forbidden arts.

Even special occults!

As long as Yang Yu has seen it, he can learn everything… At this point, Yang Yu’s seven-year-old replicator eye demon name became bigger and bigger… Now that people in various countries mention Yang Yu’s name, the first thing mentioned is the name of this seven-year-old copy-eyed demon.

It’s not just the people at the bottom who are circulating this kind of news.

The core strength of various countries, the ninja villages of the four surrounding powers, are also circulating news about Yang Yu.

The shadows of each village all sent the most elite intelligence officers under their hands to try to find out where Yang Yu Konoha went after the first battle, and if possible, even wanted to recruit!

But the people they sent out ended up in the sea and couldn’t find any useful news.

Yang Yu seemed to have evaporated from the world.

In addition to finding some subtle clues in the forest area outside Konoha, all clues are broken when they reach the inside of the forest.

Of course, they didn’t know that Yang Yu had three huge bases in the Konoha Forest, let alone that Yang Yu did not leave the Fire Country after this incident, and also killed the daimyo of the Fire Country to replace him, and now he is enjoying blessings in the other courtyard in the depths of the Daimyo Mansion.


The intelligence officers of the major powers did not detect Yang Yu’s traces, but they saw the tragic situation outside Konoha, and detected the fact that the 100,000 samurai army of the Fire Country was destroyed.

For a while, these messages were reported.

The news presented immediately began to move around the Fire Nation… At this time, in their opinion, after a battle with the seven-year-old replica demon Yang Yu, the country of fire will inevitably be impacted, and Konoha’s side will definitely be killed and injured.

This is when the Fire Nation is at its weakest.

Maybe you can take the opportunity to attack this hard bone…

The idea started together and never stopped.

The land occupied by the Land of Fire has always been fruitful.

It is a place that the surrounding countries want to fight for in previous ninja world wars, but in the past, Konoha Shinobi Village was extremely strong, and the national strength of the Fire Country was also very strong, so it has not been successful. Now they guessed that Konoha was hit hard by Yang Yu, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, naturally no one was willing to give up.

No one wants to be the first to eat crabs.

After all, the gun shoots the first bird!

The information between the Fire Nation and Konoha is vague, and all thoughts are based on speculation after all… With this layer of concern, it did not make the surrounding powers frustrated and immediately start a war. There was no big war, but local small frictions appeared. In the blink of an eye, this maintains a delicate balance, and the fragile era of peace is once again mired in a quagmire, seeing that the third ninja war is about to be started…

And the fuse that caused all this was Yang Yu.

Yang Yu, a little butterfly from the earth, finally fluttered his wings in this world, attracting a series of butterfly effects and setting off a storm that was about to sweep the entire world. In this regard, Yang Yu also received the news soon, after all, his subordinates are now the daimyo of the Fire Nation, and the temptation actions of the surrounding countries are naturally reported quickly.

After receiving the news, Yang Yu did not immediately take action to teach these restless guys a lesson.

Instead, there was silence.

The coveting of the Fire Nation by neighboring countries may usher in a huge disaster for the Fire Country, but for Yang Yu… But it’s not an opportunity!

One set off wars, plundered endless blood essences, and even invaded other countries’ territories in an upright manner, plundering resources.

A chance to go on a spree search for the whereabouts of silver ore!

If the world is peaceful and he takes the initiative to start a war, the purpose is too obvious.

And if it is criticized, it is likely that people will find a reason to occupy the name of righteousness and attack them en masse… Yang Yu is not so crazy now, he wants to face the world alone, he can only find a guy who does not open his eyes as a breakthrough point to strike.

I drowsy and thought about the pillow, but I didn’t think about where to start expanding.

The surrounding countries began to be restless.

Just right……

This gave Yang Yu a good head.

As long as these guys dare to really invade the Fire Country, Yang Yu will dare to lead the Zerg Legion to invade the territory of these countries, take their capitals into his palm, and become one of his own colonies! At that time, it will not be to provoke the war yourself, but to fight back in self-defense in the name of the country of fire!

If it occupies the great righteousness, at least it will not be hated by all the surrounding countries, and it will not be attacked by a group! When the time comes to fight back, it will only target the guy who jumps the most.

Now it’s up to which guy who doesn’t open his eyes to take the lead in attacking the Fire Nation.

As long as he dares to make a move, Yang Yu will teach them to be human at the first time.


The friction on the border is gradually intensifying, and Konoha has also sent many ninjas to interfere, but Yang Yu’s side has let the daimyo of the Fire Country deal with it passively… After all, there are not enough people in Konoha Shinobi Village, and they can’t manage it at all.

Time is ticking.

Finally, after a month of the impatience of the countries, the country of thunder could not sit still at first. A group of envoys formed by Yunnin began to enter Konoha from their own country. In the name of the mission, it is actually to inquire about the specific situation of the Fire Nation. _

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