At that time, he will truly be in a state of doom, and he will be in a situation where he has no way to save himself!

However, the strategist did not think about this aspect carefully. He did not expect that Youhabach would really have this idea. For him, these were basically just a simple conjecture, but it was the conjecture that the strategist did not take to heart. It was also in an environment not long afterward that gave him a heavy blow!

If there is such a thing as regret medicine, the strategist will definitely eat it, and he will regret it very much. He did not take this momentary thought to heart, but chose to ignore it directly!

But these are all things later, and now, the most important thing he needs to do is to wake up Yoha Bach as soon as possible!

So he also said directly to Youhabach now: "Sir, wake up quickly, sire, can you wake up?"

Originally, Youhabach, who had just been summoned by the military advisor, was a little bit awake. Now when the military advisor summoned him again, he was slowly recovering, although he was still a little out of spirit. But overall, it's still a lot stronger than just now!

I only saw Youhabach, who had just woken up. He was still very dazed about everything around him. He still hadn't reacted. What kind of place is he in now? His eyes are also very blurred, there is no point Spiritual look.

And when he saw the strategist, he seemed to have suddenly found something in his eyes, and said to the strategist, "Master, do you know what just happened?"

Youhabach said here, as if a mysterious force suddenly drove him, and this mysterious force suddenly appeared in his own mind at this time, and he grabbed it tightly. He took off the strategist's clothes and said viciously to the strategist: "Master, do you know what I just saw? Did you see it? Do you know what happened in front of my eyes just now? !"

While talking, Youhabach shouted hysterically at the military advisor, and when the military advisor saw Youhabach yelling hysterically at him, he also stood there expressionless, without any movement or emotion, So quietly watching Yohabach vent!

It's not because the strategist has no response now, but because the current strategist, no matter what he says is futile, no matter what he says or does now, Yuhabach won't have much reaction unless he puts that Bringing the mysterious golden beam of light, Youhabach might even calm down a little bit!

Otherwise, Youhabach's emotions will not be recovered directly because the current counsellor said a few words casually, and he will even vent his anger on the counselor because of the current counselor's words!

After all, what just happened has nothing to do with the strategist, or on the surface, it has nothing to do with the strategist!

And the main thing that the strategist should do now is not to let Youhabach have a little doubt about him, and even if Youhabach's attention is now, it's best not to be on yourself!

Because if Youhabach's attention is on himself, even if this matter has nothing to do with him at all, he will be directly suspected by Youhabach that he has something to do with this matter!

Therefore, although the current military advisor was grabbed by Youhabach's neckline, he did not have much emotion, but his face was expressionless, as if he had been affected by what just happened!

Seriously, the strategist's current acting skills are really perfect. The strategist clearly planned these things. He can still pretend like a person who has nothing to do, and he can even see from his expression. All the things, even he has the meaning of the strange friend Habach!

After holding his clothes and venting for a while, Youhabach was also furious to the extreme. He shouted at the military officer: "Master, what happened? Why did the golden beam of light in my hand suddenly explode? What's the reason?!"

After Youhabach finished speaking, a powerful aura erupted from his body. This powerful aura was directly on the body of the counselor and the deputy head of the Star Knights outside. Suddenly, the counselor and The deputy head of the Star Knights felt a huge pressure coming from him!

And this is not the end, after Youhabach's momentum was suppressed, the power of his body also burst out in an instant!

The first thousand eight hundred and forty-nine chapters, the vent of Youhabach

When the power in Youhabach's body burst out, the momentum of Youhabach's whole body instantly increased countless times again. The ability to resist a little bit was directly shattered by this soaring momentum!

Seeing the strategist here, although he already had a kind of psychological preparation, when he saw Youhabach's anger erupting with his own eyes, he was still a little scared. The power to make his psychological side generate fear, how powerful would that be?

But now the military division is still relatively good. The military division is still a little psychologically prepared. When he sees himself like this, at least he has a little psychological preparation, or there is a little chance to deal with it in advance, so the military division Now you can stay silent!

However, the deputy head of the Star Knights at this moment is not as lucky as the military division. All of this has come too quickly for him. He has been guarding the door, waiting for the military division to come out. It's good that they can talk about cooperation.

But just now, the deputy head of the Star Knights heard the noisy sound inside, and when he listened carefully, he heard it directly without much effort. The noisy sound inside was nothing else. It was Yohabach who yelled in there!

