Because of such a cold-blooded person, the deputy head of the Star Knights couldn't think of anything that could make him not so cold-blooded, and because he was so cold-blooded, the sacrifice of anyone was not a big problem for him, It's just a matter of gain and loss!

Thinking of the deputy head of the Star Knights here, I also feel very uncomfortable. He now has a feeling that he has entered a place where he can never do it again. Now he, let alone escape from here, even if he survives here, he will It is very reluctant!

And the current deputy head of the Star Knights is also thinking, if he didn't accept the badge of the deputy head of the Star Knights, he would be fine?

But after thinking about it, he also felt that this was impossible, because even if he didn't accept the badge of the deputy leader of the Star Knights just now, Yohabach would still not let him go, and he had no choice at all. Even now, he was beheaded by Youhabach at that time!

Because Yohabach never cares about anyone's life, even when Yohabach is crazy, he doesn't even care about his own life, he only cares about the final result of things, even if he decides to do something, as long as If it is done, he doesn't care if the sacrifice is bigger!

Even if all his subordinates die because of one of his decisions, he will never care, because in his eyes, the lives of his subordinates serve him, and if his subordinates die, they can achieve their own interests, Then he doesn't care how many his subordinates die!

Because Yohabach is a cold-blooded and ruthless person from beginning to end, he will not care about anyone's life!

And if he rejected Youhabach just now, I believe that in Youhabach's eyes, he will instantly become a person with no use value, and for those who have no use value, Youhabach will choose to clear it directly. Lose!

Therefore, now the deputy head of the Star Knights has also figured out that he will die if he does not accept this badge. Although he is dead now, he will not suffer such a severe punishment. Relatively speaking He will die a little more happily.

But if he receives the badge, although his chances of surviving are very slim, he finally has a little chance of surviving. After all, only alive, will there be other opportunities!

Although he didn't know what kind of opportunities he would have, and he didn't know if he would die so miserably like the former deputy head of the Star Knights today, he knew that he chose to live today. , then you should not regret it, you should live well!

Thinking of the deputy head of the Star Knights here, he also glanced at the badge of the deputy head of the Star Knights. When he saw this, he also smiled slightly in his heart, and when he smiled After coming out, his body doesn't seem to be so afraid anymore!

However, although the deputy head of the Star Knights has basically overcome his fears, in fact, everything that has just happened can never be erased for him. These terrifying scenes have turned into nightmares. It was deeply engraved in his brain, and whenever he saw Youhabach, he couldn't help but think of these scenes that once terrified him!

It is precisely because of this that Yohabach has always been a nightmare for him over the years, and it has always been an eternal nightmare. It is precisely because of this that the deputy head of the Star Knights will always come to Yohabach. Talk about being afraid!

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of something, something he had never thought about before. At this time, he also suddenly thought of it. Before, he was seeing the former deputy head of the Star Knights. When he suddenly recalled, he seemed to have seen a scene before!

That scene was nothing else, it was when the former deputy head of the Star Knights came out of Yohabach's room, and he observed the expression of humility and fear on the face of the former deputy head of the Star Knights. The expression on his face, even after walking out of Youhabach's room, the expression on his face still lasted for a long, long time!

Thinking of the deputy head of the Star Knights here, he suddenly felt wrapped in a cold aura. He seemed to know why Youhabach would show him this thing today, and even let him kill the former. The one-time deputy leader of the Star Knights!

It turns out that all of this is an unspoken rule that existed a long time ago. The former deputy head of the Star Knights must have become like this because of what he saw. That is to say, what he is experiencing now is not only Just him, even the former deputy head of the Star Knights has experienced it!

Thinking of the deputy head of the Star Knights here, his face was also pale. He seemed to know the date of his death. He even knew how he died. Even when he lost any value of use, he would be killed by friends. Harbach to the ruthless get rid of!

And this is the reason why the deputy head of the Star Knights clearly remembers what happened many years ago, even now, and this is why the deputy head of the Star Knights even risked being removed. , even risking death that is even worse than the former deputy head of the Star Knights, but also to cooperate with the military division!

Because he knows that if he is like this now, although he will not make any big mistakes, if he has not done anything, Yohabach will not keep him forever, and he is likely to be used to deter him. The next deputy head of the Star Knights, so that he can be obedient!

At this moment, the faces of the deputy head of the Star Knights are all sinister expressions. Although he is still respectful on the surface, the insidiousness in his heart is almost uncontrollably reflected on his face, but There was blood all over his face, and Yohabach didn't pay much attention to him!

But now the deputy head of the Star Knights has made a decision in his heart. He doesn't want to die in pain like the former deputy head of the Star Knights. He wants to control his own destiny, and he wants to live out your own appearance!

