Because the strategist has always been very arrogant, you must know that the arrogance of the strategist now makes him feel that he is unparalleled, so since the strategist until now, he also does not believe that anything can really scare him. !

It is exactly what he thought, so since he came out of the mountain until now, he has never experienced fear. Even if he was about to die several times, he did not have the slightest fear. The danger brought him only excitement. That's it!

But just today, the strategist who has never been afraid has to taste the taste of fear in person. The strategist who has never been afraid of anyone is suddenly afraid at this time for no reason, even he I don't even know what I'm afraid of!

But when the strategist turned his gaze to Youhabach, his inexplicable fear was also inexplicably intensified a lot!

Chapter [-]: The Meditations of Youhabach

The strategist knows that what he is actually afraid of is not Yohabach, and he has never been afraid of Yohabach. He has always had almost all emotions about Youhabach, but the only emotion that is not there is that Fear!

Because the strategist has been working hard to understand Youhabach since he followed Youhabach, because the strategist has always believed in a truth, that is, if you know yourself and know your enemy, you will be invincible in a hundred battles!

If he has always known about Yohabach, then every time Yohabach does something, he knows what Yohabach means!

And after knowing what Youhabach means, he will know more about Youhabach, so as to avoid the minefield of Youhabach perfectly, and not do some things that may make Youhabach feel bored!

It is precisely because of these that the strategist has been able to work with Youhabach with ease for so many years, and even Youhabach felt that it would not be possible without a strategist!

In fact, with Yuhabach's ability, if he didn't have a military advisor, he wouldn't be very good at all. It would only be a little troublesome for a few days. Many things need a little hands-on. As for more things, there are other people. Helped him deal with it, in fact, there is no way for the military division to help him more!

However, all of this is not just that simple. Because the strategist really knows the various habits of Youhabach too much, the strategist also makes Youhabach feel a similar way by understanding the various habits of Youhabach. Depends, but not all the feeling of dependence!

It is precisely because of this that Youhabach feels that he needs a counselor very much, but in fact, apart from Youhabach himself, only the counselor believes that Youhabach really needs him!

As for everyone else, including Yohabach's subordinates and military advisor's subordinates, and even the deputy head of the Star Knights, they have already understood that the current Yohabach thinks of the military advisor for everything, so it will be like now Like this!

If the strategist didn't do what he liked, then it is very likely that Youhabach felt that the strategist was useless at a certain time, so he found an opportunity and directly killed the strategist!

However, with such a high IQ, the military division cannot guess this kind of thinking of Youhabach?It is precisely because the strategist has already seen through the possible thoughts of He Youhabach and the views after Youhabach, so the strategist will do things that seem to be flattering to outsiders!

In fact, the strategist himself did not want to do these things to Youhabach, but he was too dangerous, so the strategist also felt a little bit of a last resort!

In fact, the effect of what the strategist does is also obvious. It is precisely because of the effect of the strategist that Youhabach has always maintained a relationship similar to dependence on the strategist!

And those who saw the military advisor flattering Youhabach and felt very disdain, had long since been killed by Youhabach one by one!

It is precisely because of them that Yohabach feels that he no longer needs them, and Yohabach will kill him!

Because of Youhabach, you never need someone who doesn't have much effect on you!

It was also at this time that the strategist also wanted to understand what he was afraid of. What he had always been afraid of was nothing else, but the unknown about what was about to happen in the future!

It is the vague unknown that makes the military division feel the most fearful, because in the face of that strange unknown, it is very likely that he will be killed without knowing when, and the unknown, for For him, it is extremely difficult to grasp!

Because the strategist really likes the feeling of holding everything in his own hands, once there is something that makes him feel unknown and he can't grasp it, the strategist will try his best to understand this kind of thing!

If you really can't understand and master this matter, and you have no way of knowing this unknown after all your efforts, then the military advisor will simply choose to escape, and after escaping, put this unknown in the blank Place, let yourself know that there is something like this!

All the time, the military division is doing this!

But this time, it was different from the past. This time, the unknown of the military advisor came from a place that he could not hide from, and his unknown came from Youhabach!

