The attack speed of the Arashi Blade is extremely fast, and the attack formed by the continuous switching of the seven knives simply falls without gaps, and the attack angle is also extremely tricky.

The most ordinary barren heron felling knife is displayed, and ordinary people cannot resist it.

Not to mention the power of tailed beastification and the power of the supersonic thunder knife at this moment… At this moment, Kirabi’s speed was really fast to the extreme, and the seven narrow ninja knives between the actions formed a series of phantoms, so that the upper ninja and quasi-shadows watching the battle around could only see a piece of sword light and could not see the body of the seven ninja swords at all!

Only the three generations of Thunder Shadow and some shadow-level powerhouses in Yunyin Ninja Village could barely see some of the sword light trajectories when the seven ninja knives wielded by Kirabi!

Although you can see it, you face Kirabi at the moment.

I’m afraid that among the people present, only three generations of Lei Ying dare to shoot Xiong Chu to pack tickets to deal with this move of Chirabi at this distance.

The body of the three generations of Thunder Shadow is extremely strong, coupled with a special black thunder power protection body, so that he can already resist the ninja knife attack wielded by Kirabi to a certain extent, and he can break Chirabi’s trick of the Desolate Heron Blade by using hard resistance and violent counterattack, if he dodges, even he can’t dodge.

“Uchiha Haruizu is over.”

The third generation of Lei Ying saw that Kirabi was close to Yang Yu, but at this moment Yang Yu was still motionless, as if he was frightened by the sudden change, and the whole person stayed in place and did not react.

“After all, do you rely on the powerful pupil technique to copy the eye power, and instantly copy the power of others to fight back against the opponent…” The third generation of Thunder Shadow sneered: “Kirabi’s Barren Heron Cutting Knife is not something that can be copied and used directly, even if it can be copied… There are no weapons at hand for on-site use. ”

“Really look up to him, seven-year-old replicator eye demon?”


“Relying only on the powerful copy pupil technique may be really powerful, but once you encounter a restrained opponent, you will immediately reveal your original form, what a disappointment…” Between the three generations of thunder shadow electric flint, many questions came to mind, seeing that Kirabi had killed Yang Yu closely, completely shrouding Yang Yu in the core lethality range of the Desolate Heron Blade that maximized its power.

“It’s over.” The third generation of Lei Ying sneered: “There is no movement at this distance, this kid loses…”

“Well?!” The words of the third generation of Lei Ying sneered only halfway through, and suddenly his expression froze, as if he saw something incredible, a pair of eyes instantly widened, mouth. Batu couldn’t help but open up.

“What is that…”

“How is it possible!”

Following the gaze of the three generations of Lei Ying, I only saw that a set of black hideous armor instantly appeared on Yang Yu’s body surface, which was the domination suit!

When the domination suit is dressed, the two kaleidoscopic chakra eyes inlaid on the forehead of the suit are instantly activated.


The purple Chakra power pervaded, Yang Yu—, that voice seemed to come out of the Nine Nether Hell, with endless killing intent.


“Third form!”

After a low drink, Kirabi’s Barren Heron Blade slammed directly into Yang Yu. The seven ninja knives were instantly wrapped in violent Chakra power, colliding with the Susanoo purple Chakra armor that appeared in Kankan, a large spark immediately splashed around, and under the violent force bombardment, the surrounding earth shattered and sank, and a large area of dust and smoke rose up.

Rumble! Boom!

A violent collision sounded, and the blade seemed to slash at a huge iron stone, emitting a terrifying groan that was about to break and bend. The sound of groaning.

After a series of dense collisions, Kirabi’s face flew back with an ugly face!


In the dust and smoke in the sky, a purple palm poked out and clenched its fist and slammed it down directly. The strong power made Chirabi directly change color, condensed a large number of tailed beast Chakra formed a coat to block in front of him, and in an instant the huge purple fist bombarded over, Kirabi only felt that he hit an extraterrestrial meteorite head-on, and the whole person was immediately blasted out like a shooting star!


A large number were ploughed out of huge ditches. Gully.

Kirabi’s body has an eight-tailed chakra outer protective body, and his defense is many times stronger than that of Ai now. Therefore, after withstanding Susano’s blow, the injuries he received were not too heavy, and under the infusion of Yao Chakra, the lacerations inside his body were immediately repaired and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The tailed orc pillar force is filled with the tailed beast Chakra, and the physique is also far away comparable to ordinary ninjas!

For example, Naruto in the original book of Hokage is extremely resistant to blows.

There is the relationship between the blood of the immortal body in his body, and there is also the relationship between the nine-tailed Chakra to transform his body.



In the area where Yang Yu was standing, a gust of wind blew up a large area of dust, and a huge Tengu giant with a purple armor surface surrounded by light flames was also revealed.

At this moment, Yang Yu was holding his hands crossed in front of him, his body was in the center of the body of the huge Tengu armored giant, and his eyes converged on Yun Shinobu’s side, looking at the eight-tailed Kirabi who was blown away by a punch like garbage.

“Yun Ren’s garbage, the sword technique just now is indeed exquisite. But…… This trick is not effective for me. ”

Yang Yu opened his mouth and laughed loudly: “Your dress like this must be the eight-tailed person Zhu Liqi Rabbi of Yunyin Ninja Village, right?” Use your true strength, if you don’t go all out… I promise you’ll never get a chance to strike again. Come on, let me see the power of the legendary eight-tailed bull ghost! ”

“Hahahaha, let’s shoot!”

Yang Yu said as he also rumbled forward, and the huge Susanoo had already raised his palm and directly slapped down a large number of Yunnin, including Yao Kirabi, on the opposite side.


Chirabi’s eyes spewed fire, and he didn’t even do the rap he always liked, and the whole person fell into shame and anger.

“Don’t be too proud of you brat!”

“Tail beastization!”

“Third form!” Chirabi roared, and the next moment he only saw a qualitative change in the eight-tailed chakra on his body, and a huge half-bull, half-octopus monster also drilled out of his body the next moment! _

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