"Yes, that's why it's a pity to say it."

"What do you mean by that?"

Chapter [-]: Upcoming Events

In the spacious hall, the crowd was surging, it was extremely lively, and there was a festive atmosphere.

On the special seats placed in the hall, there are local nobles or representatives from the famous government agencies of the Land of Thunder, as well as some small countries around the Land of Thunder. They were invited by Yun Ren to come here today. Witnessing Konoha bowing his head to Yun Ren, and Vinuodi handing over Hyuga's white eyes, it was the time when Yun Ren was in high spirits!

On the high platform of the hall, a burly man of a strong age is looking down at the guests. He seems to enjoy looking at others with this kind of looking down. However, he does have the power to look down on others. .The fourth generation of the Raikage of Yunnin Village!

"Lord Yuji, Minister of Finance of the Kingdom of Thunder, is here!"

At the gate, a loud announcement sounded into the hall, making the noisy hall slightly quiet, and strange eyes swept towards the gate. Generally speaking, as an official of the National Palace, generally He will not take the initiative to participate in the celebration of Yun Ren Village, but the people from this famous mansion are now coming to celebrate in a large audience. This action makes everyone understand that Yun Ren has already opened up all the joints in the country of Thunder. .For Yun Ren's attack on Konoha, the Kingdom of Thunder fully supports!

With official support and its own huge ninja war corps as the background, it is no wonder that Yun Nin Village's strength has skyrocketed in recent years, and there is a faint battle with Konoha!

"Hehe, Mr. Raiying, congratulations." At the gate, a group of people surrounded a gorgeous middle-aged fat man, walked in with a smile on his face, and smiled affectionately at Raiying on the stage.

"Hehe, Lord Yuji, you have come here in person, please..." He smiled at the fat man who didn't know how much money he had taken from their Yun Ren over the years, and a cold killing flashed in Lei Ying's heart. meaning.With a smile on his face, he led him to the specially made seats on the high platform with his empty hands.

After chatting a few words with this Yuuki-sama, there was another loud announcement at the door.

"Tian Zhiguo, Foreign Minister Chengde is here!"

Listen to the name.Raikage was also slightly stunned, and then a smile appeared on his face.This Chengde comes from a small country, a country of fields, but although the meat is small, it is not enough.Yun Ren has long coveted him, but he was fooled by Orochimaru, who was the first to get there, and used rhetoric to fool Tian Zhiguo's name, and then invested in him to establish Yin Ren.After the failure of Konoha's attack plan, after so many years of painstaking efforts, Tonin, who has only made progress, has never recovered, and only exists in name only.

Now that the domestic sound forbearance is rapidly declining, and the Orochimaru is missing, so Tian Zhiguo came this time to find a more powerful fighting force than the sound of the forbearance!

Back in the day, Orochimaru established a sound ninja force in Tian Zhiguo, although it was a little worse than the giant Yun Ninja.But accumulated over the years.It also makes Orochimaru's strength not to be underestimated.And let Raiking show such an expression.Naturally, it was because the representative of Tian Zhiguo reminded him.as normal.The relationship between Yun Ren and Tian Zhiguo is not likely to be good. Let the other party celebrate this kind of thing.It is absolutely impossible.But now Tian Zhiguo is in a somewhat unexpected situation.It was obvious that he came today with a hint of an invitation to please.Obviously, with Yun Ren's strength soaring.Tian Zhiguo hopes to use the power of Yun Ren to ensure his own domestic security work.

"Haha, Your Excellency Lei Ying. It's not like he's in high spirits now. He coerced Konoha and asked him to obediently hand over his white eyes, but you are about to be eaten up by you bad boy." A middle-aged man with a thin face.Laughing and marching into the hall.He smiled at the mine shadow on the stage.

"Haha. I didn't expect people from Tian Zhiguo to come here too. This old man is really honored." Lei Ying said with a smile.He had a few words with Pi Xiaorou, the representative of Tian Zhiguo, without smiling.Then he was also ushered in a high position.

Next, a large number of leaders of noble clans with high status in the Land of Thunder came one after another.For a time, in this lively hall.It turned out that nearly seven or eight out of ten forces in the Kingdom of Thunder had gathered together, which was truly a rare event.

Looking at the VIPs in the hall, the smile on Lei Ying's face was getting stronger and stronger. In this entire country of thunder, to be able to have such appealing power, except for his Yunren Village, he simply looked for it again. No second home.

A smile appeared on Raikage's face.After hearing the last announcement.It finally bloomed like a chrysanthemum.Step down yourself.Then quickly walked towards the door.

As the focus of the entire venue, Lei Ying's actions naturally attracted everyone's attention. Seeing that he actually went out to greet him in person, he was a little stunned and couldn't help but whispered in a low voice. There seems to be only one reason for the distant nobles of the Land of Thunder, who can be treated so eagerly by Raikage.

