However, since he has promised Youhabach, he wants to help him give it a try. If he says no to Youhabach now, Youhabach will definitely see him in a different light. The status will definitely drop several grades all of a sudden!

And Youhabach heard that the counselor did not answer him for a long time, and looked at the counselor in doubt. When he saw the expression on the counselor's face, he also understood that the possibility of getting the treasure in front of him now has changed. It was very small, and he frowned!

And Youhabach thinks of the treasures he has obtained, he has even been busy for so long, and it may be when he is directly helpless, his face suddenly becomes ugly, but now when the military division has not given him a clear answer, he Nor is it going to happen.

He wanted to listen to the military advisor's answer, and the military advisor's answer also directly determined his future mood!

And the strategist looked at Youhabach with a dark face after a long time. After he looked at Youhabach for a long time, he also knew that he had no way out now, and in the current situation, he had no way out at all. !

So he said to Youhabach word by word: "Sir, there is a way, don't be discouraged!"

Chapter [-]: Youhabach's Plan

When Youhabach heard the strategist say this sentence with a dark face, he also knew that the current situation may have exceeded the strategist's expectations. There is no better way, and maybe even plan to continue with the original plan!

And when Youhabach thought of this, he suddenly realized that he could think independently when he was with the military advisor, but he didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that he would suddenly think independently now. , In this case, he also really saw the limitations of the military division!

And when the sergeant was dark for a while, he also said to him: "Come, sir, now you have the two puppets of the Star Knights under your control stand face to face, try your best to let your two puppets stand In a straight line, then I'm telling you the next step!"

And after hearing what the counselor said, Youhabach really wanted to ask the counselor if he still wanted to use his previous method to deal with him, but Youhabach thought that it was not the right time to ask the counselor, so he also held back himself. The doubts, just follow the method of the military division!

He wants to follow the counselor's method first, and when the counselor's method doesn't work, he will directly question the counselor about all this, believing that he has done nothing wrong. If the counselor still refuses to admit his mistakes, he will It will also shoot directly at the military division!

And thinking of the current Youhabach, I was also secretly surprised. He didn't have it at all. He would think so much now, and would think of taking action against the military advisor. You must know that he was very reliant on the military advisor before, and he didn't dare to think about himself at all. What would happen if the military division was shot.

It's not that he doesn't dare to take action against the military advisor, but he thinks that after losing the military advisor, his actions will become very difficult, so he will not think about getting rid of the military advisor at all, because he is too greedy, and The military division can just satisfy his greed!

However, after experiencing what happened today, Youhabach suddenly found that he didn't seem to rely on military advisors as much as before, and now that he was facing something so hard to get, he actually thought of giving up, even though he knew that the golden beam of light in front of him was very Possibly a treasure!

However, after weighing the pros and cons in his own psychology, Youhabach also thought that he might not really get this treasure, and he might also pay a very painful price for this treasure!

And Youhabach himself has thought of this now. He believes that as a military adviser, he has always thought of the people in front of him, and it is impossible to think of this matter. After thinking about it for a long time now, the military adviser has no intention of persuading him to give up. , and even wanted to forcefully seize this treasure!

So now, he doesn't believe in the strategist, and even has a little doubt about the strategist!

However, he didn't show it directly, because if he showed it, the military adviser's observational power would definitely cast doubt on his psychology!

And once the strategist has doubts about him, with the strategist's powerful reasoning ability, it is almost an easy thing to deduce what he thinks in his heart!

Therefore, although Youhabach is also very suspicious of the strategist, he did not explain it directly to the strategist. He also quietly thought of a small plan in his own mind!

That is, once the strategist fails, he will directly reveal all this to the strategist, and at the same time he will directly block the place to prevent the strategist from escaping, because with the strategist's mind, if he wants to escape, it is almost impossible to escape. No one can stop him!

So now Youhabach is also making the same look of anticipation as before. When he placed the puppets of the two Star Knights in the same position according to the commander's request, he looked straight at the counselor beside him and waited for the counselor. next step!

And the current strategist, looking at Youhabach's expression, didn't think much about it, because his expression just lasted only a few seconds, and when Youhabach looked at him, he took it back instantly!

So he also directly gave You Habach the next step, and said to You Habach: "Okay, my lord, now you can use the spiritual power in the bodies of the puppets of the two star knights you control, but be careful that you only need to mobilize Just a little bit, not too much, use the spiritual power you invoked to hit the golden beam directly!"

After listening to Youhabach, he didn't hesitate at all. He can't wait to see what the strategist thinks, so after the strategist finished speaking, he also directly confirmed what the strategist said, starting from the two star knights. In the body of the puppet, a small and thin group of spiritual power was used to hit the golden beam of light in front of him!

Sure enough, it was not as expected by Youhabach. The beam of light that Youhabach had just shot in, when he got the mysterious guardian power around the golden beam of light, seemed to be absorbed directly, without any turbulence, just in Youha. When Bach was puzzled, the strategist standing beside him indeed showed an excited expression on his face!

