And after Kuchiki Kazumi heard Kirito's words, he didn't immediately agree with Kirito's point of view. When he was looking around, he really didn't notice that there were protruding existences between the flat and the flat.

So he directly looked around again at the flat land he had just seen, and when he saw that there was really a bulge between the surrounding flat land and the flat land, he was really surprised!

He was surprised for two points. One was that there was really a bulge between the flat and the ground here, and the bulge could not be seen at first glance, as if it was peacefully put together; and the second point, let What shocked him was that Kirito's power of observation was so terrifying now that he could see the protrusions in the flat at a glance. He had to say that he really advanced!

Thinking of the dead wood and beauty here, when I looked at Kirito again, I actually had a little admiration. This admiration was aimed at Kirito this time, because Kirito, in such a short period of time, While cultivating his own state of mind, his strength has not fallen a bit, and while cultivating his state of mind and strength, he actually cultivated his own power of observation!

This simply makes Kuimu and Mei feel that it is impossible, because for ordinary people, it is very slow to cultivate only one kind, and two kinds of fast cultivation are also very slow, so most people will not choose three at the same time. Cultivating together, you can only choose one to cultivate first, and then cultivate the other when you have the ability to protect yourself.

And even if it is a prodigy, it can only cultivate two of them, and the cultivation is still very slow, and it is impossible to cultivate quickly.Moreover, Kirito's current cultivation speed is the fastest. He now cultivates three types, which is similar to the speed of normal people's cultivation of one type.

And the current Kirito has cultivated three abilities at the same time, and his current body does not feel the slightest discomfort, he can still bear it, and Kuchiki and Mei do not know now, whether it is Kirito who has no discomfort, or is it When Kirito suffered every time, he endured it silently?

So this is what Kuchiki Kazumi really admires Kirito. Whatever hardships and hardships he has, he silently resists, and hardly complains to anyone. Unless he is shown to others, he will only take it with a single stroke. Others casually talk about their injuries and pains.

Just when Kuchiki Kazumi was still thinking, Kirito, who had been looking around, suddenly spoke, only to see that he suddenly stopped, and said to Kuchiki Kazumi who was beside him: "Stop, let me take a good look at it. Come on, it seems suitable for observation here!

Kuchiki and Mei, who had been thinking about Kirito's troubles, did not react for a while, and Kirito suddenly stopped, which also made Kuchiki and Mei slammed into Kirito's back, and Kirito was hit like this, Before he could react, he was hit and staggered.

And when Kuchiki and Mei were hit by Kirito like this, they suddenly woke up and returned to the present from their own memories, only to see him touching his head, looking at Kirito apologetically, and said to Kirito: "Ah, I'm sorry, I was just thinking about something, are you all right?"

And the current Kirito was originally bumped by Kuchiki and Mei so coldly. In fact, nothing happened, but he was shocked when he heard Kuchiki and Mei just now, and he raised his head to see Kuchiki and Mei. Now he is full of apologies. The expression on his face was even more unbelievable!

In his memory, Kuchiki and Mei have never been so polite to him. Even if they accidentally hit him before, they were arrogant and unreasonable. They have never apologized to him like this today. He accidentally bumped into himself just now, which is also very insignificant for his previous behavior!

Kirito, who was frightened by Kuchiki and Mei, was also hot at this time, and he didn't care that he had just been hit by Kuchiki and Mei and had a little back pain, so he ran directly in front of Kuchiki and Mei, helped Kuchiki and Mei up, and faced Kuchiki and Mei. Kazuya said, "Kazumi? Are you okay? What happened today...?"

And Kuchiki Kazuya, who had just been bumped into Kirito, would have reacted like that. Cunjun had just been completely addicted to his own memories, and he didn't react at all. When he bumped into Kirito, he was thinking about it. It is Kirito, so the situation just now occurs.

And now Kuchiki and Mei were directly lifted up by Kirito with such a support, and their minds returned to the present in an instant, only to see him rudely said to Kirito: "Of course I'm fine, what can I do? You find a place. Isn't it? Then let's see if this place is suitable?"

