At this moment, Kirito is still obsessed with why he has improved so fast. He obviously didn't do anything, but his mood has definitely improved, which makes him so incomprehensible!

In fact, the current Kirito, in theory, he should be happy, because after all, his strength has improved, others have been practicing for a long time, and he hopes that his mood can improve a little, and he is now, casually going through a few things , it is raised!

But these "several random things" were just thought up by Kirito himself. In Kirito's eyes, the things he has experienced recently are not big things, but there is something that he experiences every day. the feeling of these things.

However, what Kirito didn't know was that these casual things in his eyes might not be able to hold up to others!

Leaving nothing else to say, just say that Kirito just accidentally summoned that terrifying power, and this lightning with terrifying power is almost no one can contend with. It just changed the trajectory of the lightning, and did not destroy the lightning!

And if someone else experienced the same thing, let's not talk about the possibility of a second occurrence. Even if it happened, it is impossible to have such a wise mind as Kuchiki and Mei, and it is very likely that both of them will die!

Therefore, these little things in Kirito's eyes are not really trivial things, they are just what he has experienced. In retrospect, he just thinks that it didn't matter at the time. In fact, if there is a mistake in these things, now he or Kuchiki Kazumi, it is very likely that he will not be able to stand here!

And after Kirito struggled with himself for a long time, he also recognized the current reality. After all, his mood has improved, and it cannot be regarded as a bad thing, or in other words, this is a good thing at all.

So now, he has silently accepted the fact that he has improved again, and after accepting the fact of his own, he also calmed down his mentality, and said to the expressionless Kuchiki Kazumei in front of him: "Kami, let's continue."

Chapter [-] looking for

At this time, when Kuchiki and Mei heard Kirito say these words, he also raised his head and glanced at Kirito's current expression, and when Kuchiki and Mei saw Kirito's current expression with a serious face, he also knew The current Kirito has silently accepted the fact that his state of mind has grown again.

This time, the growth of Kirito's state of mind made Kuchiki Kazuma feel a little surprised, because when Kirito accepted the fact of his growth before, he always asked him to explain to Kirito for a long time, and it took him a long time to analyze the possibility of letting Tongren People reluctantly believe in the fact that their own state of mind has grown.

But this time, Kuchiki Kazumei just said a bold idea that he just had, Kirito seemed to be enlightened, just lowered his head and thought for a long time, Kuchiki Kazumei didn't know what he was thinking, just saw He lowered his head and thought for a while, and then all of a sudden he returned to his original resolute appearance.

In fact, what Kuchiki and Mei don't know is that Kirito's mentality is not suddenly enlightened now, it's just that he has figured it out now. He knows that his talent is very high, and the growth of his mood is not something he can do by himself. Control, so since he can't control the upgrade of his state of mind, why not just let him develop?

However, the problem with Kirito's headache now is not the problem of his own mood growing too fast. What he can't accept now is that every time his mood improves, his own way of speaking and attitude will undergo earth-shaking changes. And every time this change happened to him, he couldn't accept it a little bit.

After all, he is already used to the way of speaking before, and he is not used to this way of speaking at all. It will be awkward for others to hear it, but Kirito can't correct the way of speaking before, because he What he thought in his heart and what came out of his mouth were completely two different tones!

Therefore, even if Kirito Xin ideally used the tone of voice before, his current state of mind would never allow him to do such a thing.

In the future, Kirito will gradually get used to his current way of speaking. In fact, the current state of mind of Kirito is forcing Kirito to grow up. Although Kirito's current heart may be very resistant to such new things, Such a cold attitude and a tone of speech that has no emotion at all.

But when Kirito slowly got used to this tone, Kirito's whole person's state of mind can be regarded as stable. When he can do those behaviors without forcing, the bondage of his state of mind will take advantage of the situation. When he didn't pay attention, it disappeared naturally.

Therefore, the current Kirito, although he is extremely unaccustomed to this method, he can only accept it reluctantly. Kirito also knows in his heart that although he is not used to it now, one day, he will become accustomed to this method, so He also slowly let go.

At this time, Kuchiki and Mei really couldn't figure it out. How could Kirito accept the growth of his own state of mind this time, but he didn't plan to think about it any more. After all, instead of thinking about some problems here, it was Better to think about the next research.

Although Kirito accidentally summoned a terrifying light before, and made the originally clear sky instantly cloudy, but this is only one of the secrets on the map, and the outline of this map is exactly the same. It is the outline of the Soul World, which means that the biggest secret of this map is the biggest secret of the Soul World!

So Kuchiki Kazumi thought for a while there, and decided not to continue studying Kirito's psychology, and decided to continue studying the secrets of this map with Kirito. Thinking of this, Kuchiki Kazumi raised his head and said to Kirito. : "Come on, Kirito, let's continue."

When Kuchiki and Mei said this, they also observed Kirito's expression and complexion, and when he saw that Kirito's complexion did not change a little bit, he also directly confirmed that this time Kirito's mood improved , is a sure thing, it is impossible to change.

This also means that his own bold idea has once again become a reality!

When Kuchiki Kazumi thought of this, he also made a decision in his heart that he always wanted to make but dared not make, and it was this decision that almost directly affected the path of his entire life. At this time, it becomes extremely adventurous!

