Youhabach now also knows that the counselor is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so Youhabach also activated all his mental power to observe the every move of the counselor behind him. Under the coverage, as long as there is a little abnormality, Youhabach will be able to find it directly!

However, after observing the strategist for a long time, Youhabach was also puzzled. He found that the strategist now has a very normal appearance, no matter the expression or any other aspect, and there is no abnormal appearance. There is nothing unusual about the whole body!

This made Youhabach very suspicious, and even felt that he was probably the detection of his spiritual power. He did not believe that when he showed such a greedy appearance, the strategist could not even look at all. There is no reaction at all!

Therefore, in order to verify whether his mental detection ability is really broken, Youhabach turned his head back instantly and looked at the military advisor behind him!

What surprised him was that even when he turned around abruptly and looked directly at the counselor, the counselor was still as if he had detected it with his own mental power, with a serious look all over his body. Breath, and the whole body, there is no abnormal place at all!

When Youhabach saw the strategist like this, he was even more puzzled. In his opinion, even if the strategist didn't notice his current appearance and made any unusual actions, the strategist who had been standing behind him should have What's the reaction?Even if it's just a small reaction, that's a reaction!

And the current strategist, not only did not show a little reaction, on the contrary, what is normal now is a little abnormal, which makes Youhabach feel very strange. The military advisor, to him, is even more unfamiliar!

When Yuhabach thought of this, he also came up with an idea. This idea was something he had never thought of before. Now that he thought of this idea, he was also startled, because the idea he thought of now, It was so terrifying that he just thought about it for a while, and didn't dare to think about it any more!

Chapter [-] Youhabach's unusual idea!

What Youhabach thought of just now was nothing else, it was about the military advisor just now. What he thought was the overly normal reaction of the military advisor just now, so that Youhabach felt now that the advisor was too normal?Because of Yuhabach's idea just now, I suspect that the military division is now a very amazing appearance!

He wondered if the strategist had already guessed it now, and he showed a greedy look on his face, just to seduce the strategist to take the bait and let the strategist reveal his flaws!

And if the strategist really guessed what he just thought like his thoughts, then the strategist is now amazing, able to guess his own thoughts, except for himself, there is almost no one else, and can accurately Predicting your own reaction is even more terrifying!

Thinking of Youhabach here, his face was full of shock. He didn't expect that the military division has grown to the point where he is now, not only based on a small idea of ​​his own, but even now he has not found it. A flaw revealed in himself directly sees his own innermost thoughts!

What's even more terrifying is that the strategist not only anticipated the thoughts in his heart, but also directly calculated the time when he began to detect. Of course, the latter was guessed by the strategist, but only the former is enough to surprise Habach. , To know that you can do this now, in this world, apart from the military division, I am afraid that there is no second person!

Thinking of Youhabach here, he couldn't calm down for a long time. He didn't expect that a little military advisor that he had been neglecting in his heart was actually such a terrifying existence, and this terrifying existence actually stayed by his side so much For years, he hadn't found it!

This military advisor, like a ticking time bomb, exists by his side, but he just discovered that it was really a major mistake!

Thinking of Youhabach here, he is also very regretful. He regrets that he didn't wake up earlier, but wakes up late now. He even has a feeling of surprise when he sees the counselor, because the counselor The way he looks now has far exceeded his expectations back then!

You must know that Youhabach's expectation was also the reason why Youhabach accepted the counselor, not because of anything else, but because Youhabach thought that the strength of the counselor was very weak. , enough to cope with their own ability!

And Youhabach was very confident in all aspects of himself back then. He didn't feel that there was any difference in the military division. He even thought that he was actually no worse than the military division in that place. He even thought that he was in To a certain extent, it is much stronger than the military division!

Therefore, Youhabach has never paid attention to the strategist. He knows that no matter how powerful the strategist is, he has sufficient means to limit the strategist, because Youhabach thought at that time that no matter how powerful the strategist was, he could not do anything about it. Calculate to your heart!

Therefore, he believes that with his own ability, he is enough to directly restrict the whole person of the military division. After all, the military division can never guess what his mind is thinking!

However, just now, Youhabach also regretted very much. He regretted that he was so conceited before. He regretted that he was careless and let the military division grow at will, so that the military division has grown to this level now. There is no way to limit yourself any more!

What's even more cruel is that Youhabach didn't expect that he was proud of the point that he thought that the military adviser would never guess his heart, but he was discovered by himself just now, which made Youhabach so Years of support in the heart also collapsed directly!

Now Youhabach turned his head and observed the strategist. Although there was still a greedy look in his eyes, there was a sluggish expression in this greed. This sluggish look had changed his expression. Very sluggish, eyes become dull!

It's not that Youhabach was frightened by the military advisor, but in his eyes, all he could think of was just what the military advisor looked like just now, and in his mind, this idea has been circulating all the time, and now he even It's a little bit about to be tortured by his own thoughts to the point of madness!