Seeing Kuchiki and Mei like this now, Kirito felt a little relieved. After all, this is the Kuchiki and Mei he knew. The Kuchiki and Mei he knew before were not so polite, at least not so polite to him. He was polite, and now that he has recovered, Kirito is relieved.

Just looking at Kirito when he saw that the surrounding environment was suitable, he also instantly condensed his spiritual power under his feet, instantly flew up, and flew dozens of meters into the air.

And when he saw that the surrounding environment was suitable, he also shouted at Kazuki Kazumei: "Hemei, give me the jade pendant!"

And Kuchiki and Mei did not hesitate at all, and threw the black jade pendant to Kirito directly.

After Kirito received the jade pendant, he also looked down instantly, only to see a beam of light shot from the jade pendant in Kirito's hand, shining on the earth.

And on the image on the ground, in the center of the image, a black five-pointed star is imprinted!

Chapter [-]: Questions about dead wood and beauty

At this time, Kuchiki and Mei also saw the five-pointed star in the center of the map at a glance. When he saw that there was such a big black five-pointed star, it was still in the middle of the map, and he was stunned. He did not expect this The five-pointed star is actually an important thing.

At this time, Kirito, who was floating in the sky, also looked at the five-pointed star on the ground, and was a little surprised, because the black five-pointed star that he saw on Kuchiki Kazuma's face before, although he knew it was on the map, but when he saw it on the map When I actually saw it, I was very surprised.

Because the black five-pointed star is in the middle of the map, the black five-pointed star is very important, which means that the status of the black five-pointed star far exceeds other things on this map. Obviously, this black five-pointed star is very noble. !

At this time, Kirito, after being stunned for a while, also quickly reminded Kazuki Kazuma, who was in a daze, and urged: "Kazumi, hurry up and look at the map, my spiritual power is suspended in the air, but it is very exhausting. Li, you take advantage of the fact that you can read the map content now!"

Kuchiki and Mei were still in a daze. He was wondering why the black three-pointed star that Kirito said casually happened to appear in the middle of the map so coincidentally, and the secret of this map that he had always wondered about was the same. Kirito has a huge relationship?

When Kuchiki and Mei just thought of this, they just wanted to go further and think further down. Kirito's words also directly interrupted his thoughts. After hearing Kirito's shouting, Kuchiki and Mei also reflected it all at once, but their thoughts were interrupted. Now, I can't connect for the time being, I can only look at the content of the map for a while and then think about it.

And Kuchiki and Mei had no other way at this time. He just looked at the map little by little, and remembered the places he looked at in his mind first, and then saw if he could draw it on the paper for a while. When Kuchiki Kazumei was slowly looking at the map on the ground, Kirito also smiled bitterly and said to Kuchiki Kazumei: "Kazuki, why are you so stupid now? With such a big map, you can use spiritual power to float up Can you see it better yourself? The spiritual power you need to float now is definitely less than mine. I can't move my body right now, so I consume more spiritual power now. When you float now, it is also free-floating and consumed. The spiritual power is much less than mine!"

Kirito paused, then said to Kazuki Kuchiki: "So, Kazumi, can you stop looking at the map on the ground now? If you float like me, wouldn't it be clearer to see, even if you want to draw a map, Don't you have to look at the whole map first?"

Hearing Kirito's words, Kazuma, who was on the ground at this time, also suddenly woke up. When he was on the ground just now, he was amazed by the scene of the entire map projected on the ground, so he didn't react for a while, it was just instinct to look at the map.

After hearing Kirito's words, Kuchiki and Mei also blushed, and directly used their spiritual power to float themselves in mid-air, floating to the edge of Kirito, so that they could see the whole map of the whole map, so as to record more conveniently The whole map, by the way to see what exactly this is.

But Kazuki Kazuma, who floated beside Kirito, suddenly remembered something. He just remembered clearly. When Kirito suddenly called him up, he seemed to be telling him if he had become stupid and wanted to draw a map. Then, float up to the sky and draw slowly.

