However, Grimmjow Jacquard's heart was still a little nervous, even though Grimmjow Jacquard knew that since Ulquiorra had promised himself, Ulquiorra would definitely not sue behind his back. Although Limjo Jakajak didn't have much contact with Ulquiorra, Gami once said that.

"Ulquiorra is a cold-hearted person, and a partner who can give his back to him." However, Grimmjow Jacquard still closely watched his every move.

Ulquiorra didn't show any expression, just sat there quietly, listening to Aizen's angry shout, Ulquiorra couldn't help thinking about what happened last night.

Ulquiorra originally thought to take a look at Kirito, and by the way, to see how his injury was. After all, King Aizen was going to see him soon, and he saw Grimmjow Jacquard hugging him. Kirito sneaked out.

Ulquiorra didn't know what was wrong with him. Seeing Grimmjow Jacques taking Kirito away, he didn't stop him. Ulquiorra was a little confused. Is this really right?And the promise to Wang that he will never betray his promise, is it beginning to crack?

Just as Ulquiorra was thinking about it, Aizen looked at Ulquiorra and said, "Ulquiorra, your palace is closest to me, don't you notice anything?"

Grimmjow Jacquard stared at Ulquiorra closely, Ulquiorra's face was the same, but he didn't answer immediately, the air fell silent for a while, just when Aizen was about to get angry, Ulquiorra said slowly, "My king, I didn't notice it."

Grimmjow Jacquard heard Ulquiorra say these words, and his heart that was hanging in the air suddenly fell. He touched his bangs hanging in front of his forehead to hide his gaffe just now. After noticing Grimmjow Jacquard, you might find something unusual, but everyone looked at Ulquiorra and Aizen nervously, and Grimmjow Jacquard escaped.

Aizen was even more angry when she heard this, and said with a twisted face, "Could it be that Kirito is injured like that, can he escape by himself?"

Ten Blades sat in their place uneasy, no one answered Aizen, Aizen saw such Ten Blades, clenched his fists tightly, and said fiercely, "You ten are the strongest among all the broken faces. You don't even know when one of the ten people left, even a god of death who has no ability, you really disappointed me too much."

Aizen turned her back and said, "You are now divided into two groups, one pair is searching for Kirito's traces in the virtual circle. If they do not reach the Soul Soul Realm, then in the virtual circle, you will definitely find that the other team is secretly Go to the Soul Soul Realm to confirm whether Kirito has returned to the Soul Soul Realm. No matter what, we will do it secretly. Now is not the time to start a war with the Soul Soul Realm.

After Aizen finished speaking, he left, leaving Ten Blades looking at each other blankly, Ulquiorra stood up and said, "I am responsible for leading the team to the Soul World, and the other team is led by Koyatai Stark. The rest of the team arrange their own positions and act immediately."

After Ulquiorra finished speaking, he got up and went to prepare. Although Ulquiorra was not the most powerful man, he was the person Aizen trusted the most. Usually, when Aizen was away, it was Ur. Kiora is assigned to manage the virtual circle.

As soon as Ulquiorra left, Balegon Ruizenbon said with a displeased expression, "Ulquiorra is not the most capable, shouldn't I be the captain of another team? He's here to take charge." The people around him seemed to be accustomed to Balegang Ruizenbang complaining like this every day, and no one paid any attention to him, so they were ready to go.

Seeing that no one was taking care of him, Balegon Ruizumbang was even more angry, and said in a low voice, "These bastards don't even take me seriously, wait until I defeat Aizen and retake my king of virtual circles. I think you dare to ignore me when I'm in my position."

Balegang Ruizenbang was the ruler of the imaginary circle before, until Aizen defeated Balegang Ruizenbang and became the ruler of the imaginary circle. Later, Aizen still ruled Balegang. · Ruizumbang is included in the Ten Blades, but Balegang Ruizumbang still does not give up, thinking about defeating Aizen and regaining his throne every day.

Grimmjow Jacquard chose to team up with Ulquiorra, and Grimmjow Jacquard might not have cared about Ulquiorra as usual, but Grimmjow Jacquard Really curious what kind of person Ulquiorra is.

Just when the virtual circle was split into two, Kirito had reached the Soul Realm because of Grimmjow Jacquard's secret help, but because Kirito was still immersed in his inner world, he still did not wake up.

However, Kuchiki and Mei and others are not as leisurely as Kirito. After they were forcibly brought back to the Soul World by Ulquiora, the three of them seemed restless. However, the Soul World Technology Development Bureau continued to be brought back for research. The virtual, did not reply to Kuimu Kazuo and others at all.And the forty-sixth room even bluntly said that they would have to wait for the results of the technology development bureau to decide how many death gods to send.

Although Kuchiki and Mei had long seen the indifference and ruthlessness of Room [-], after experiencing it personally, Kuchiki and Mei discovered how feudal and ignorant the Soul World is.

Kuchiki and Mei and the others couldn't wait at all. Waiting for an extra second every day was a consumption of Kirito's life. The three of them couldn't even think about what happened to Kirito in the virtual circle.Even, I don't know how Kirito would react when he saw his broken right arm. If it wasn't for Kuchiki Kazumi's father who had been comforting and discouraging the three of them, the three of them would have killed the virtual circle regardless.

