And he doesn't have to worry at all. The promotion of his military division status will have a little impact on him. After all, after he gets this treasure, no matter who he is, he must obey him unconditionally. No matter who dares to disobey his orders, he Will use this treasure directly and kill it directly!

And just when Youhabach thought about these things with a puzzled face, the strategist also started his own actions. He knew the mysterious guardian force around the golden beam of light in front of him. It seemed very simple, but in fact, It's almost impossible to take it away!

Because the mysterious guardian power around this golden beam of light is just a bonus to attack damage, it is already very terrifying, and that should only be part of the power of this golden beam of light, and this small part, It has already reached this level, not to mention how terrifying this entire mysterious guardian force is!

Therefore, after analyzing for a long time, the strategist also came to a simple conclusion, that is, the mysterious guardian force around the golden beam of light in front of him. Because if they were forced, they would not be able to overcome the mysterious guardian power around this golden beam of light!

So now the strategist also said directly to Youhabach: "Sir, I need to find the flaws in the mysterious guardian power around this golden beam of light, please let your two star knights' puppets go around this golden beam. The mysterious guardian force around the beam of light circles away!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he thought of something, and also directly told Youhabach, "The people inside observe the outside, and the people outside observe the inside!"

Chapter [-]: The observation of the military division

After hearing the words of the strategist, Youhabach also felt very strange. He didn't know why the strategist asked him to do this suddenly, but he thought about it carefully and suddenly understood that the strategist must want to see this. The whole picture of the mysterious guardian power around the golden beam of light!

Only by seeing the whole picture of this mysterious guardian force can he see the flaws that he can use to find this thing. Thinking of this, Youhabach also nodded slightly, indicating that he agrees with the current requirements of the strategist. At the same time, he also I think this request of the sergeant is still very appropriate!

So Youhabach also nodded to the strategist. At this time, the greed on his face had all disappeared, replaced by a serious and serious look on his face. It can be seen that Youhabach is very concerned about this matter. Seriously, he didn't look like he was joking with the military advisor!

So after listening to the counselor's words, Youhabach nodded and said to the counselor with a serious face: "Okay, I will agree to your request, you have to look carefully, I will let the two stars I control. The puppets of the Knights are constantly observing the mysterious guardian force around this mysterious golden beam of light!"

After Youhabach finished speaking, he glanced at the counselor and found that the counselor did not react a little bit because of his slightly threatening tone. On the contrary, he even looked at the counselor's eyes and his expression. A little bit of self-confidence after leaving the military division!

Thinking of Youhabach here, I also feel very puzzled. I know that the current military division has not found any flaws, but the military division has such a confident expression on his face, which makes Youhabach feel as if there is a little bit. Unbelievable, he saw the confident expression on the face of the military division before, although he did not take it to heart, but he thought that the military division might have found a flaw!

And this time, after hearing the counselor's words, knowing that the counselor hadn't started looking for the flaws in the mysterious guardian power around this mysterious golden beam of light, he couldn't help but be a little skeptical, so he also said to the counselor with a puzzled look: " Military division, you look confident now, you seem to be very confident?"

After Youhabach finished speaking, he also glanced at the strategist, and then said to the strategist: "Don't forget how much I value this treasure, if you didn't win this treasure, you know my temper! "

After Youhabach finished speaking, the expression on his face was also cold, terrifyingly cold!

When the strategist saw Youhabach's expression, he was also startled, but the strategist did not show it. Instead, the confident expression on his face became stronger and stronger, and he was not scared at all because he was threatened by Youhabach. The strategist corrected his mentality and said confidently to Youhabach: "Sir, don't worry, since I am acting like this now, it means that I have the ability to help you win this treasure, as long as it doesn't happen. Force majeure, I can basically succeed!" After the strategist finished speaking, he also smiled at Youhabach, showing his confidence, but after he smiled slightly, he also looked at Youha with a more serious expression. The picture in front of Bach, this picture is nothing else, it is the picture that the puppets of his two star knights controlled by Youhabach are constantly circling the mysterious power around the golden beam of light!

And now the military division is also staring at the picture in front of him. He automatically writes down all the pictures he sees, puts them in his head, and keeps recording the pictures he has recorded one by one. Slowly put together!

The strategist stared at this picture. After only a few minutes, a complete picture was stitched together in his mind. This picture is nothing else, it was the picture in front of his eyes that the strategist had just seen. !

However, this picture can only be seen by military advisors, and in the entire Soul Soul Realm, the only one who can do this is himself. It's very slow, but if you keep looking, it's easy to see blurry!

After seeing this picture, the military advisor not only did not have a little bit of ambiguity, but also spliced ​​these fragmented information together into a complete and unified picture!

And Youhabach, who was on the side, saw the confident look of the military adviser just now, and in that instant, he turned into a serious look. When Youhabach saw the military adviser like this, he also immediately understood that the military adviser. Now he is doing business. Although he feels that the confidence of the military division just now is a little false, but now he can only temporarily trust the military division!

At this moment, the strategist did not care about the changing expressions on Youhabach's face. It should be said that the strategist never went to see Youhabach after thinking about it, because he knew that no matter what the expression of Youhabach was, he No need to pay attention!

