At the same time, on the edge of the long blood-colored river, two figures ran fast. When they looked up, they saw a golden beam of light rising directly from the sky in front of them. The two of them looked up. They also looked at each other, changed direction directly, and ran towards the beam of light!

These two people are none other than the two new puppets controlled by Youhabach. Although these two people attacked together, the images of the two people are not the same. One person has neat armor on his body. , Although the armor is also full of blood, it still looks like a complete person as a whole.

But the other person beside him, after comparing with him, looks nondescript. If the man in neat armor beside him is a decent person, then the man beside him People are more like a savage who came out from the depths of the mountain!

Just looking at his two arms, it seems that they are forcibly spliced ​​together, which looks very awkward, while his two legs are directly reversed, the left foot is on the right, and the right foot is on his left. There was blood all over his face, which should have been the position of the eyes, but at this time there were only two empty blood holes.

And his face is also bloody. If you don't look carefully, there is nothing left that looks like a complete person except that this person is human. If a timid person sees it, I am afraid that I was so scared that I stepped back several steps, and I didn't even have the courage to look at it.

And this person's appearance is not someone else, it is Kirito who made it like this, and these two people, not others, are the two star knights who intercepted Kirito outside the virtual circle, that There are only humanoids left, and it is precisely because of their cheap mouth that they mocked Kirito before dying, so that Kirito made him look like this!

And another slightly better person just blocked Kirito's way, so Kirito killed him without causing him much pain.

But at this moment, from these two fast rushing people, there is also a kind of speed that they did not have at all, and there is no expression on their faces, not even a trace of blood, and that one has The person with eyes, there is no expression in his eyes.

Because these two people had already been killed by Kirito, the bodies were thrown into the wilderness, and the blood in their bodies was basically drained, and the dead could no longer die.

And it is precisely these two people, under the control of Youhabach, who can attack quickly, and even fight against Kirito and the others!And the person who was divided by Kirito was still combined into a whole at this moment. Although the combined whole was not perfect, it was already a better ending for him!

The current speed of these two people is even much faster than the previous King Slayer. If King Slayer had that little black jade pendant, King Slayer would not be their opponent at all!

At this moment in the Soul Realm, Youhabach is also there with his eyes closed, looking at a phantom in front of him, and the phantom in front of him is nothing else, it is the two people he is controlling, the two People who are already dead!

Youha Bach also had a slight smile on his face at this time. Although the two bodies he is controlling now are his former subordinates of the Star Knights, he also wants them to be used by himself when they die. In Bach's view, people who have no use value have no value in existence.

Therefore, Youhabach also wants to maximize the value of his subordinates. At this time, although Youhabach is controlling two people at the same time, after all, both of them are people at the same time, not like the blood-colored giant just now. , which is hardly a human thing.

He now controls the people of these two star knights, and he can even use [-]% of his skills to close to [-]%, which is quite terrifying!

You must know that the huge blood-colored giant Kirito faced just now only showed the strength of Youhabach by three points. Now that the two have played nearly [-]% of Youhabach's strength, Youhabach is also right at this time. He is full of self-confidence, he believes that he will be able to use these two puppets to kill Kirito, wash away the shame he just had, and fulfill his promise by the way!

And now Kirito is still thinking about the solution, but after thinking for a long time, he can only come up with a solution that can save the entire death team, but this solution is the last resort, It must not be used until the last moment!

But Kirito thought hard for a long time, but found no other method. In desperation, Kirito also gritted his teeth and decided to use the only method he just came up with, and this method also depends on himself. In exchange for the safety of the entire Reaper team!

And Kirito, who came up with this method, also said to Kuchiki Kazumi: "Kazui, I have come up with a method, but although this method is very dangerous, there is only such a method now, so Kazumi, wait until I pass. When the time comes, you have to take our team and leave quickly."

After Kuchiki Kazumi heard what Kirito said, he also vaguely guessed something, so he tentatively asked Kirito: "Kirito, what is the solution you came up with? , are you trying to lure away the chasing troops that may have arrived?!"

When Kirito heard Kuchiki Kazumei's guess, he also showed a look of joy on his face, and said to Kuchiki Kazumei: "Kazuki, did you guess it? You guessed it right, the only safe method I just came up with, isn't it? The other thing is to divert the chasing troops that may come from behind us!"

Chapter [-] Action

And when Kuchiki and Mei heard Kirito say this, they were also worried, only to hear Kuchiki and Mei whisper to Kirito: "Kirito, is this too dangerous for you? Besides, how can you guarantee that the puppets of Yuhabach will be Are they all running after you? What if they don't go with you? Isn't that a loss for both sides?!"

Seeing Kuchiki Kazumi's worried appearance, Kirito also smiled knowingly, only to see Kirito smiling at Kuchiki Kazumi and saying, "Kazumi, you are stupid, if I don't have the means, how dare I say that? Right, Don't forget what I just said, how we attracted them here."

After Kirito finished speaking, looking at Kuchiki Kazumei's dazed look, Kirito couldn't help laughing, only to see Kirito say to Kuchiki Kazumei, "Kazuto, why are you reacting so slowly now? Think about it, since this beam of light attracted them, as long as I remove the beam of light, can I remove them too?"

After Kazuto Kuchiki listened to what Kirito said, although it seemed reasonable, but still looked blank, looked at Kirito in front of him, shook his head gently, and said to Kirito: "I understand the truth, and so do I. I believe that this beam of light of yours can attract the puppets of Yohabach."

