Youhabach listened to the counselor's words, and although he nodded slightly on the surface, he still had an indifferent attitude in his heart: Hmph, I don't know who was frightened by what happened just now, and he is still talking to me here now, really. Do you think I'm a fool? !

However, although Youhabach thought so, he still nodded slightly on the surface, as if agreeing with the military advisor's point of view.

Seeing Youha Bach nodded slightly, the military advisor was also slightly relieved. He is now full of the scene just now, and it is too late to think deeply about Youha Bach's current heart. Now he just wants to let Youha Bach's heart moved away from the scene just now, lest Yoha Bach think deeper!

But what the strategist doesn't know is that the current Youhabach is already thinking deeper!

When the strategist thought of this, he also said to Youhabach: "Sir, I just saw the phenomenon that happened, and I suddenly had a deeper feeling in my heart, and even said that it was a very bold Ideas! So I implore your lord, how about we try this new idea?!"

After Youhabach heard the counselor's words, he was also puzzled. Even if he had been observing the counselor, at this moment he still couldn't see what the counselor was trying to do, but he was also very curious. What is his idea, so he also said directly to the strategist: "Come on, let's try!"

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-seven chapters new ideas of military division

After hearing that Yohabach agreed to his plan, the military advisor was also very happy. He was not happy that Yohabach agreed to his plan. He was happy that Yohabach agreed to his request so easily now. Seemingly unreasonable request!

Because of this, it proves that he still has a position in Yohabach's heart, and he can still be trusted by Yohabach. If Yohabach doesn't trust him, he will definitely not agree to his request. And it is very likely that the showdown will be directly against yourself now!

This is what the strategist has been worried about before. If Youhabach really woke up before himself just now, then with Youhabach's temper, Youhabach will definitely not wait until now, even if Youhabach can temporarily He held back his temper, but when he made a request, Yohabach must have been unable to hold back his temper!

And now there are various signs that Youhabach didn't notice what he was stunned for just now. According to his inference, Youhabach should have woken up with him or a little later than himself, but in the end, Youhabach Why was he in a coma for so long, the military advisor didn't think of it for the time being!

However, the strategist made a miscalculation this time. Youhabach really controlled his temper this time. He really woke up before the strategist, and it was not for a short time that he woke up first, but the friend. Habach has recovered for a long time, and the military division has recovered!

And the reason why Youhabach agreed to the counselor's request was not because of anything else, but because Youhabach wanted to see what the counselor wanted to do. His previous experiments had been successful, so his second experiment What is he trying to do?

And this is secondary. The most important thing is that Youhabach wants to see how the strategist handles everything after that. If his attitude is normal, or even a little bit towards himself, Youha Bach won't say anything else, after all, this is human nature. Although he is a military adviser, he is inevitably selfish.

But if the strategist does too much, then although he will not directly confront the strategist face to face, he will accumulate these things and wait for a suitable time to change these little things one by one from qualitative to Quantitative change, win the military division in one fell swoop!

And if he wants to collect these things, he will inevitably have to do various things. Originally, he was still thinking about what he should do to make the military division leak out, but now it seems that it is not so difficult, and he does not need to own Take the initiative to think about it, the military division will do this directly!

Therefore, Youhabach is also actively cooperating with the strategist. At this time, he quietly decided one thing in his heart. He set a small deadline for the strategist in his heart. If the strategist did nothing wrong during this period If so, then of course I can't pursue him!

But if the strategist does something that violates his own bottom line during this time limit, he will add some dates to the deadline in his heart, and at the same time, he will give the strategist this behavior in his heart, Keep it firmly in mind!

And during this time, what he has to do is, no matter what the strategist wants to do, he must do his best to cooperate with the strategist, and don't let the strategist pick out a little something wrong.

Because the IQ of the strategist is very high, once he leaves any clue to the strategist, the strategist is likely to take advantage of this small matter and turn defeat into victory, and even give himself a possible confrontation with the strategist in the future. Head-on blow!

It is even possible that he has ruined a plan that he has arranged for so long because of a small negligence now!

So when the strategist said his next plan, when the experiment was needed, Youhabach almost just thought about it for a while, and then agreed directly!

Youhabach is also actively cooperating with the military advisor, but he wants to see if his previous guesses are really correct!

If his previous guess is correct, then he will consider calling all his former subordinates back, and then subdue the division, and kill the division in public in front of his former subordinates. This deceived himself Soldiers for so many years!

But if Youhabach has been testing for so long, he has not been able to see that there is a certain weakness in the strategist, then Youhabach will not be monitoring him all the time, and he will relax appropriately to the strategist, but think about it. It is almost impossible for him to unconditionally trust the military advisor as he did before!

