After listening to Youhabach's words, the strategist also had a calm expression on his face, only listening to the strategist facing Youhabach's question, he said word by word: "In fact, I am not very clear about what just happened, what just happened. All that, I also felt an abnormal thing in an instant, and then it became like this!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he also glanced at Youhabach. When he saw Youhabach's face full of doubts, he also knew that Youhabach didn't believe what he just said, and even had a reaction to what he just said. Some doubt, do not believe that what just happened is so simple!

Therefore, after the military division finished speaking, he also added a sentence to Youhabach in time: "Sir, I know that you don't believe me very much now, in fact, don't say it's you, even myself, I don't really believe in myself. If it wasn't for my own experience, I wouldn't believe what I just said!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he also made a firm expression to Youhabach. He knew that even if he said so, Youhabach would not necessarily believe what he said, and even doubted in his own heart. himself, but even if Yohabach doubts himself, there is nothing he can do to say more to Yohabach!

And when Youhabach listened to the counselor's words, of course he was very skeptical, but seeing the firm expression on the counselor's face, he couldn't continue to question what the counselor said, but just when he wanted to ignore this matter When he passed by, he suddenly remembered something, and said to the military officer: "Well, military officer, I don't doubt you about this matter, I know there must be some reason for you not to tell me, but, I just want to ask you one thing, that is, when you lost your strength just now, did someone attack you?"

The reason why Youhabach suddenly remembered this matter was actually what he had been thinking about all the time. It was just that when he was thinking about what the military division said, he forgot for a while, and just when he was about to skip this matter, he When I glanced at the military officer, I also remembered this matter.

It's not that Youhabach wants to investigate this matter, but that Youhabach really wants to know if his power just now has been broken through. If it is, then he has nothing to steal right now. After thinking about it, no matter how important the treasure is, it is not as important as your own life!

So when Youhabach asked this question, he was also very nervous. On the one hand, he felt that his power would not be broken through, and his current strength was almost the first in the Soul Soul Realm, but he could break through. It is impossible for him to be powerful and silent!

On the other hand, he was thinking, did the strategist do something to cause him to look like this?If it is true, then you don't have to worry so much, you can directly continue to let the military advisor help him find a way to snatch that golden beam of light!

And he doesn't care much about his own personal affairs. After all, he doesn't have to tell him all about some things. As long as the things that the strategist hides have nothing to do with him or his interests, then he can ignore it directly. After all, everyone has their own little secret!

At this moment, the military advisor was stunned after hearing Youhabach's question, but after thinking about it carefully, he also directly figured out the purpose of Youhabach's question. He can basically guess all the things that Bach was thinking about!

So when Youhabach asked him about this, he was only stunned for a second, and then said to Youhabach: "Sir, you can rest assured that what happened just now was definitely not done by others, it was me just now. A little mistake will cause this situation, you can rest assured!"

After hearing the counselor's words, Youhabach was also a little relieved. Since the counselor did something to cause such a situation, it would be difficult for him to continue to ask the counselor what happened. The military advisor nodded slightly and said solemnly, "Be careful next time!"

After Youhabach finished speaking, just when he was about to tell the strategist that this would help him continue to capture the mysterious guardian power around the golden beam of light, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and his face changed instantly, no Because of other things, it is because Yohabach just overlooked a detail!

The detail is that, because of what the military advisor just said, at first he just heard what the military advisor said was not someone else attacking him, but caused it by himself. Think of what the sergeant said just now.

And just when he just came back to his senses, he also remembered what the counselor just said. He thought that the counselor seemed to reassure me just now, which means that the counselor has probably guessed what I just said. , that's why he told me to let me rest assured!

Thinking of Youhabach here, his expression changed. He knew that the military advisor's ability to calculate and speculate was very strong, but what he didn't expect was that the moment he was thinking about, the military advisor was only a few seconds. It is already a guess that it is not far from the ten. When thinking of this, Youhabach also panicked in his heart!

He still wants to calculate the strategist now. When he sees that the reasoning ability of the strategist is so powerful, he almost wants to give up and continue to calculate the strategist!

He was worried that when he was calculating the strategist, if he was discovered by the strategist, he would not even know when the strategist discovered it!

Chapter [-]: The Shocked Youhabach

Now Youhabach is thinking about a lot of things, very chaotic, even chaotic, and the chaos makes Youhabach feel very irritable, and what Youhabach is most upset about now is nothing else, it is What he was thinking about, should he continue to count the military division? !

He has just seen the strategist's calculation and reasoning ability. If his calculation is discovered by the strategist, he does not know whether the strategist will continue to calculate him, and the hidden effect of the strategist is also very good, it is very likely When the strategist saw that he was going to plot against him, the strategist was completely silent, secretly plotting against himself before he knew it!

If this is the case, then I am afraid that one day I will not even know how I died?Although the strength of the strategist is comparable to that of himself, if the strategist has been secretly calculating him, no matter how strong he is, he can't stand the constant calculation of the strategist!

But even if he is like this now, he still wants to take a risk. After all, he knows that this matter of himself is very important. If he just gives up because he is afraid of the military adviser's calculations, then he is likely to even have a lot of things in the future. unknown!