Kuchiki and Mei paused, and then said to Kirito: "But, in your current situation, the enemy may be coming soon. How can we move the beam of light? And even if we walk with the beam of light, the beam of light is in the air. Isn't there still a trajectory? And how fast can you walk while carrying the beam of light?"

Looking at Kuchiki Kazumi who didn't know anything, Kirito was really amused, but he looked at Kuchiki Kazumi with a wry smile and said: "Kazuki, don't forget, we have this thing, this thing Although it doesn't work much for our team, it's more than enough for me to lure them away, right?"

After Kirito finished speaking, he smiled and took out something from his pocket, and when Kuchiki and Mei looked at the thing that Kirito took out, their eyes lit up. When Kirito took out this thing, Kuchiki and Mei He also directly believed what Kirito just said!

It was nothing but the black jade pendant they had been researching before, only to see that Kirito took this black jade pendant and said to Kazuki Kazuki: "How about Kazuma, now I believe I can do it. Have you done it? All my previous ideas can be established, right?"

Kirito looked at the dead wood and beauty in front of him, and also continued: "We don't have time to study the secret of this jade pendant now, so now we still have to make good use of the function of this jade pendant. If I have this jade pendant, I can always use it at any time. Teleport to the opposite direction from you, and release a beam of light, attracting them!"

Kirito paused, then said to Kuchiki Kazumi: "Also, when I confirm that I see them chasing after me, I can teleport away directly, and then I can teleport twice, and I can directly catch up with you, how about this? Is the suggestion feasible, and beauty? What do you think?"

When Kuchiki and Mei heard that Kirito had already said that, he couldn't say anything else, so he could only say to Kirito: "Well, then you should be careful, it's not the point that you can't attract, the point is your own. Safety, even if it won't attract them for long, don't be dragged by the enemy!"

Kirito nodded and said to Kazuki Kuchiki: "It's not too late, I'll send it right now, you leave me a mark on the way you walked, I'm afraid I can't find the direction you're going, when the time comes If I can't find you, my attraction this time will be useless!"

After Kirito finished speaking, he directly inserted the spiritual power line in his hand directly into the black jade Perry in his hand, closed his eyes, and released a few small black shadows, moving towards the terrifying path just now. The mountain that was struck by the lightning bolt of power flew over quickly!

However, Kirito kept an eye on it. He only let three of the small black shadows fly to the other side of the mountain, and the remaining small black shadow made him use it on the road they just walked. Fans patrolled back and forth, observing where the enemy chasing them had gone.

And just when the three little black shadows released by Kirito just flew below the mountain, the third little black shadow he released also saw two people who were rushing towards them, and Kirito I carefully observed the two people who were rushing towards here, and found that these two people were not to be provoked, but the two Star Knights who he killed with his own hands before.

And among those two people, one of them was still the one who had angered him and was dismembered by his own hands, but now that person does not mean to be slower than the one next to him, even with the one next to him. That person's speed is comparable, not slower than the person who was not torn apart by Kirito at all!

You must know that when Kirito dismembered his body, he tore off his limbs alive, and if he reassembled it again, no matter what, it would affect the speed more or less. During the process, there was not even the slightest sense of disobedience!

And Kirito also roughly tested the speed of the two people who were rushing. If the two people kept rushing, they could get here in less than ten minutes!

Kirito, who had just calculated it, also gave Kuchiki and Mei a wink, and signaled Kuchiki and Mei to leave here with the gods of death, and he also wanted to teleport to the mountain as soon as possible, and quickly summon the beam of light, so as to attract the The two dead star knights go there, otherwise at their speed, they will soon be able to catch up with Kuchiki and Mei!

When Kuchiki and Mei saw Kirito's eyes, they immediately understood what was going on. He knew that the enemy behind him must be catching up soon. Thinking of this, Kuchiki and Mei knew that it was not too late, and hurriedly faced the enemy behind him. The gods of death said: "The gods of death, we should go!"

After Kuchiki and Mei finished speaking, they also quietly came to Rui Qiao Yifeng's side, and whispered to Rui Qiao Yifeng about the current situation. After Rui Qiao Yifeng heard Kuchiki and Mei's words, he also reacted at once, Kirito just now Why did his complexion suddenly change after hearing his words, it turned out to be such a danger!

Thinking of Rui Qiao Yifeng here, he also quickly said to Kuchiki Kazumei: "Kazui, then we can't wait now, I'm at the back of the team, you are at the front of the team, let's quickly lead the team to the left, don't drag Kirito. !"

At this time, Kuchiki and Mei quickly nodded to Rui Qiao Yifeng and said to him, "Then let's go, we have to believe in Kirito!"

Before Kirito was about to leave, he also pointed to the jade pendant in Kirito's hand. After Kirito glanced at it, he also understood what Kirito meant!

Chapter [-] Hard Fight

Of course, Kirito understands what Kuchiki and Meigang mean by pointing at the jade pendant in his hand. What Kuchiki and Meigang mean is nothing more than wanting to tell himself that the mark he will make in a while is exactly the pattern representing this jade pendant. And this pattern is nothing but the mysterious black five-pointed star!

Therefore, when Kirito saw Kuchiki Kazuya's gesture, he nodded slightly, indicating that he just knew what Kuchiki Kazumei meant.

And Kuchiki Kazuya saw Kirito nodding, and nodded with confidence, turned around and took this team of Death Gods and rushed towards the other side of the mountain!

After seeing that Kuchiki and Mei had quickly moved away from the realization, Kirito also calculated the time a little, and when he calculated the time and felt that it was about the same, he also snorted, and sent it directly to the lightning strike with terrifying power just now. The foot of the broken mountain.

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