Chapter [-]: The Evolution of Kirito

Just when the three of them could no longer hold back their restlessness and were about to secretly go to the virtual circle to rescue Kirito, Kuchiki Kazumi's father suddenly told the three that Kirito had appeared in the Soul World, and it was the Gotei Thirteen Team. It was discovered during patrolling, but Kirito was still addicted. Fortunately, Kirito was in Seiringei instead of Liushun Street, and now Kirito has been sent to the comprehensive ambulance clinic.

When Kuchiki Kazumi and the others first heard the news, they didn't believe it at all. They thought Kuchiki Kazumei's father was lying to prevent the three from going to the virtual circle. However, after seeing Kuchiki Kazumei's father's sincere expression It looked like the three talents went to the comprehensive ambulance clinic in the Soul Society with a dubious attitude.

The general ambulance clinic is generally a place for the members of the Gotei Thirteen Team and those excellent Shinigami treatment places. However, since Kirito's behavior at that time made the members of the Gotei team full of admiration, they made an exception to let Kirito Entered the general ambulance clinic.

Kuchiki Kazumi and the others felt heartache and anger when they saw Kirito's emaciated eye sockets, the bandaged left hand, and the disappearing right hand.

However, since Kirito's right arm had been destroyed by Ulquiorra's attack, there was no way to remedy it. He could only try his best to save Kirito's left arm, and Kuchiki Kazumi and others were cleared out and waited.

Kirito is still immersed in his inner world, completely unaware that the soul world and the virtual circle are all chaotic because of him.

At this time, Kirito was thinking about the boundary between the ghost and the god of death, and the scene after the scene was constantly placed in Kirito's mind, the attack of the virtual, the attack of the god of death, and even the attack of ordinary people, all of this Everything is constantly surrounding Kirito.

Suddenly, a white figure slowly emerged, and Kirito stood up all of a sudden, staring at this white shadow in a stunned manner. The white shadow has the same facial features as Kirito.Except for the difference in hair color and skin tone, everything else is almost the same.

Kirito said in surprise, "Who are you? Why are you in my heart?" The white Kirito smiled, and Kirito felt like himself in the mirror.

The white Kirito said, "I am you."

Kirito said in disbelief, "Impossible, I am myself, who are you?"

The white Kirito slowly walked to Kirito's side and said, "I was born with you and experienced what you have experienced. I know you better than anyone, and I am you."

After the white Kirito finished speaking, the originally black space suddenly became brighter, and the huge high-rise building suddenly rose from the ground. The white Kirito said, there is a room on each floor, and there are different rooms for you. The most precious thing in age.

Kirito's eyes widened, staring at the tall building in front of him incredulously, with disbelief between his eyebrows, Kirito asked, "So what? What do you mean?"

The white Kirito smiled evilly and said, "You have a limited time in this space, um, how do you say it." The white Kirito suddenly looked at Kirito's hand and continued, "For example, your hand has started now. changed."

Kirito hurriedly looked at his hand. The original human hand suddenly turned black. Kirito asked eagerly, "What the hell is going on here? What are you asking me to find?"

The white Kirito still said calmly, "You are in the process of becoming virtual, if you don't find what you want before your whole body becomes virtual, you will become nothing. Rational virtual, by the way, you should have returned to the Soul Realm from the virtual circle now, if you become virtual, you should bring a lot of trouble to your partner." After saying that, Kirito who is white The child disappeared, and Kirito said angrily, "Why can't you all say anything, one by one, what am I looking for?" Kirito raised his arm again, and found that his hand was constantly moving at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was spreading, and if it continued like this, it would really spread to the whole body. Kirito had no time to think about it, and hurriedly ran into the building, scolding as he ran, "What the hell is going on?" Kirito Keep walking, there are many rooms in the building, even there are stairs that cannot be seen clearly, constantly looking forward and spreading, Kirito walks hurriedly, constantly searching one room after another, how can Kirito not. Know exactly what you are looking for.

Kirito was sweating profusely and pushed open a door again. The room was still empty and there was nothing. Kirito said angrily, "What the hell am I looking for, bastard." Another room was opened. There was a bear lying inside the door. Kirito picked up the bear tiredly and said, "Am I just looking for this?" Kirito saw that his arm was covered with black, and Kirito was a little frustrated. He said, "I can't finish searching like this, and what the hell am I looking for." Suddenly, the little bear suddenly became bright, and the memory of the past suddenly got into Kirito's mind.

"Mom, this little bear looks so good." The little Kirito laughed when he saw what his mother gave him, looked at the little bear with joy, and couldn't wait to hold it in his hands.

"Really? Kirito likes it." Kirito's mother looked at Kirito with a smile.

"I want to hold this little bear forever, and I won't throw it away." Kirito vowed to look at his mother.

Kirito's mother touched Kirito's head and said, "Silly Kirito, the mother you like will try her best to give it to you."

The memory came to an abrupt end, although the mother left him early, but the memory of the past is irreplaceable warmth, which is an indelible trace of Kirito.

Kirito's eyes were a little red, how long had he not dreamed of his mother's face, Kirito even thought that he had forgotten the woman who loved him all the time, but, it turned out that he did not forget, I just put all the memories of my mother in my heart, and I don't want to be touched for a long time.

Kirito said slowly, "What, why is it so sensational all of a sudden."

The white Kirito came out again, looked at Kirito and said, "Is this what you want? Don't forget that you have a time limit now."

Kirito scolded, "Damn, what the hell am I looking for, you can tell me clearly."

The white Kirito still didn't say anything. Kirito clenched his fists and waved it fiercely at the white Kirito, shouting angrily, "If you ask someone to find something, just explain why."

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