After all, his top priority now is to take a good look at the huge picture spliced ​​together in his mind. Only by finding out the flaws in the mysterious guardian power around the mysterious golden beam of light in front of him can he temporarily save your life!

He now also knows that no matter how he pays attention to Youhabach's expression, no matter how he calculates Youhabach's psychology, it is better to help Youhabach to solve this matter now, as long as he helps Youhabach win This treasure, then all of this, will be solved!

Just as the strategist was rapidly running his brain to study the flaws in the picture in front of him, he suddenly discovered something, which completely overturned his previous speculation about the mysterious power around this mysterious golden beam of light. , even let him discover a whole new thing!

He found that the puppets of the two Star Knights controlled by Youhabach, every time they took a step, the golden beam of light behind the puppet of the Star Knights would flicker slightly. It only took less than [-] seconds, but it was still discovered by the military division!

When the strategist discovered this, he also directly noticed something that he had never noticed. Although the current strategist is mainly looking at the huge picture in his mind, at the same time, he is also paying attention to that The picture of the two star knights' puppets constantly spinning.

The strategist must be doing two things at the same time. He must pay attention to two pictures at the same time to find out the flaws. After all, the image in his mind was collected by his eyes, but there may be some omissions in it. , once there are missing details, it may be even more difficult for him to find the flaws!

So now the military division must observe two pictures at the same time!

One thousand eight hundred and eighteen chapters major discovery of the military division

And the military advisor, it is precisely by constantly observing the two pictures that he can find the secret of the golden beam of light just now!

After seeing this, his eyes also stopped looking at the huge picture in his mind for a while. He realized only now that the huge picture he spliced ​​together in his mind was actually It's just a reference, the real flaws and the like must be dynamic!

And just looking at the dynamic, it is very likely to be dazzled, so the real thing should be a mix of the two. When the strategist thinks of this, he is also directly doing two things, constantly observing the two star knights controlled by Youhabach. At the same time as the puppet of the group, he is also constantly observing the scene in front of this star knight group!

When the strategist had been observing the golden beam of light, that is, when the strategist followed the outside of the mysterious guardian force around the golden beam of light, he also glanced at the inside of the mysterious guardian force. The picture in the eyes of the puppet.

And with such an inadvertent glance, the strategist discovered a major secret, a secret that seemed to be able to save his current life!

He followed the gaze of the puppet of the Star Knights in the mysterious guardian force around the mysterious golden beam controlled by Youhabach, and saw a stone not far from them, there was actually a small The black thing is floating there.

After the strategist noticed this, he thought he was mistaken, and just wanted to ignore this thing directly, but he thought about it, he felt that he should not be mistaken easily, after all, this kind of place should not be taken carelessly. There's a black thing floating there!

Therefore, the strategist has also been staring at the puppet of the Star Knights controlled by Youhabach in the mysterious guardian force around the mysterious golden beam of light, but this puppet has been walking continuously, so He also has to wait for a while before he can see the direction just now again.

And as the puppet of the Star Knights controlled by Youhabach continued to move forward, the counselor's psychology was also constantly tightening. His heart seemed to be in his throat. As long as he opened his mouth, it seemed that he The heart can be directly picked out!

The strategist has never been so nervous before, and the closer the Star Knights got to the mysterious black suspended object he had just seen, the more nervous he became!

And just when Youhabach controlled the puppet of the Star Knights to the place just now, the picture that flashed in his head just now, at this moment, he also directly saw the black suspended object. What kind of existence is it.

From his point of view, the black suspended object was more like a floating ghost. Although it was a ghost, its volume was not as big as his palm. What surprised him even more was that the head of this little black ghost was on top of it. , actually has an eye that occupies one third of his entire body!

When the strategist saw this mysterious little black ghost, the strategist knew what this mysterious little ghost was doing and what his role was in just a moment. When the strategist saw him, he had already guessed it. Arrived at eighty-nine and ten!

Someone is watching them!

In fact, normally speaking, if the strategist sees this situation, he will definitely report to Youhabach as soon as possible, because the existence of this thing has already leaked their whereabouts, what they have to do is to investigate the surrounding immediately. , find the people who are watching them!

And these things, after the strategist told Youhabach, Youhabach will definitely do these things directly. After all, Youhabach has a lot of combat experience over the years, even if he is eager to capture treasures, he also It is impossible to directly ignore such a big hidden danger, a hidden danger that is likely to hinder him from doing things!

After all, if everything about him has been known to the enemy, then he is very dangerous!

But today, the strategist did not choose to directly tell Youhabach. What he is thinking now is not how to prevent the puppets of the two star knights controlled by Youhabach from being attacked. What he is thinking now is also what he is now. My only hope is to save my life!

But after observing for so long, all he can see is that this golden beam of light is the most important part of the bonus to his attack just now, and he doesn't even know the mystery surrounding this golden beam of light. What is the relationship between the guardian power of , and the golden beam of light!

The strategist thought about it carefully and found that even if he helped Youhabach successfully win the treasure now, Youhabach might just value him temporarily, or give him some awards temporarily, and some of these are not available. Things can't really save his life!

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