The Land of Thunder is very different from the Land of Fire, if the Land of Fire is a country shrouded in vast forests, rich in land and rich in materials.

Then the country of thunder is the country surrounded by mountains and thunder!

There are plenty of hot springs here.

Because the mountains are high and steep, the whole country is also shrouded in thunderclouds, and often rumbling thunder erupts at the tops of a large number of peaks in the country… With this as a feature, this country was finally established, and it was finally named the Land of Thunder.

And domestic ninjas, such as Yunnin!

They are generally good at exerting the power of thunder and tempering their bodies with thunder, so that the ninjas of this country are far superior to ordinary ninjas in other countries in terms of physical skills!

Especially the three generations of Thunder Shadow, they are the best among them!

This guy’s physical strength is probably not much better than Yang Yu, and even compared to Yang Yu’s meat in a normal state now at the fifth level of life. It may be stronger in physical strength.

Of course, Yang Yu is proficient in many ninjutsu, and he has a powerful eternal reenactment technique that can wantonly copy other people’s ninjutsu, physical art, and blood succession limits.

With the help of the kaleidoscope of chakra eyes on the genetic armor, there are powerful means such as Susano.

If he really fights with the three generations of Lei Ying, Yang Yu may not be afraid of him.



There are thick black clouds in the sky, and you can often see inserts in the clouds. At the giant peak of the sky, a huge insect beast with a wingspan of fifteen meters in the sky was galloping, and occasionally there would be falling thunder bombarding down, which would soon be offset by a layer of energy light shield that permeated the flying insect beast.

This huge flying insect beast is none other than Mantis No. 1 under Yang Yu!

Its strength is now also rising.

With the skyrocketing resources in Yang Yu’s hands, he didn’t lose it… After all, it is Yang Yu’s mount, and the current strength of Mantis No. 1 is the same as the leader of the Golden King Beetle Worm, King Kong, who was piled up to the level of a fifth-level lifeform by Yang Yu with a lot of resources, and in terms of speed, it is now the fastest among all Yang Yu’s subordinates!

The frontal combat ability is only slightly weaker than King Kong.

It is now also a shadow-level combat power!

Compared with the two two-tailed cat demons incarnated by wooden people, the strength is estimated to be almost the same.

The falling thunder was offset by the energy light mask that popped up on the mantis one, that energy light mask is an additional ability unique to its exclusive genetic armor, perhaps it is very difficult to resist the attacks of shadow-level powerhouses, but the light mask can withstand some ordinary attacks, and it is more comfortable for Yang Yu to stay on its back to cover the wind and rain.


The wind howled, and soon Yang Yu saw a small one on the ground.

“Thunder Cliff.”

“It’s there.” Yang smiled.

The city below is one of the three border cities assigned by the Land of Thunder to the Land of Fire, and it is also the most prosperous and important of the three border cities. As for the other two cities, they are just foils, there are not many people, the facilities inside the city are extremely backward, and they are in the thunder-hit area all year round, so they can basically be ignored.

Because in the thunder-hit area, it is really too dangerous.

Unless a few people who couldn’t help it would live there, most of the people and animals would not want to come close, and even the garrisons sent by the Fire Nation left the two cities far away to camp in safety.

“Mantis One, let’s go down.” Yang Yu sat cross-kneeled on the head of Mantis One, raised his hand and patted the hard back of its skull carapace.

“Landing near the city.”

“Yes, Master.” Yang Yu’s mind clearly heard the voice of Mantis One, which is transmitted through the Zerg spiritual network, in theory, as long as it is on this planet, there will be no communication barriers, and in the future, the Zerg base will be upgraded to a higher number, and the communication distance will expand geometrically.

After this guy from Mantis No. 1 advanced to the fifth level of lifeform, he obviously opened his spiritual intelligence and was already able to communicate with Yang Yu simply.

The same is true of King Kong in this regard, it seems that the fifth-level lifeform is a watershed. Although they are not very smart, they at least have basic discrimination ability, can better carry out Yang Yu’s orders, and even help Yang Yu lead troops to fight!

Lifeforms below level five, except for those humanoid special insect soldiers, such as black armored guards and so on.

Normal basic insect soldiers, even if they are strengthened to the fourth level peak. At the peak level, he can’t communicate with Yang Yu, he will only roar and respond to Yang Yu’s orders with instinct, and will only rely on instinct to kill the enemy, while at the same time listening to the control and scheduling of Yang Yu and the master brain of the Zerg base!


In a clearing, dust was lifted up in the sky.

Yang Yu jumped down from the back of Mantis One, at this moment they were not far from the entrance of the gate of Thunder Cliff City, and when they fell, a large number of Thunder Cliff residents also opened their mouths in surprise, stunned to look at Mantis No. 1, which was as huge as a monster, and Yang Yu who rode it.

It’s so eye-catching.

At this moment, Yang Yu is a seven-year-old child after all, although there are ninjas in this world, ordinary people also know that ninjas hold incomparable strength. But no one has ever seen a child who can control such a huge insect psychic beast, in fact, this kind of psychic beast that can be comparable in size to a tailed beast is rare.

The reason why the three Shinobi of Konoha are famous is also directly related to the three powerful and huge psychic beasts they possess!

“Great… My lord. A soldier guarding the door spoke tremblingly.

“Excuse me, are you a special envoy sent by the Fire Nation?”

These soldiers have long received an order from above, saying that a powerful ninja from the Land of Fire came to sit in the city of Thunder Cliff today, so they can also guess Yang Yu’s identity. It’s just that he didn’t expect such a terrifying existence to come, and it was still the appearance of a seven-year-old child.

Wait a minute.


Could it be the rumored seven-year-old replicant-eyed demon?

Oh, my God!

The soldiers guarding the door trembled even more, and their eyes showed a fanatical look.

In recent times, there have been too many legends about Yang Yu.

For example, defeating the strong people of Konoha, such as a few moves to blast the war weapon such as the tailed orc pillar force to lose its combat effectiveness, and so on.

“I’m a special envoy.” Yang Yu nodded and motioned for the soldier to lead the way.

“Take me to your home in the city.” _

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