Kirito struggled to get up constantly, Aizen had Bengyu, not as staggering as Kirito, Aizen slowly walked towards Kirito, Kirito stood together, and the corners of his mouth and body were constantly losing blood, and Kirito simply Unable to stand up, Kirito secretly said inwardly, "Damn, how come it's so far behind? Do you have to use that trick?"

Just as Kirito was struggling and struggling, Aizen had slowly walked up to Kirito. Seeing Kirito struggling to get up, Aizen said, "This time, I'll let you kill you with a single blow. I won't give you another chance."

When Kirito heard Aizen's words, he suddenly laughed. The Zanpakutō that Aizen had raised was hearing Kirito's laughter. Aizen slowly put down the Zanpakutō and asked with some doubts, "You What are you laughing at?"

Kirito closed his mouth tightly, propped himself on the ground with his Zanpakutō, looked at Aizen and said, "Aizen, do you really think that I only grow my spiritual power?"

Aizen was taken aback and asked, "What do you mean?"

Kirito slowly raised his Zanpakutō and said, "And my Zanpakutō."

Aizen didn't understand what Kirito meant at all, and still looked at Kirito with a puzzled look. Under Aizen's shocked gaze, Kirito slowly stabbed his Zanpakutō towards him.

Chapter [-]: The Disappearance of Kirito's Ability

Aizen looked at Kirito in surprise. Aizen knew that it was impossible for Kirito to give up his life easily. However, Aizen thought about what Kirito said just now, the evolution of the Zanpakutō. ?

Kirito's Zanpakutō stabbed himself fiercely, bursting with dazzling light, and Aizen could only hear Kirito shouting "My Zanpakutō, come on, the last Zanpakutō seal." The red The light was mixed with Kirito's blood, and a huge cross rushed towards Aizen. Aizen couldn't open his eyes, let alone escape. Aizen shouted "No, don't." However, the huge cross simply ignored it. Aizen's words rushed towards Aizen fiercely, wrapping Aizen's body at once.

On the other hand, when Hitsugaya Toshiro and the others were in trouble, Ulquiorra's attack was about to fall on Hitsugaya Toshiro's body. He closed his eyes with relief, and now he has lost. With a lot of spiritual power, at the end of the storm, it is a pity that Hitsugaya Toshiro cannot protect those innocent souls.

However, the imaginary attack did not reach Hitsugaya Toshiro. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a burly man standing in front of him, and Ulquiorra flew out fiercely.

The man turned his head, looked at Hitsugaya Toshiro and said, "We are late, you have worked hard."

Hitsugaya Toshiro didn't have time to ask them why they were so powerful, and couldn't even know where they came from, the man was about to rush to Ulquiorra.

Ulquiorra put away the scornful look she used to look at, and looked at the bald-headed bearded man with a kind face. Ulquiorra felt his Reiatsu, looked at him nervously, and asked, "Are you? Who?"

The man looked at Ulquiorra with a charitable smile and said, "The real name of the leader of the zero division is a monk."

Ulquiorra heard his words, his pupils shrank suddenly, and asked, "What... is that? Why haven't I heard of it."

The man was stunned when he heard it, then he scratched his head with an embarrassed smile, and said, "Maybe we are not famous, but just remember it, because this may be the last name you can remember. already."

Ulquiorra looked at the other party nervously and said, "In that case, please advise." After that, Ulquiorra rushed towards the other party fiercely.Others on the other side also received the help of mysterious and powerful people one after another.

Aizen's broken-faced army was quickly suppressed, and the black hole in the sky was suddenly filled by a huge bright-colored column.

Aizen is being sealed by Kirito. Aizen is struggling unwillingly. It seems that he can't believe that his dream is about to be broken. The golden cross seal is constantly struggling, and Aizen is also screaming in the seal.

Kirito is constantly outputting his own spiritual power, and these spiritual powers are constantly being consumed. Kirito feels that his blood is constantly evaporating, and even his own spiritual power is constantly disappearing.

Kirito doesn't know what to do now. Kirito's vision is blurry, and he can't see the direction of Aizen at all. Kirito's consciousness can only output spiritual power, which is constantly outputting spiritual power.

Even Kirito didn't know how much spiritual power he still had, and how much spiritual power he had exported. Kirito just held on to the belief that Aizen would seal it, supporting Kirito, and he must not fall.

Just when Kirito continued to output, when Kirito felt that his spiritual power was about to be exhausted, Kirito felt that he seemed to see the faces of Nishang and Kuchiki Kazuma, they were crying and saying something, "Kirito, Kirito. , Don't export any more, Aizen has been sealed, and the people from Team Zero defeated Aizen's broken face army, Kirito, we succeeded."

Kirito's brain was blank, and he didn't know what Nishang and Kuchiki Kazumi were talking about. He could only hear, victory, victory, then there was no need to output, and finally, he could finally rest.

