Just look at the rune in the white five-pointed star on the black jade pendant on his hand, the corresponding white rune, and the black five-pointed star below, corresponding to the black rune, just a complementary word!

And after Kirito discovered this secret, no matter how deep his castle was and how tough his expression was, he couldn't hold back at this moment, and he showed a very surprised expression, and when he was about to share it with Kuchiki and Mei , found that Kuchiki Kazuma is entering a state there, and is drawing seriously.

And seeing Kirito here, after thinking carefully for a while, he decided to unravel the secret of this rune first. He wanted to see what it would look like when these two words were put together. What kind of surprise do you have?At this time, Kirito's face was full of anticipation.

The black jade pendant in Kirito's hand, although the white runes on it can be directly combined with the bottom, but because the black jade pendant in his hand has to continue to be projected, let Kumu and Mei copy a map, and Kirito has to be careful. Combine the two texts on paper.

When Kirito gently put these two words together, the runes on both sides seemed to suddenly become magnetic, and they were tightly sucked together, as if the runes had life. It was as if they were forcibly separated by someone who didn't know who they were, but now they are finally reunited again, and they are instantly attracted together!

But the combination of the runes on both sides surprised Kirito at once. After all, it was the words he wrote on the paper. Who would have thought that after he finished writing, the whole rune seemed to be alive. fit together!

However, Kirito is also a little mentally prepared. After all, he has been scared many times before. He was scared so many times. When facing this strange scene in front of him, he was only startled, and immediately He regained his original stubborn expression.

When Kirito saw that the two characters were attracted together, he also felt a sense of familiarity, and when he looked at a symbol that was missing a piece of the rune he saw from the corners just now, Looking at the symbol that was just put together in front of me, I suddenly had a bold idea!

Just look at Kirito stitching the runes on the two pieces of paper together, and when Kirito stitched the rune that he just stitched together with the rune before him, the rune also instantly became one. Rune, and this rune is also an instant intense light.

And after this strong light was emitted for a while, it did not mean to retract, but instead formed a beam of light, which rushed directly into the sky!

At the same time, when the beam of light flew up in the clear sky just now, it was instantly covered with dark clouds, and among the dark clouds, there were constant thunder and lightning flashes, as if they were protesting with Kirito. generally!

The first thousand six hundred and eighty-seven chapters powerful power

Looking at the clear sky just now, just after Kirito spliced ​​the secret he discovered, it was also covered with dark clouds in an instant, as if disaster was imminent!

At this time, even if Kuimu and Mei are serious, they can't ignore the scene in front of him at all. He only feels that the sky was clear just now, but the clouds are dense at this time, which makes him hurriedly retreat from his state and feel the surrounding environment. The change.

And just after Kuchiki Kazumi withdrew from his state, he was still in a hurry, although he wanted to withdraw, but because he was too anxious when he exited, so although he did not like Kirito's blood was churning like that, but his body was also very uncomfortable.

And just after Kuchiki and Mei withdrew, and wanted to slow down his body, just as he was breathing, when he looked up, he saw a lightning strike from the sky towards the mountain beside them!

Just looking at the peak of the mountain, it was directly smashed by the lightning that fell from the sky, and even the peaked mountain was directly chopped into a flat-topped mountain by lightning!

Seeing all of the dead wood and beauty, his face was also pale, and he was obviously frightened by the lightning just now. Under the power, it is as fragile as a piece of tofu!

And the lightning that just fell was only a few minutes away from Kuchiki and Mei, and it was very close. When the lightning fell, Kuchiki and Mei could even feel the burning sensation and strong light of the lightning!

Just when Kuchiki and Mei were pale, wondering where did this sudden lightning come from?And where did this dark cloud come from? !

And Kuchiki and Mei looked around a few times, he kept searching in the sky, where is the source of this lightning, and who summoned this dark cloud?Even he wondered, was Yohabach doing something else?Did the puppet he summoned come so soon? !

In the end, Kuchiki and Mei's line of sight was positioned on a beam of light leading to the sky, and when Kuchiki and Mei looked down along this beam of light, he actually saw something that he never expected, the source of this beam of light. , nowhere else, it was a piece of kraft paper in Kirito's hand!

However, at this moment, Kuchiki Kazumi cannot directly judge that this terrifying power was summoned by Kirito just by what he sees in front of him, so he is also eager to find Kirito to verify and take a look at this terrifying power. Was the power of Kirito summoned by Kirito?

At this time, Kirito had no expression on his face at all. It was not that he was very calm now, and he was not surprised at the dark cloud that he summoned, but that he directly seemed to have lost consciousness, but also You can only barely control your body!

In fact, at this time, Kirito is already frightened, so now he can only keep his movements, but he has no ability to stop what is happening in front of him, and now he also hopes that Kuchiki and Mei can Come to yourself and reawaken your body!

But he also knows that now Kuchiki and Mei have also entered his own state, and once he enters his own state, any induction to the outside world will become very small, so he also feels that there is no hope, he can only maintain himself now With the existence of consciousness, he simply can't control his body to wake up Kuchiki and Mei!

Thinking of Kirito here, he is also very regretful. If he knew that the secret he discovered was so terrible and contained such terrible power, he would not be so anxious to solve all the secrets, he would be honest Seriously wait for Kuchiki and Mei to end, or just wake Kuchiki and Mei to check out this secret together!