Because when he just let Yohabach enter this group of spiritual power, he wanted to try the mysterious guardian power around this golden beam of light, whether he was sensitive to spiritual power, and when he saw Yohabach When the two puppets he controlled, there was no turbulence at all when the spiritual power group entered, and he was also instantly full of energy for his next move!

Because after listening to Youhabach's description, and hearing Youhabach's feeling that he felt ten times the pressure, he also wondered if the mysterious power around this golden beam of light might be sensitive to spiritual power. Is the degree almost tenfold?

In the test he just tested, he also directly verified his conjecture, and it did not expand tenfold. On the contrary, the mysterious power around this golden beam of light was not even as sensitive to spiritual power as before!

At this moment, Kirito, who was watching them, was puzzled. He really didn't understand what Yuhabach wanted to do to control the puppets of the two star knights, and when he saw Yuha When Bach controlled the two puppets to draw a circle around the golden beam of light, he almost laughed.

He was thinking, if Yohabach knew that he could enter and leave the vicinity of this golden beam of light at will, without any obstruction at all, would he be directly mad? !

Chapter [-] The mood is stable

Now Kirito sees the puppets of the two star knights controlled by Yuhabach, who are constantly trying there, doing things that are useless in his eyes, and also feel very bored, but now Kirito is also in He hides himself in the tree. If he leaves now, the puppets of the two Star Knights controlled by Yohabach will definitely find him!

Because the puppets of the two Star Knights under the control of Youhabach are now standing face to face, standing face to face, it is assumed that the two puppets of the two Star Knights will be noticed in both the front and the rear, and now Kirito also wants to see, what kind of tricks can Yohabach control the puppets of the two Star Knights?

So the current Kirito, although it is hidden in this tree, but Kirito thinks about it, but finds that he is not so boring, at least he can now watch the two star knights controlled by Youhabach. The puppet is stupid there, which is much more interesting than fighting with Kuchiki and Mei!

Therefore, Kirito is still here, closing his eyes, using his own mental power to control the little black shadows he released, and carefully observe the actions of the two star knights' puppets.

Kirito only saw that under the control of Youhabach, the puppets of the two Star Knights actually condensed a small spiritual power group with both hands and smashed them towards the bottom of the golden beam of light.

And when Kirito saw that they actually condensed a spiritual power group, he was also very surprised: Could it be that the puppets controlled by Youhabach can condense spiritual power now?This is too scary, isn't it?Fortunately, I quietly saw it here, otherwise I might suffer when I fight with them!

So now Kirito is also feeling a little scared. If he doesn't see the puppets of the two star knights controlled by Youhabach releasing their spiritual power here, then when Kirito fights against them, I'm afraid it will become very dangerous!

Because he really did not expect that the current Youhabach actually has such strength, and he also thought that the puppets of the two star knights that Youhabach currently controls can be so powerful that they can even release their spiritual power to attack. Isn't the odds of winning against Youhabach even smaller? !

Thinking of Kirito here, he couldn't help frowning, because he really couldn't think of how to face Youhabach. He was so shocked when he saw Youhabach's puppet, then if he It's true that he met Yohabach, so how dangerous should he be? !

And now, there is only Kirito here. He has to make his own decisions about what to do. He is also very headache now, and now he suddenly thinks about Kuchiki and Mei. If Kuchiki and Mei can be here, then Kuchiki and Mei will still be here. You can comfort him and help him analyze the situation.

But now here, only himself, all of Kirito's emotions, have to slowly vent on their own, which is also one of the pressures that Kirito feels a headache.

However, even though Kirito felt a lot of pressure now, he still kept observing the two puppets controlled by Youhabach, and he found that the two puppets of the Star Knights controlled by Youhabach were condensed. A small group of spiritual powers, condensed for a long time, actually only a small group!

And Kirito observed carefully and found that this small group of spiritual power is still very thin, not even as much as the spiritual power that he injected into the Zanpakutō in his usual battles, and Kirito saw this, even more Not daring to blink, he carefully observed the two puppets.

I saw that the two puppets vanished without even reaching the vicinity of the golden beam of light after they threw out the pitiful spiritual force in their hands, and were directly absorbed by the mysterious guardian force around the golden beam of light. Dropped, no trace at all!

Seeing Kirito here, the frown that has been frowning all of a sudden spreads out. He originally thought that the puppets of the two star knights controlled by Youhabach would condense how powerful the spiritual power group would be, even the one just now. At that time, he was thinking about the countermeasures against the puppets of the two Star Knights!

But when he saw the pitiful mass of spiritual power released by the two little puppets of Youhabach, he couldn't control it, and he almost laughed!

And when Kirito directly covered his mouth and suppressed his laughter, he suddenly thought of something!

He can laugh!

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