What Kuchiki Kazuo paid attention to was not the sentence that Kirito asked him to come up with. He was more concerned about the last sentence of this sentence, if he wanted to draw a map, he would float up.

"Wait, how did Kirito know that I was just looking at the map slowly on the ground and slowly remembered that I wanted to draw a map? I didn't do anything other than look at the map with my eyes, How could he just look at the map carefully and know what I want to do?"

Kuchiki and Mei are now full of questions, and he doesn't know about other issues if he doesn't know them for the time being. But this question, he can't think of it for a day, and feels psychologically uncomfortable one day. He can't hide this question in his heart. He may not know the matter, but he must know now about the fact that Kirito hit his heart all at once!

Therefore, at this time, Kuchiki and Mei can't control so much. He glanced at Kirito who was looking at the map carefully. Seeing the serious expression on Kirito's face, he didn't want to bother him at this time. The map, but if you don't ask it out, he is very uneasy in his heart!

"Forget it, I don't care so much. If I can't ask why he knew the map I wanted to copy just now, I really don't have the heart to look into this map, so now I have to ask him!" , also turned his face away, tried his best not to see Kirito's face, and asked Kirito: "Kirito, I ask you one thing, you have to tell me the real answer, but don't lie to me. After Kirito finished speaking, he also turned his face and looked at Kirito's eyes, as if to see his doubts in Kirito's firm eyes now.

And Kirito, who heard Kuchiki and Mei's question, was also full of doubts at this time. He didn't know what Kuchiki and Mei were going to ask him at this time. If it was an unimportant matter, he really didn't plan to answer him, but Kuchiki and Mei Generally, he doesn't ask insignificant things, and he also wants to hear about Kuchiki and Mei.

But what puzzled him was why Kuchiki Kazumi had been acting weird from just now until now, even though he had already projected the image of the map onto the ground, he was still looking at it stupidly; and he had just called him After coming up, Kirito also felt that he didn't pay attention to looking at the map at all, as if he was thinking about something.

So Kirito simply stopped looking at the map for the time being. He also wanted to solve the doubts in his heart, so he said to Kazuki Kuchiki: "What's the matter, let's talk about it."

Seeing that Kirito no longer looked at the map at this time, but looked at him, Kuchiki Kazumi was also worried about his own mind, and asked Kirito: "Kirito, when I was looking at the map below, you How can I know at a glance, I want to copy the map? And I haven't got any tools."

"And the black five-pointed star mark you just mentioned just now actually appeared in the center of the map. Did you already know that the center of this map is this black five-pointed star mark?"

"Also, do you know the secret of this map, or do you just have something to do with this map?!"

Chapter [-]: Kirito's answer

At this time, Kirito had already calmed down and wanted to listen carefully to what Kuchiki and Mei wanted to say to her, but when he heard Kuchiki and Mei's question, he actually asked these unimportant things, even unwarranted things. At the time of the incident, he was also very helpless all of a sudden, showing an expression of not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

And Kuchiki Kazuya was staring at Kirito at this time, and seeing the expression on Kirito's face changed from a firm and serious to a dumbfounded, the expression on his face also became very serious in an instant, only seeing Kuchiki and Mei serious. He said to Kirito: "Kirito, I'm serious with you, I'm not joking with you, I'm serious!"

Looking at the serious and serious expression on Kuchiki Kazumi's face, Kirito couldn't help but laugh directly, and while laughing, he said to Kuchiki Kazumei: "Kazuki, why are you so stupid now? What you said is like me It's like I'm lying to you now, what have I lied to you, and I can't hide anything from you, you little fool!"

Looking at Kirito's serious appearance now, Kuchiki Kazumei also looked serious, and said to Kirito even more seriously: "Kirito, what I said to you is serious, I really didn't joke with you, you really Answer my questions truthfully, don't talk nonsense, and don't fool me!"

When Kirito saw the appearance of Kuchiki and Mei, he knew that Kuchiki and Mei were really serious, so he raised his face and said seriously to Kuchiki and Mei: "Okay Kazuma, since you really want to ask me these boring questions, Then I'll explain it to you one by one!"

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