At this moment, here in Kirito, when Kirito saw that the two puppets of Yohabach had no resistance at all, they were knocked into the air by the invisible mysterious force around this golden beam of light. All his faces were shocked!

And Kirito's shock only lasted for a few seconds, and Kirito was also lying leisurely on the tree, watching the two star knights' puppets being hit by this golden beam of light, and then When the puppets of the two Star Knights were flew out by Ji, Kirito began to stare at the direction they had just come from.

But Kirito waited on this tree for a long time, and his eyes were a little sour. The direction in which the two Star Knights puppets were knocked out was not moving at all, as if they had already left?

At this time, Kirito was also very puzzled. Could it be that the bodies of the puppets of the two Star Knights were forcibly assembled by Youhabach, so the strength was too poor to withstand the blow of this mysterious power, and directly Beaten to pieces? !

If this is really the case, then Kirito feels that he has been hiding for so long in vain, and he has been hiding for so long. These two pursuers that made him extremely nervous were actually released by himself to attract the enemy. The golden beam of light directly If he was beaten to death, then he really collapsed a bit!

However, although Kirito's mentality is a little worse now, his degree of caution is affected by the improvement of his own mood just now, and there is no drop. On the contrary, in this unclear situation, even Be a little more cautious!

Although Kirito has been waiting for so long now, the two members of the Star Knights have not waited, and they are already ready to leave here to meet Kuchiki Kazumi and the others.

But in order to be cautious, Kirito is still ready to probe the surrounding situation in person. After all, he now has something as powerful as the little black jade pendant in his hand. He can probe the surrounding situation without exposing himself at all, and it doesn't cost anything. thing.

So now Kirito is also thinking, and slowly injects his own spiritual power into the little black jade pendant in his hand, and with the injection of Kirito's spiritual power, several small shadows are also suddenly removed from the black little jade pendant. It flew out and slowly floated around Kirito.

And Kirito also closed his eyes and slowly probed the surrounding situation, and the place he mainly probed was the direction in which the two star knights' puppets were shot flying!

Just looking at the little black shadows controlled by Kirito, they also slowly drifted in that direction with Kirito's thoughts, and just when Kirito floated a long distance in that direction , Kirito is also really bored, he feels that the puppets of the two Star Knights should be directly killed by that mysterious power!

So Kirito also sighed and was about to take back the little black shadows he let out, but just when Kirito was about to take back the little black shadows he let out, one of the little black shadows came back. Also suddenly saw something familiar!

I only saw that in the field of vision of the little black shadow released by Kirito, two figures suddenly appeared!

And those two figures were nothing but the puppets of the two Star Knights who had just been knocked out!

At this time, the two figures are also walking towards Kirito step by step, and the speed of walking is almost the same as moving there step by step, very slow!

When Kirito saw that the two puppets were still alive and were not directly killed by the mysterious power around the golden beam of light, Kirito nodded slightly. His puppet was directly blown up, so he was not satisfied!

Therefore, Kirito can continue to prepare the trap that he has set up for a long time, just waiting for the two star knights' puppets to approach this golden beam of light, and directly detonate the trap that he has prepared for a long time!

But just when Kirito was still preparing his own trap, Kirito suddenly remembered something. Since the puppets of the two Star Knights were not dead, they should have arrived at their speed. ?And they were not at this speed before, could it be? !

When Kirito thought of this, his face suddenly changed. He thought of a very scary thing, so scary that he even doubted the authenticity of his thoughts. Now Kuchiki and Mei are not by his side, he can only judge his own. There is nothing wrong with this idea!

The idea that came to his mind was that these two puppets of the Star Knights were deliberately walking so slowly. Is it that Youhabach was leading the snake out of the hole?Youhabach has long known that there are people in ambush here, because he doesn't know how many people there are, so he also wants to use this method to lure me out? !

Thinking of Kirito here, I was afraid for a while. Fortunately, I just used the black jade pendant to investigate in advance, otherwise I might have fallen into the trap of this Youhabach!

If he hadn't probed it in advance, he must have put away this golden beam of light now, and was ready to go directly to meet Kuchiki Kazumei and the others!

At the speed of the puppets of the two Star Knights, once they saw the golden beam of light in front of them disappear, Youhabach would definitely control them to rush directly to Kirito at the fastest speed. He would fall directly into a passive situation, and all the traps he had been ambushing for so long were all in vain!

Thinking of Kirito here, he also moved his body up half a tree, lying quietly on the tree, waiting for the arrival of the two Star Knights puppets, but he wanted to take a look , what tricks are these two puppets of the Star Knights trying to do!

But in fact, Kirito thought so much just now, and it was also thought of by Kirito himself. In fact, not only Yuhabach, but even the military advisor who has been observing the situation, did not expect that there would be an ambush around this golden beam of light!