What's more, he has to be always ready to observe the military advisor's every move. Once the military advisor has a little abnormality, he has to write down himself in time. Otherwise, he is really in danger now, so I say, Now no matter how you choose, it is almost a dilemma!

When thinking of this, Youhabach also made up his mind directly in his heart. He still has to secretly observe every move of the military advisor. If he does not notice any move of the military advisor, he will become very dangerous. !

So I thought that the Youhabach here was also pretending not to hear the potential in the strategist's words, so he went on to say to the strategist: "The strategist, since you said that, then I won't say anything more, but let's What is more important now, do you know what it is!" After Youhabach finished speaking, he also made a greedy expression to the military division, and when the military division saw Youhabach made this expression, it was also instantly I understand what Youhabach is thinking now. In fact, what Youhabach thinks now is exactly the same as the one predicted in the mind of the military advisor!

Therefore, after seeing Youhabach's expression, the strategist also made an expression to Youhabach that I understand, looked at Youhabach and said, "Sir, I understand, in fact, I have just figured it out to the end. How to get this golden beam of light!"

After listening to the counselor's words, Youhabach was instantly overjoyed. He almost immediately put all the irritating things he had just thought about in the back of his mind. If it wasn't for the counselor, he would have been unable to ignore it now. If so, then he has almost nothing else to worry about now!

Thinking of this, Youhabach is also about to tell the strategist directly, and act now, but just when Youhabach wanted to speak directly to the strategist, he suddenly heard what the strategist just said to him, and the strategist seemed to say to him just now. , want to help him to capture this mysterious golden beam of light? !

Youhabach thought about it carefully, and then thought about it carefully and found that what the strategist just said was really to help him win this mysterious golden beam of light, not the mysterious guardian around the mysterious golden beam of light. strength!

Youhabach thought about it carefully in his heart again: How could the military division say such a thing?Doesn't he know that what I'm looking for is actually the mysterious guardian force around that mysterious golden beam of light?If you don't have those mysterious guardian powers, what's the use of giving me this mysterious golden beam of light?

Thinking of Youhabach here, he couldn't bear it any longer. He directly asked the strategist and said, "Junior, what you just said was, help me to snatch this mysterious golden beam of light?"

After Youhabach finished speaking, he also directly turned his attention to the strategist, hoping that he had just heard that the strategist was wrong, not what he heard!

However, the next answer of the strategist also made Youhabach dumbfounded. After the strategist heard what Youhabach asked him, he did not hesitate at all, and said to Youhabach: "Yes, sir, you didn't listen. Wrong, it is to win this mysterious golden beam of light!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he also gave Youhabach a firm expression, indicating that he really wanted to snatch the golden beam of light, not the mysterious guardian force around the mysterious golden beam of light!

In fact, when Youhabach asked this question, the strategist had already guessed that Youhabach must still be thinking that it was the mysterious guardian force around the golden beam of light who just gave his puppet a bonus attack!

However, when the strategist just thought of this, before he had time to say it, Youhabach asked him directly: "Master, don't you know that what I want is actually the mysterious guardian force around the mysterious golden beam of light, It's not that useless golden beam of light, don't you know?"

After listening to Youhabach's words, the strategist also looked helpless and said to Youhabach: "Sir, don't you know now? The power you want is actually that mysterious golden color. The power contained in the beam of light, the mysterious guardian power around the mysterious golden beam of light, is actually a medium!"

The mysterious guardian force around that golden beam of light turned out to be just an ordinary medium! ?

When Yohabach heard the news, he also felt that his vision had changed. He had always thought that the mysterious protective power around the mysterious golden beam of light in his eyes was what he had always dreamed of. 's treasure!

But he didn't know until just now that the treasure he had always wanted to get was actually that mysterious golden beam of light, the mysterious golden beam of light that had always been inconspicuous!

Thinking of Youhabach here, he couldn't hold back his emotions any longer. He looked at the military advisor in front of him in surprise. What he couldn't believe was that the treasure he had always wanted to get was actually so Ordinary, even in the eyes of military advisors, failed to get into his eyes!

Chapter [-] is ready to seize the treasure

And all along, the golden beam of light that was inconspicuous in his eyes was actually the treasure he really wanted, that heaven-defying treasure!

So when Youhabach thought of this, he looked at the military advisor with a shocked expression. At this moment, he had no way, nor was it necessary, to suppress his surprised expression, and even if he suppressed his surprised expression, In fact, it may not necessarily be successful!

Therefore, he also directly revealed his surprised expression without any concealment.

And the military advisor on the side was not a little surprised when he saw Youhabach showing this expression, until, no matter who, after being so confident, after experiencing this kind of thing, he may not be able to hold back himself. , and Youhabach is only looking like this, but it's actually not easy!

So the strategist also smiled at Youhabach and said: "Sir, don't be surprised, it is normal for you not to know about this matter, after all, I just observed this matter, and in order to observe this matter, I It took a lot of effort!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he also showed a very official smile to Youhabach again.

After seeing the strategist's smile, Youhabach also knew that the strategist must have felt a little funny when he saw his current appearance, but since the strategist said so, then he is not good now, after all, the strategist is also Under the steps for him, if he doesn't catch it in time, he is really stupid!

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