Because the previous Youhabach has long since disappeared, and replaced by a brand-new Youhabach, a Youhabach who has grown in a state of mind, and a Youhabach who can think independently!

And just when Youhabach thought of this, he heard the voice of the military advisor, and the military advisor said to him: "Sir, since you agree to try my plan just now, then please hurry up and control your two The puppet of the Star Knights, let's start trying!" The military advisor said conscientiously.

If it was the previous Youhabach, he would definitely not think about anything, and just follow the plan of the military advisor. Including the previous Youhabach, he would not think about anything. He would do whatever Youhabach said, even if it was If he thinks about it, he will never say it!

But now Youhabach's mood has grown. After he just heard the words of the military advisor, he was also full of discomfort. When he heard what the military advisor had just said to him, it was like forcibly ordering him to do something. , And the commander of Youhabach's Quincy has always been his ordering others, and no one else has ordered him!

He may not have felt it before, but since his state of mind has grown, his whole person's view of the things around him has also changed. Not only has he become more mature, but more has become more comprehensive. Knowing a person is not as narrow as before!

Thinking of this, Youhabach suddenly thought that before the military division, it seemed that he had always ordered him like this. Although he was not sensitive to such words before, he still remembered these words in his mind. These words seemed to be forced Go command him, demand his word!

So Youhabach was also in his heart at this time, and he gave the counsellor a calculation on this one. Now the counselor dares to order himself like this. Who knows if his power becomes greater in the future, he will directly step on his head. superior?Even a military division, who has been with him for so long, Youhabach has to guard against it!

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-eight chapters of Youhabach's premeditated

"No matter when and where you are, you must never forget to guard against others, especially the people around you. If you can't guard against the people around you, what are you talking about to conquer the world?!" This is Yohabach. At this moment in my heart, set a new motto for myself!

This means that from now on, no matter who is by his side, he must guard against others, even the people he trusts the most!

It's not that Youhabach is too neurotic, but the fact is that there is nothing more than that, the relationship between the military adviser and him is close enough?They've been fighting side by side for years, haven't they?

But if it wasn't for Youhabach to come to God on his own initiative, he would probably be controlled by the strategist now. This kind of control is different from Youhabach's control. Youhabach's control is to control people's actions. and the state of activity of the whole person!

And the most important point of this is that Youhabach can only control the dead, but he can't control the living at all!

It's not that Youhabach doesn't want to control the living, but that the spirit of the living is too powerful. If you want to control it, unless Youhabach's spiritual power is twice as strong as theirs!

And although Youhabach is extremely powerful now, Youhabach's spirit is not so strong. It is even said that even if there is a person standing in front of Youhabach, Youhabach will take the initiative to control him, Youhabach may still be success!

However, the subordinates that Youhabach sent to the past were all capable men under him. Their mental power was very powerful, and the most important thing was that mental control was only possible within a very close range. It will work, and if it is a little further away, it may fail!

This is also the reason why Youhabach can only control corpses. In fact, why doesn't Youhabach want to control the living?After all, compared to the dead, the living are very flexible, and the physical qualities of the living are incomparable to the dead!

However, the ability that Yohabach now possesses is only able to control the dead!

However, Youhabach discovered that he was under the control of the military advisor. Although he did not control the puppets in all directions, the control of the military advisor over him was a very strong and subtle control. force!

This kind of control is essentially different from one's own control. One's own control can control the free actions of one's own puppets, and this kind of control of the military advisor is mainly to indirectly influence the various behaviors of the military advisor. Yohabach's actions, even thoughts!

Because of this, for a long time, Youhabach would not be able to think independently by himself, or even completely since the military advisor. Almost all of this is because of the subtly influenced by the military advisor through his own behavior. Yohabach, even controlled Yohabach!

After thinking about all this, Youhabach is also more guarded against the counselor. For fear that he will not pay attention, he directly transfers into the trap of the counselor. If he is controlled by the counselor again, the next time he wants to come out and recover himself. true consciousness, then I don't know what year and month it is!

Before, Youhabach was still very curious about his temper so irritable, what kind of ability does the military division have to dare to face himself directly when he loses his temper, and when he sees the various kinds of military divisions The expression, listening to the various words of the strategist, will directly improve!

Now it seems that Youhabach has completely found the answer!

At this time, the military adviser did not know what Youhabach was thinking at this time. He still thought that Youhabach had just been petrified and hadn't reacted. Thinking of the military adviser here, he also showed a touch of pride in his heart. smile!

It's a shame that he was so worried that Yohabach would wake up before him, even a little too much, but when he thinks about it now, he feels a little stupid for what he just did!

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