"Really." After listening to the report of the subordinate, Lei Ying couldn't help but frown slightly, and murmured with a little doubt, "What's going on? The calculation of time should be correct at this time. However, let’s start with the original plan to give Konoha’s people a plan…”

However, just when Yun Ninja began to plan to dismantle the coming Konoha and his party.At this time, in the periphery of Yunren Village, Kirito's group stopped in front.

"What's the matter? If you want to rest, please enter our Yun Ren Village and then count. The rest of the journey is less than..."

"No, no need."

Yun Ren, who was in charge of leading the way, had not finished talking to Kirito, but his body instantly stiffened.

"Pfft!" Kirito pulled out the knife that was deeply inserted into the opponent's chest, bringing out a large amount of blood and organs.

"You, you..." The sudden change made the remaining Yun Ren feel terrified. The companion who was alive a second ago is now dead in Huangquan, and this companion is among their group. The strongest Jōnin-level ninja was only slightly worse than the Iwanin leader of the day.However, the companions with the strength equivalent to the Jōnin were actually killed in a flash before they even had time to react. The visual impact brought by the scene in front of them was too great.

Killing the ninjas of Yunnin Village in front of the gate of Yunnin Village, you can imagine what a shocking event Kirito will do in Yunnin Village next!

Chapter [-] Infiltrate

"You bastard……"

With bare hands, he grabbed the sharp sword that was struggling to stab at any time, and then twisted its blade with a "click", and then slapped the broken blade into the opponent's heart.

"Pfft!" He spat out a mouthful of blood, and those wide-eyed eyes quickly dimmed. He raised his head with difficulty, his eyes fixed on Kirito in front of him, "I...below...wait, we cloud Forbearance...I won't let you go..."

The curse of the other party's resentment can't make Kirito's heart a little bit of waves, and the palm of his hand is gently printed on the other party's chest. After taking it back, there is no change in the other party, but the important internal organs of the body have been taken by Kirito. Destroyed and destroyed by the force of the fierce Nine Suns!

The lifeless flesh fell heavily to the ground, and Yun Ren, the last leader leading the way, was suffocated.

Killing the line of Yun Ren in front of him was not a random act of Kirito, but something he had already decided from the beginning before Konoha set off.

Yun Ren intimidated Konoha, showed off his power or something, and Kirito didn't care at all, and he didn't care.But the "marriage" document handed over to him by the other party has completely provoked Kirito's monstrous anger.

Marriage is not a rigid request of Yun Ren, it is just a condition for negotiating with Konoha, and as the last bottom line, they have to get Hyuga's eyes no matter what.However, whether it is to send Hinata as a political victim to Yun Ren, or at a minimum, goug out her eyes and send it to Yun Ren.Either of these two will deeply stimulate Kirito's nerves.

In the front, it has been clearly understood that Kirito is a man whose sensibility is far greater than his rationality.Therefore, he decided to take revenge on Yun Ren.Of course, he is not a fool who can only act recklessly. The reason why he did not reject Yun Ren's documents on the spot when he was in Konoha and killed Yun Ren's envoy to vent his anger is because he knew that if he did this, it would undoubtedly be equivalent to Konoha wants to tear his face with Yun Ren, so that he won't get the support of Konoha's top management, and it will make Yun Ren fully vigilant, making his next revenge difficult to implement.In other words, just killing a few young people walking in front is not enough to let Kirito vent his anger. He will clean up the enemies who are planning all this behind the scenes!

Now, they have come to the gate of Yun Ren Village. The Yun Ren authorities don't know any information about him for the time being. Now is the last time to launch an attack.

"Yin-yang escape method psychic!"

The surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and then a gust of snow fell.

"Sleeve Baixue!" With the sound of Kirito falling, a figure of snow all over his body slowly fell in front of him, hanging on the ground.

Kirito explained to Konoha Anbu and others, and also instructed Shou Baixue to protect Hinata closely.Let their group enter Yun Ren from the front in accordance with the planned journey, and let the Yun Ren authorities conduct a "grand" welcoming ceremony.Attracting most of the attention, I sneaked into Yun Ren from other directions.

Because today is Yun Ren invited foreign guests to witness Hyuga Baiyan, the first important moment in history when Konoha bowed to Yun Ren, so the barrier in Yun Ren Village was temporarily closed.In other words, they don't think there is any guy who doesn't have long eyes to dare to provoke them at such a time.

Kirito easily sneaked into Yun Nin Village and walked through several crowded streets.After Kirito circled Yun Nin Village for nearly half a circle.Just now, I gradually got to Yeyue's house, which is located in the remote valley to the west of the village.

The Yeyue family is one of the most famous and famous families in Yun Ren. Their status and relationship are just like those of Konoha and Uchiha. The overly powerful family will also be rejected by the high-level villagers. Therefore, the Yeyue family's base camp is located in A remote area away from the center of the village.

All the way to the west of Yunren Village, Kirito looked at the headquarters of the Yeyue Clan, which was as solid as a small fortress.He couldn't help but shook his head, this Yeyue clan is indeed the biggest wealthy family in Yunren Village.Just how much manpower and material resources were invested in the construction of this fortress with strong defenses.

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