As for the puppets of the two star knights controlled by Youhabach, they walked so slowly, they all heard the orders of the military advisor, because the military advisor told him to be steady this time, so not only the action, but also the walking action. You have to be steady, and when the strategist actually made Youhabach go so slowly, he also thought, could it lead to something else by the way?

At this time, this small place has its own mind!

Chapter [-] The past of the military division

The current Kirito is still hiding himself on the tree he has been hiding. He is very nervous. He is quietly waiting for the puppets of the two star knights, and wants to see the control of these two stars. What the hell is going on, the puppet of the Knights, Yuhabach!

And the current Kirito is not in a hurry to take back the little black shadow he released. He has just tried it. As long as his little black shadow is not floating in front of the puppets of the two star knights, even if it is These two little shadows floated past them quickly, and neither of them would notice!

So now Kirito is also at ease by placing a few small black shadows near the puppets of the Star Knights, and has been monitoring their every move!

And now in his eyes, the two puppets of the Star Knights are still moving forward step by step, they don't seem to be in a hurry to track him, they just move forward step by step!

At this time, Kirito was also thinking: "What the hell is this bastard doing? Is it really to lure me out? But if I'm really not here, or they don't think I can really sink. Hold your breath? If I really can't come out and hide in the dark, then the trap they set up for so long will soon fail?"

"And, if I were like this, wouldn't they be afraid of the real death squad running away? Or did he not care if we could really go back to the Soul World? Even, didn't that damn Yohabach put the Are we paying attention?!"

But what Kirito didn't know was that Yohabach and the military advisor next to him directly regarded the golden beam of light he released as a treasure, and even after Yohabach saw this treasure, even the real Kirito and their That team doesn't care at all!

However, although Kirito thinks so now, he doesn't know what Yuhabach thinks. He can only stop for a while and see what Yuhabach wants to do. The little black shadow he released also It is precisely for the purpose of monitoring the puppets of the two Star Knights controlled by Yohabach!

At this moment, in the Soul Realm, Youhabach controlled the puppets of the two star knights so slowly, and he has been enduring his temper, because whether he acted on his own or controlled the blood-colored giant before, He has never walked so slowly before, and now to let him walk so slowly is undoubtedly forcing him!

At this time, the military advisor behind him also looked at Youhabach blankly. He was also waiting. He wanted to know how long Youhabach could endure his temperament. In fact, this was equivalent to a kind of military advisor. A test for Yohabach.

Because the strategist is very cautious, although he has just determined that Youhabach did not deliberately endure his temper to let him show his feet, but his cautious and suspicious personality makes him not so easy. Believe in Yohabach!

Because the strategist really used the lessons of blood to make him realize this aspect. When the strategist just mastered his own ability, the strategist at that time was also very proud. He thought that with his own ability, he wanted to Isn't it easy to calculate others?

So at that time, he didn't put anyone in his eyes at all. In his eyes, as long as they couldn't calculate him, they were a group of weak people, but at that time, he didn't think about it at all, if there was anything wrong with him What to do when it doesn't count!

And when he was calculating others at that time, he also underestimated an important thing, that is, everyone's psychology. When he was calculating others, he couldn't take into account what other people's psychology was really thinking. If he was left alone It's okay to guess what a person's mind is thinking, but if it's guessing a group of people, he can't do it at all!

But at that time, he didn't take this kind of thing to heart at all. He actually knew that his own mentality of calculating others was not a high level at all, but he was still young and energetic at that time, so he didn't take this kind of thing at all. things to mind.

But what happened next soon made the invincible military division fall directly from the altar!Because the strategist at that time was so arrogant, he didn't take anyone seriously, and his arrogance brought disaster to him after all!

And this part of the past is something that the strategist is really unwilling to recall. In short, since that time, the strategist must be cautious no matter what he does, because the past experience has allowed him to see with his own eyes how terrifying human nature is. Never underestimate human nature!

So he still has to test Yohabach again and again until he judges from all the signs that Yohabach has not released his temper on purpose, so when he sees Yohabach being patient with his temper , and looked at him blankly.

Because he knows that Yohabach is very greedy for treasures. If he can endure treasures for a long time, it is relatively normal, but if he endures treasures for a long time, it is too abnormal. !

Because no matter who it is, if he can endure his impatience for a long time for his own greed, then he will simply abandon his previous impatience, that is, his mood will be upgraded, and only the mood will be upgraded. , can an impatient person do a boring thing for so long!

And when the strategist was constantly calculating the time for the psychological budget, Youhabach couldn't help it at all, and said impatiently directly to the strategist: "Master, do I really want to control my two puppets to go away. So slow? If I keep walking so slowly, when will I be able to get there!"

At this time, although Youhabach had such a big temper at the military division, the military division was not at all unhappy, and the current military division's mentality has been hanging, but it is also because of Youhabach. The heart is also directly put down.

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