"I don't want to be slaughtered like an animal!" When the deputy head of the Star Knights thought about this, he also said this to his heart.

Chapter [-]: The Fury of Youhabach

Although the deputy head of the Star Knights thought so at the time, when Yohabach saw the deputy head of the Star Knights like this, he put all the thoughts in his heart on his own face. superior!

So now, when the deputy head of the Star Knights heard Yohabach's anger outside, his thoughts were very complicated. In fact, he was mainly worried about the safety of the strategist, because he knew that if the strategist Killed by Yohabach, then he is finished!

No one will be used as his life-saver anymore!

But until now, the deputy head of the Star Knights has not figured out why Youhabach chose himself among so many people. Could it be that he has any special talent?Or is he valued by Yohabach because of something special about him?

It can be said that he has been thinking about this matter for many years, but he dare not ask Youhabach directly. He is worried that if he asks Youhabach directly, Youhabach is likely to directly doubt himself, and then he will save himself. It's not worth the loss, there is no need to put yourself in a very dangerous situation because of a question!

But this matter, although the deputy head of the Star Knights thought about it for so long, actually had no specific effect at all, and what surprised him most was that Yuhabach was not at all because he had anything special. The place will see and choose him!

The truth of the matter is that Yohabach just chose a random person at that time, and he chose it according to his own thoughts. It was not even as reliable as the current lottery. It was entirely based on his own will. !

It is precisely because Youhabach is so casual that the deputy head of the Star Knights, after thinking about it for so many years, never thought of why Youhabach chose him back then?

But this matter is just a cloud now. The real thing that the current deputy head of the Star Knights should consider is the safety of the military advisor in front of him!

Therefore, the current deputy head of the Star Knights is also thinking in his heart, should he rush in and persuade Youhabach to persuade Youhabach, or that the general and division will be rescued from it before Youhabach loses his mind? !

But at this time, just when the deputy head of the Star Knights wanted to rush in and control the anger of Youhabach, he suddenly found that he couldn't move at this time, and just when he was puzzled , He also suddenly discovered that there is an invisible pressure on himself now!

When he felt this pressure, his face changed instantly, but he knew better than anyone what this pressure was!

This pressure is nothing else, it is the momentum that Youhabach used against him back then, that momentum that was able to vomit blood when only one third of it was released!

Therefore, when the deputy head of the Star Knights felt this momentum, he also felt that everything about himself was so powerless. At such a moment, he even felt that he was about to die, he simply There is no way against this terrifying force!

And what frustrates him the most is that he is now facing this terrifying force, and he even has a feeling of wanting to bow down, because the force in front of him is so powerful, so powerful that he can The one that is unattainable!

So now he is not talking about forming an alliance with the military advisor to fight against Youhabach, and even now he doesn't even feel hostile to Youhabach, he just doesn't have any feeling of rebelling against Youhabach!

Because at this time, he also really felt the insignificance of his own power. He also seemed to understand the look in the eyes of Youhabach when he looked at him. It was not a cruel look, it was a look of contempt. It was a look of disdain in the eyes of the strong towards the weak!

Thinking of this, he, who had been resisting this huge pressure instinctively, gave up continuing to resist this force, and was directly pressed to the ground by this force, spitting out a mouthful of turbid blood. !

And the current deputy head of the Star Knights, when he felt the pressure on himself, also smiled bleakly. He didn't expect that when he had no happiness in his whole life, he would be worried about Youhabach all the time. Even death is so worthless!

Moreover, his own death will not be taken seriously by anyone at all. If the strategist dies, then Youhabach may still feel a little distressed when he regains his senses. After all, the strategist means nothing to him. Small wealth, he should be very sad to lose this wealth!

But if it was me, I am afraid that even if I died, Yohabach would not have a trace of pity, and even felt that it would be too much of a hindrance for me to die here!

Thinking of this, the deputy head of the Star Knights also grinned slightly, then closed his eyes and quietly waited for the imminent death!

At this moment, the military advisor in front of Youhabach obviously felt the pressure of Youhabach, and although his strength is not as strong as the deputy head of the Star Knights, his mood is still very strong, so When under the coercion of Youhabach, he only bent slightly, without much influence.

At this time, his face was even more calm. Obviously, he did not react at all to the matter of Youhabach. He didn't feel how terrifying the Youhabach in front of him, although he deeply He felt the powerful strength of Youhabach, but he did not have much awe for this strength.

So he was also expressionless, quietly watching Youhabach venting his anger in front of him, and he was even stunned now, quietly waiting for Youhabach's anger to be vented.

He didn't have the slightest idea of ​​trying to persuade You Habach, because he knew that if he tried to persuade You Habach now, Yohabach might point his finger at himself, and then he might directly kill yourself!

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