After hearing Yohabach's roar, the deputy head of the Star Knights was still wondering, why was Yohabach so angry all of a sudden?Did something happen?However, although he is curious, he is very clear about his position. If he goes in now, I am afraid that Yohabach will transfer all his anger to him!

Therefore, even if he feels very doubtful, he can't just go in like this. As long as he waits outside, the counselor will definitely come out. At that time, he only needs to wait for the counselor to take the initiative to find him. Just when the strategist took the initiative to look for him, he could also know why Youhabach was angry just now!

It's no wonder that the deputy head of the Star Knights suddenly wondered why Youhabach was so angry. The main reason was that Youhabach and them had also fought together for so many years, although it was not as good as the counselor and Youhabach. We've been together for a long time, but it's almost a groping for Youhabach's temper!

But in all these years, even if Youhabach failed in something or was inferior to others, he had never seen Youhabach lose such a big temper. In his eyes, it was as impossible as Yoha Bach being directly killed by someone!

Even Yohabach usually yells at him and doesn't have a good temper, but the deputy head of the Star Knights has long been accustomed to this. After all, he doesn't have too much power for Yohabach. Habach doesn't value him, even if it doesn't matter to him, there is a reason for Habach.

But today, Youhabach seems to be making such a big fire in front of the strategist. You must know what kind of existence the strategist is?

That is a man who can have the second highest status in the entire extermination empire. They have followed Youhabach for so many years, and the probability of hearing Youhabach scolding the strategist is equivalent to Youhabach being calm towards them. Talking and smiling is just as unlikely!

And even when I scolded the strategist so many times, I didn't scold the strategist so fiercely as I am now, and even had the urge to kill the strategist directly!

Therefore, this also makes the deputy head of the Star Knights feel very strange. After all, if the current anger of Youhabach is allowed to continue, it is estimated that many people around them will be directly injured!

It is even said that some people who are a little weaker may even be seriously injured by Youhabach's current momentum!

Therefore, the current deputy head of the Star Knights even has an urge to go in and persuade Youhabach. After all, Youhabach may not take these Quincy masters under him, but he can't be like Like Yohabach, he doesn't take his own subordinates seriously!

However, just when the deputy head of the Star Knights was about to go in to persuade Youhabach, he suddenly noticed something. For so long, Youhabach had been angry for such a long time, and the strategist even Not a word was said, not even a sound!

If the deputy head of the Star Knights hadn't seen the strategist still standing there with an expressionless face, the deputy head of the Star Knights would even think that Youhabach had killed the strategist!

And what the deputy head of the Star Knights most thinks is abnormal is the reaction of the current strategist. You must know that no matter why Youhabach was angry before, as long as the strategist passed away, it was basically a horse. From the moment of success, to the feeling of getting rid of the disease, Yohabach became angry almost instantly!

Therefore, not only in the eyes of the deputy head of the Star Knights, but also in the eyes of the men of the entire Destruction Empire, the strategist is a man who can control Sumitomo Habach's anger in an instant. Must not be such an ordinary person!

But the current deputy head of the Star Knights has been waiting outside, and I don't know when the strategist will use his ability, or the strategist's unique ability to make Youhabach instantly angry , he also wants to let the military division directly release his ability now!

So he also wanted to sneak in and make eye contact with the strategist, or let the strategist stop the anger of Habach in time!

Because others don't know, the deputy head of the Star Knights has a deep insight into how terrible the accumulation of Youhabach's anger is. His scenes from many years ago are still in front of his eyes, and he has no way to do it. To forget about this!

This matter has been hidden in the heart of the deputy head of the Star Knights, and it has been hidden for a long time. Normally, as the deputy head of the Star Knights, he saw this of Youhabach. When you have the ability, you should not choose to remember this thing, because this is a hidden means of Yohabach after all!

But this matter was a strong shock to the deputy head of the Star Knights many years ago, and even the deputy head of the Star Knights still has a shadow.

It can even be said directly that the reason why the deputy head of the Star Knights is so afraid of Youhabach is the shadow Youhabach left in his heart!

Chapter [-]: Memories of the Deputy Head of the Star Knights

This matter, in fact, has been hidden from the mind of the deputy head of the Star Knights for many years, but although many years have passed, for the deputy head of the Star Knights, it is in his own mind. Even remember things for a lifetime!

This is something that he will never be able to forget for the rest of his life!

At that time, the current deputy head of the Star Knights was still a very small and ordinary Quincy. According to the current situation, at best, he was only a small captain among a Quincy. The distance from the current position is [-] miles away!

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