If the former Kuchiki Kazuma was a cautious and calm person, then the future Kutiki Kazuma is an extremely adventurous person!

After that, every time he had a bold idea, he was not sure, and when he was not sure, he would always think of what happened to him today. Anyway, his consecutive bold ideas all became reality. That also means that his conjectures are always right. If his conjectures are all right, then what reason does he have to doubt himself?

And it is this sentence that has always affected Kuchiki and Mei, and even directly affected the entire second half of his life!

At this moment, Kuchiki and Mei have also directly adjusted their mentality. The expression on their face has become a little serious, with a little smile in the seriousness, while his eyes are abnormally firm, and it seems that there is nothing else that can be obliterated. Lose his current will!

But what Kuchiki Kazumi didn't know was that he was only observing the growth of Kirito's state of mind. He didn't notice his own state of mind, and it was growing rapidly with Kirito's growth, but he didn't feel it. .

Because the growth of Kirito's mood is too fast, almost no one can reach the speed of Kirito, so when Kuchiki and Mei are by his side, they will only be covered by the light of Kirito, and he does not Pay attention to the improvement of your own mood.

And the easy-going mentality of Kuchiki and Mei now is nothing but a reflection of his mental growth, and this reflection is exactly that kind of clear thinking!

And just when Kuchiki and Mei were about to go to the deep pit in the distance with Kirito to have a look, in their distance, a loud noise suddenly came. Just when Kuchiki and Mei were curious, Kirito also followed Looking in the direction of the voice, I only saw a figure walking out of the smoke and dust in the sky not far away.

And when this figure came over, there was also a group of people behind him. This group of people seemed to be really looking for something, and they looked very anxious.

When Kuchiki Kazumi took a closer look, this group of people was none other than the gods of death who had just adjusted their status there.

And the person leading them is Rui Qiao Yifeng who has been waiting for Kirito and the others!

Chapter [-] Rui Qiao Yifeng's worries

When Kuchiki and Mei saw Rui Qiao Yifeng, they were also a little surprised. After all, the visibility of such a big smoke is actually only a few meters, and if it is further away, they can only barely see a silhouette. After all, just now The power of the lightning is too great, and the smoke and dust that shakes float to the sky a hundred meters away, and it will not disperse for a long time!

Originally normal ground, even if a big hole is hit by some strong people, it is impossible to cause the scene of slow dust like now, because powerful people can also punch a big hole on the ground, But what was knocked out would only be a large amount of gravel. After all, although strong people are stronger, they are not enough to turn the ground into powder!

The lightning just now is different. The power of the lightning just now is very powerful. The whole lightning has a devastating power. This power directly bombards the hard ground into powder, and The powerful impact of spiritual power made the smoke and dust in the pit spread everywhere!

What was unexpected for Kuimu and Mei was that Rui Qiao Yifeng and the others could still find them slowly in the midst of such a large amount of smoke. At this time, Kuimu and Mei never thought of it, although he did not know that in such a dusty day, who would be looking for someone? How difficult is it, but judging from Kirito's reaction just now, it must be not small!

At this time, Kirito saw Rui Qiao Yifeng coming in front of him, although his face was still calm, but his heart was very shocked, because just now he just looked very close from the explosion pit. It was only after a certain distance that they found Deadwood and Mei, but Rui Qiao Yifeng and the others were so fast, they found them after such a long distance!

Because just now, Kirito was looking for the dead wood and beauty, but it took a long time to find it, and now Rui Qiao Yifeng and the others have found their position in such a short time, which must make Kirito feel Shocked!

And just when Tong Ren was still thinking, Rui Qiao Yifeng had already discovered Tong Ren and the others. After only seeing Rui Qiao Yifeng seeing Tong Ren, the anxious look on his face suddenly turned into a joyful look. With a surprised look on his face, he ran over and said to Kirito: "Kirito, I found you, what happened to you here just now? I only saw that the weather was sunny just now. It has become dark clouds, and we just saw you here, there is a beam of light soaring into the sky, so that I can feel the terrifying power on that beam of light here!"

After Rui Qiao Yifeng finished speaking, his whole body trembled, as if the things he had just experienced were still vivid in his mind, and after Rui Qiao Yifeng trembled, he also looked around, and saw that there was no such terrifying aura around him. At the same time, he let out a long breath.

It turned out that Rui Qiao Yifeng was there just now, and he was just there to adjust his state, so as to make adequate preparations for the next march, and while they were there to adjust the state, one of the gods of death in the team couldn't control himself. Feeling of emotion, he shouted to the sky in the distance: "Quick, look, look at the sky in the distance!" The god of death shouted out in horror, and after the god of death shouted like that, Rui Qiao Yifeng and the others also looked directly at the god of death. Towards the sky in the distance, in the sky in the distance, a mysterious beam of light suddenly burst out, and this beam of light also carried a terrifying power at this time!

Under the gaze of the gods of death, this beam of light also grew little by little, and charged directly into the sky!

After rushing to the sky, the entire clear sky was quickly occupied by dark clouds at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The eyes of Rui Qiao Yifeng and the others also changed from inconceivable at the beginning, to extreme horror later, and then directly into a situation with a trace of fear.

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