However, there is no regret medicine to take in this world, and even if Kirito knows the consequences and takes the regret medicine, with such an impatient person as Kirito, he will definitely not wait for Kuchiki and Mei, and choose to directly unlock the mysterious symbol on this map. the secret!

Thinking of Kirito here, all his thoughts are in despair at this moment. He can no longer think of anything that can temporarily save him. He only hopes that Kuchiki and Mei will withdraw from their state sooner. Take back control of your own body!

And just when Kirito thought of this, the lightning in the dark cloud that seemed to be demonstrating to him just now, at this moment, also struck a towering mountain beside him with a thunderous momentum. Up, that mountain seems to be like a piece of tofu, vulnerable to a single blow, and it was easily shattered by the powerful attack of lightning!

At this time, Kirito was also startled. Although the mountain was still some distance away from him, the huge sound seemed to be ringing in his ears. Even when he stood here, he could feel the distance. The powerful burning sensation brought by the lightning attack!

However, Kirito thinks differently from other people. When other people see this lightning strike the mountain, and even feel the power of this lightning personally, their instinctive reaction is to avoid, avoid this A powerful force to avoid accidentally hurting yourself.

But Kirito is different. Although he was frightened by this powerful lightning just now, after a brief fright, he thought of something else. He even wondered, could he also have this power?If he possesses such terrifying power, wouldn't it be easy to destroy Yohabach?

However, when Kirito thought of this, he was also directly broken by the reality in front of him. He suddenly realized that he was still trapped here, and he still thought about having this kind of power in the future?Isn't that bullshit?Let’s think about reality first, and imagine ways to get out!

Originally, Kirito is now in despair. After all, the lightning just now, even if it frightened him a lot, failed to wake him up. Presumably the current Kuchiki and Mei continue to copy the map there, right?That kind of lightning can't even scare himself up, so how could he scare Kuchiki and Mei?

However, the current Kirito can't see anything for the time being. He also used his mental power to sweep around, hoping that Kuchiki and Mei would wake up, and then try to wake him up, and when his mental power swept the dead wood When I was with the beauty, I found that the dead wood and the beauty, who had entered the state, actually woke up at this moment!

Although he saw that Kuchiki and Mei were pale at this time, and they were not very stable when they came over, but in general, it was normal, and the most important thing was that Kuchiki and Mei woke up!

Chapter [-] wake up

However, Kirito in the eyes of the dead wood and the beautiful is floating there, one hand holding the kraft paper that emits soaring light, and the other hand holding the small black jade pendant tightly, as if the picture has been frozen. !

Kuchiki Kazumi was also anxious when he saw Kirito like this. He thought to himself, "Could it be Kirito? Was he killed directly by the terrifying power in his hands? Why didn't he move? No, if he died If you do, you can't continue to use your spiritual power!"

So what's going on?Although Kuchiki and Mei were full of doubts in their hearts, he didn't hesitate at all. He didn't show any fear, and flew directly in front of Kirito's body to see what happened to Kirito!

When Kuchiki and Mei came to Kirito, they found that Kirito's eyes were still staring at the content on the kraft paper below, and just when Kuchiki and Mei wanted to see what was on the paper , he found that what should have been on the paper was blocked by the beam of light at this moment!

However, Kuchiki and Mei still don't want to directly touch the beam of light in front of him, because all this thing is unknown now. If he touches it lightly, causing Kirito to be strongly backlashed, wouldn't he regret it for the rest of his life?

So at this moment, Kuchiki and Mei also want to wake up Kirito first. He doesn't know if Kirito is still in his state at this time, so he doesn't dare to call Kirito rashly, and when he gently When exploring Kirito's breathing, he found that Kirito was still alive, and he breathed a sigh of relief, so he said softly in Kirito's ear: "Kirito, wake up!"

At this time, Kirito can naturally hear the words of Kuchiki and Mei, but although he can hear it, he can't be released from his state. He can only hear Kuchiki and Mei's words, but he can't make any response!

And now Kuchiki and Mei don't know whether Kirito has heard what he just said to him, but withdrawing from his state always has to pay a little price, so Kuchiki and Mei are also quietly beside Kirito. Waiting to see if Kirito has woken up.

At this time, Kirito is also very uncomfortable. He has already retired from his state, but now he can't make any response to any stimuli from the outside world. After him, while waiting quietly, he also wanted to tell Kuchiki and Mei directly, but he had already retired from his state, so it was right to wake him up!

But Kirito can't do anything now, his consciousness is like being forcibly imprisoned in his body, and he can't do anything!

On the other hand, Kuchiki and Mei, who were waiting for a while, found that Kirito did not have any response, and was a little anxious, because even if Kirito entered his own state and went deeper, he called him in Kirito's ear. , Kirito will definitely have a little reaction.

But at this moment, Kirito didn't seem to react at all, which made Kuchiki and Mei unable to hold their breath. He was eager to know whether the dark clouds in the sky and the terrifying lightning were directly summoned by Kirito. If it came out, if Kirito accidentally summoned it, then he can be relieved for a while.

After all, if it was summoned by Kirito by mistake, you can find a way to take it back, but if it was summoned by Yohabach's puppet, it would be terrible. If that's the case, let's not talk about Kirito. Even Yamamoto in his heyday couldn't resist it at all!

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