However, Yuhabach's psychology can still maintain a little bit of rationality. Although he is now thinking about the military division, he maintains a trace of rationality, and he is constantly thinking about the next countermeasures!

Because now the strategist has been able to guess the thoughts in his heart, and he even guessed it so accurately, which made Youhabach feel fear, and made Youhabach feel that he is now in the eyes of the strategist, without any privacy. In other words, even the most basic power has been lost!

Youhabach is also using his own brain, thinking about countermeasures madly. He doesn't know what he should do now, and while Youhabach is thinking frantically in his own mind, he also suddenly emerges from the endless darkness. It seems to have seen a slight turning point!

This turning point is nothing but a small thought that came out of his heart. In fact, he never thought that his current thoughts could actually save his head that was about to explode!

His thought was: Could the military division really be able to guess his own psychological thoughts so accurately now?Even the time to guess his own mental thoughts is not bad!

He suddenly felt that he might not be able to really rely on this matter alone. This military advisor guessed his mind so accurately, and he thought that in the eyes of the military advisor, he was already a transparent person, without a single one. A little bit of privacy in terms of people!

After all, no matter how strong the strategist is now, and his calculation ability is terrifying, he has not guessed his previous thoughts. If the strategist really guessed his previous thoughts, I believe that the strategist will not survive at all, so he will just find an excuse. Get out of here!

After all, the most real thought in the heart of the previous Youhabach is also the deepest thought in Youhabach's heart recently, that is, to kill the strategist!

Once the strategist becomes uncontrollable, dangerous, and difficult to grasp, all in all, as long as the strategist becomes a little bit uncontrollable, Youhabach will take out the deepest thoughts in his heart, that is, directly on the spot Without giving the military division a chance, kill him directly!

Chapter [-]: Youhabach's response

So thinking of these military advisors, his mind is also slightly at ease, because he knows that the military advisor is likely to guess what he is thinking because he has missed some flaws. It is impossible for the military advisor to directly guess him without anything The inner thought, if it is really like that, it is really terrifying!

Therefore, Youhabach has calmed down his heart slightly now. He knows that from this moment on, he will become very cautious, even more cautious than when the military advisor had not made any response before, because as long as If he has a little flaw, he may be seen through by the military division!

So thinking of these Youhabach now, the whole person is instantly relieved. He now thinks that the strategist is better at finding his own flaws. As for directly guessing his own heart, he believes that the strategist is not so good now. powerful!

And now, Youhabach, also directly felt that he had just become transparent, that he had no privacy at all, and disappeared without a trace, as if he had never been here, just a Small passers-by in general, not worth mentioning!

So thinking of now, Youhabach is also directly relieved from his own psychology. His dull eyes just now recovered directly at this moment, and his eyes also recovered directly, and the sluggishness just now was also swept away. And empty!

And from the constant entanglement of Youhabach just now, and now that Youhabach has recovered, it only lasted for a minute. In the eyes of the military division, there was only a sluggish look flashing in the eyes of Youhabach. When the strategist wanted to observe Youhabach further, Youhabach's eyes suddenly recovered!

When Youhabach saw the strategist observing him, he was once again convinced of his own mental thoughts. The strategist must have some means to observe his own psychology. Otherwise, why did the strategist take so seriously just now? Observe yourself? !

However, the military advisor at this moment also thinks that his disguise is very successful. He doesn't think that he has been seen through by Youhabach, and he doesn't even think that such a perfect disguise will actually be used by friends. Habach sees it through!

So he still thinks that he has done a very good job, and even fooled Youhabach directly. When he just observed that there was such a stunned look in Youhabach's eyes, he did it again. He established the thoughts in his heart: "It must be that I pretended to be too good just now, which made Youhabach's conjecture just now fail, and even made himself doubt what he had just guessed, so he was stunned!

Thinking of Youhabach here, his mind is also even more happy, because seeing Youhabach like this, he knows that his guess just now must be successful, and directly guessed Youhabach's psychology, so he will let Youhabach change. In this stunned look now!

And the strategist never realized that Yuhabach was stunned just now, and it was probably not the thing he guessed, it was probably something else, or even had nothing to do with his previous guess at all!

Because the current military division is too conceited and too proud. At this time, although it is very dangerous and very nervous, at the same time, it is also his own peak period. This is the first time for him to rely solely on his own Intuition, it is so accurate to guess the mind of others!

So now he can't help but be proud. He even wants to shout directly, applauding for his thinking and calculation just now!

When the strategist was thinking about this, he never thought that although he is in his peak period now, few people can maintain their peak period, and they have maintained their peak period for so long!

No matter who it is, as long as he has passed his peak period, after the peak period, he will definitely go downhill, because he has reached the peak period and reached the highest moment in his life, even if he does anything else Work hard, at most, you can only maintain this peak!

Basically, it is impossible for someone to maintain their peak period. Most people, not even everyone, can maintain their peak period without going down. Therefore, everyone is directly from their peak period. Go slowly!

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