Kirito couldn't bear it any longer, he fell down suddenly, seeing that the sky was blue, Kirito said with emotion, "The sky in the Soul World has finally returned to normal, just right, I can finally get a good night's sleep. I'm so tired." Kirito slowly closed his eyes.

When Kirito woke up, although the room was empty, the air was filled with the scent of flowers. Kirito rubbed his eyes and walked out slowly. Isn't this the home of Kazuki Kazuma?Why am I here.

"Kirito, why are you awake? Your injury hasn't healed yet, so you move back and forth, not afraid of the wound opening." Kuchiki Kazumei complained in a tone, and Nishang nodded beside him.

Kirito was a little helpless when he saw the two of them singing in harmony. When did these two girls get along so well?Kirito wanted to ask Nei Tian what happened after he fainted.

Kirito made a sound, but his voice was hoarse, which made Kirito very uncomfortable. Nishang hurriedly handed Kirito a glass of water. Kirito had not eaten or even drank water for many days. The strength is maintained. Fortunately, the soul world cannot starve to death, otherwise Kirito will starve to death.

Kirito felt a lot better, squeezed his throat, not knowing why he always felt a little weak, Kirito didn't care that he might be the reason why his strength did not fully recover due to the battle with Aizen.

Kirito asked the two of them, "What happened after I fainted that day?"

Kuchiki Kazumei pulled Kirito into the room, Nishang opened the door, and the fresh air rushed in, Kuchiki Kazumei looked at Kirito and said, "You are supported by various forces now, they all call you you You are the savior of the soul world, you can be proud of Austria, Kirito."

Kirito was stunned when he heard Kuchiki Kazumi's words, scratched his head a little embarrassedly and said, "Don't say that, I feel embarrassed first, I didn't think about it that much at the time."

Hearing Kirito's answer, Kuchiki Kazumi rolled his eyes at Kirito and said, "You, right, after that day, the Zero Division appeared. I had never heard of the previous divisions, and I even suspected that Aizen didn't. Knowing this squad, and they are the members of the protection of the Spirit King, there are a total of five people, each of whom is comparable in strength to Ulquiorra, or even stronger than him."

Kirito was stunned when he heard Kuchiki Kazumi's words, and said, "Then why did they come?"

Kuchiki Kazumi said, "They have been staying in an exotic space, and this time it was Aizen's King Key that caused them to wake up."

Kirito remembered when Aizen fell, and Kirito asked Kazumi Kuchiki eagerly, "What about Aizen? How did Aizen deal with it?"

The first thousand five hundred and thirty-five chapters are called the hero Kirito

Kazumi Kuchiki saw Kirito's eager look, and said somewhat complicatedly, "Thanks to you, Kirito, you successfully sealed Aizen before Team Zero came, and now Aizen is locked in the dungeon, but, the first The members of the forty-sixth room are being selected, and once the forty-sixth room has been selected, Aizen's crimes will be tried."

When Kirito heard Kuchiki Kazumi say that, his heart was relieved, and he looked at the blue sky outside the window with a relieved expression, and Kirito murmured, "It's actually over."

Kuchiki Kazumi heard what Kirito said, and looked at the sky in the distance, and said in a lucky tone, "Yes, Kirito, it's over, we're all still alive."

Both of them looked at the sky without saying a word, enjoying this peaceful post-war life.

"Hey, Kirito, you're awake, why are you standing here stupidly? Hey, Kuchiki and Mei, you're here too, what are you two doing here?" The red monkey looked at the two of them standing quietly at the door, watching up against the sky.

The silence was broken by the voice of the red monkey. Kirito looked at the red monkey with a smile, and slapped the red monkey's chest fiercely. The two people's hands were tightly clasped together. Those who have not experienced this kind of meeting after the war will not understand.

Kuchiki and Mei also looked at the two with a smile on their faces, and the red monkey looked at Kirito and said excitedly, "Kirito, you know? Rui Qiao Yifeng also woke up. Wasn't she in a state of cultivating before? The enchantment set by the dye has attracted a large number of souls, but it has been a coincidence, which has promoted Rui Qiao Yifeng's cultivation, and now Rui Qiao Yifeng is very powerful."

Kirito smiled and said, "Okay, when I get better in two days, I want to see how much Rui Qiao Yifeng has improved?"

When Kuchiki and Mei heard what Kirito said, the original smile was suddenly put away, and looked at Kirito with worried eyes, biting her lip tightly, it seemed that there was something to hide, in the end, Kuchiki and Mei still did not speak, and also put it away That kind of lonely gaze.

When Kirito and the red monkey were talking, a familiar voice interrupted the conversation between the two, "What are you talking about me? Talking bad about me?"

Tongren and the red monkey were stunned for a moment. For a moment, both of them laughed. Tongren looked at the red monkey and said, "Look, it really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here."

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