Originally, the military advisor still wanted to avoid this unknown this time, but Youhabach made him feel that he had no way to avoid it at all, and he had to face it directly, directly facing the unknown things in front of him!

Even, he is very likely to pay the price of his life because of the unknown he is about to face, and maybe it is!

It is precisely because of this price, this plan that is likely to kill him directly, so the military division also feels fear and fear, and this kind of fear and fear is something that has never been seen before!

So until now, the strategist is still fighting frantically with himself in his own spiritual world, trying to convince himself to move on to the next step!

However, at this moment, Youhabach doesn't seem to care about the feeling of the military advisor around him. When he saw that the person who had been ambushing him was actually Kirito, he began to doubt the military advisor. He suspected that the military advisor was Not knowing what, and then deliberately not talking to myself!

But with the development of the matter, at this moment, Youhabach is not in the mood to care about what happened to the military division, because now, bigger problems have troubled him!

At this time, he didn't know why, and fell into a state of contemplation. In fact, he was very angry before, but his anger just showed a little sign, but he didn't know why it suddenly disappeared, even There is no trace at all!

His mood also became more and more relaxed as this anger disappeared. He is now in a state that he has never experienced before. In this state, it seems that everything has become nothing. So important, all this left behind is a state of no emotions!

At this moment, Youhabach doesn't know how long he has been in this emotion. He doesn't even know what he is thinking. Time just passed by little by little. As his own brooding state continued, his impatience disappeared? !

Chapter [-] out of the state

And Youhabach doesn't know how long he has been in this state, and he feels very comfortable. Although he doesn't know why he is in this state, he is in this state now, as if he can put all his own Forget all the troublesome things!

However, this state did not last long!

It turned out that after Kirito directly charged and slashed the puppet of the Star Knights controlled by Youhabach, he kept scolding Youhabach with his eyes and his own words, except from Youha In addition to finding the slightest pleasure here, Bach can also take the opportunity to influence the mood of Youhabach!

However, when Kirito felt that after scolding Yohabach for a long time, Yohabach didn't react at all, he also felt very strange!

Although he had already understood why Youhabach had been holding back his anger before, although he had been insulted and scolded by himself, it was understandable to swallow his anger for strategy in order to successfully attack himself!

But now, Youhabach's means of sneak attack have been used up, and Youhabach has no extra means to sneak attack on himself now, so why does Youhabach not react at all to his current insults? ? !

Not only was Kirito unable to hear Youhabach's reply, but even at this moment, the puppets of the Star Knights on both sides of Youhabach's control were motionless, standing there as if they had lost control!

And the weirdest thing is that the Youhabach that he just shot out was about to attack the puppet of his Star Knights, and now he didn't even struggle at all, he just covered the wound on his chest, and then he didn't move at all. !

Seeing this, even if Kirito doesn't think it's weird, it's hard. He still can't guess what medicine is sold in Youhabach's gourd, and even if it looks like this, Kirito still feels, Yohabach is like shooting at them anytime, anywhere!

However, Kirito is an impatient person. Even if Kirito's mood improves, Kirito's nature will not change greatly. Even Kirito's current state of mind cannot suppress Kirito all the time. The nature of ah, otherwise it may affect the development of Kirito!

Therefore, when Kirito saw this, he couldn't help but take action, because Kirito knew that he couldn't spend all the time with Yuhabach here. He had important things to do. You know, now he is in the most critical situation. The matter is to quickly kill these two goddamn star knights of Yohabach's puppets!

Therefore, without the slightest hesitation, Kirito directly carried his Zanpakutō and slowly injected spiritual power into his Zanpakutō. Then, he walked step by step towards the two star knights controlled by Yuhabach. puppet!

Because of Kirito's blow just now, although he almost killed the puppet of the Star Knights that Yohabach used to sneak attack him, Kirito knew that his spiritual power was also there. In an instant, he was almost completely swept away by this knife!

What was left in his body at that time was only a little bit of the spiritual power Kirito used to save his life and some emergency spiritual power, which is why, until now, Kirito has slowly turned to his own. Zanpakutō injected spiritual power, and then slowly walked towards the puppets of the two Star Knights controlled by Yuhabach!

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