"Okay, let's go now!"

Chapter [-] civil unrest

After these generals unified their goals, they also looked at the surrounding generals. After their eyes exchanged with each other, the skinny general did not hesitate to push open the door of the room directly, and then Just walk out!

After seeing this skinny general go out, the remaining generals in the room did not hesitate at all, and followed the skinny general out one by one!

Although this general is average in strength, his execution ability is very powerful. Generally, if he thinks of something and thinks it should be feasible, he will definitely do it directly, instead of repeatedly procrastinating and thinking back and forth in place. , what he advocates is simple and rude!

Therefore, after the general went out, he also said to the general who followed him behind him: "Come on, let's give that Kirito a surprise!"

But just as the general's voice fell, the general who had given his opinion and asked the generals to investigate the situation first, said directly: "Wait a minute, I think we should divide our troops in two ways, otherwise, Kirito will see When we go to attack his team, he will definitely follow!"

After hearing what the general said, the generals present nodded one by one, thinking it was very reasonable!

However, among the group of generals who nodded, the slightly skinny general could not help but frown!

Usually this general doesn't have a good relationship with the general who just interrupted him. Now, when he was about to take the lead, the general gave him another word, which made this skinny general feel very uncomfortable, because this The skinny general, at this moment, is also feeling here, as if he is being questioned!

Because usually, this skinny general's proposal, the general also often refutes, or puts forward other opinions, because the two of them are like two extremes, between the two of them, this skinny general's execution is very powerful Strong, and the other person who always questioned him always thinks a lot about it!

If not so many generals are present, if they are left alone, there is a high possibility that the two of them will fight with each other!

Therefore, this skinny general, who was among a group of generals who nodded, also directly questioned the general who made the proposal just now, and said to the general: "Hey, why are you questioning my proposal? Why didn't you just say it? , now that I have brought people out, you just said?!"

At this moment, the general who just asked the question also heard the words of this thin general, and also made a very indifferent attitude towards this thin general, with a mocking expression on his face, and looked at the thin general, He said to him: "No, I only thought about it at this time!"

After the general finished speaking, he thought for a while, as if he had thought of something, and then said to the skinny general: "Besides, even if I did it on purpose, what can you do? I just like to pick on you. The flaws, how is it?!"

After the general finished speaking, he also made a gesture of contempt for the skinny general, and then turned his head directly, ignoring the skinny general!

And at this moment, this skinny general was furious when he heard that he dared to speak to him like this. He was originally a person with very strong execution ability, but now seeing that someone dared to humiliate him like this, he couldn't control it. My emotions, I'm going to rush directly to let the general see how powerful he is!

But just when he had accumulated his own strength and was about to rush over to teach the other party a good lesson, the generals present also saw that things were not good, and then directly stopped the general, don't let him be so impulsive!

And when he heard the noise behind him, he just humiliated the skinny general, and he turned his head around and looked at the man in front of him, this ridiculous skinny general, with a mocking expression. When the general stopped him, he also laughed out loud!

"Look at your current appearance, how can you look like a general? You are just a reckless man, and a reckless man like you, I figured it out, but it's very easy!"

After the general finished speaking, he also made a mocking expression, and then shouted at the skinny general: "You dwarf, come and beat me! Hahahahaha!"

After the general finished speaking, he turned around again, ignoring the skinny general!

And this skinny general was already burning with anger. At this moment, when he saw that the person he was going to teach dared to mock him like this, he was even more angry and full of anger. , what he hated most in his life was that others laughed at him for being short!

Now being ridiculed by this general in front of so many people, he couldn't control his emotions, and then shouted loudly: "Don't stop me, I want to kill this bastard, how dare he dare Laugh at me, I must kill him!"

After the general shouted, he also directly exploded the momentum in his body, and then directly pushed the generals who were pulling him away!

Then he also rushed directly behind the arrogant general, and then he also directly hit his fist full of anger directly at the arrogant general!

"Go to hell, you bastard, I'm going to kill you today and make you regret laughing at me!"

In fact, the general just now had no way to break free from the interception of so many generals with his own strength. You must know that his strength is very limited by himself. Even if he is very angry, then he is not at all. Not so powerful!

But just now, just after the arrogant general laughed at this skinny general, those generals who were planning to block the fight also felt that this arrogant general was a little too much this time, so these generals who blocked the fight, a One is also a little relaxing!

They know that in normal times, it's okay to stop him a little bit. After all, this skinny general is also very impulsive. When he thinks of something, he usually does whatever he thinks of!

But today is different this time. Today, this arrogant general has already begun to laugh at this skinny general, and he is still in front of them. If they still stop him, then it is their problem!

Chapter [-] revenge

After all, although they agree with the arrogant general, this skinny general is also with them, on the same level as them. If they favor the arrogant general today, they will have a hard time getting along in the future. !

Therefore, these generals who stopped the skinny general also exchanged glances, and then relaxed the strength of their hands many times, which allowed the skinny general to rush out!

In fact, they also hope that they can use this skinny general to kill the arrogant general's spirit. If he continues like this, he may just mock this skinny general today, but the next day, it is likely that they will be mocked. These people are out!

Therefore, they also let this skinny general teach him a lesson, and they didn't mean to stop him!

After all, this kind of thing is a win-win situation. When the skinny general is out of anger, they can also restrain this arrogant general, and, most importantly, just now they helped this arrogant general to stop this skinny general, although It was only blocked for a while, but it was blocked after all!

Therefore, even if this skinny general gave this arrogant general a beating, that arrogant general would only remember the revenge of the general who beat him, and as for them, he had no possibility of bearing revenge at all!

After all, they can become generals and enjoy all the power brought by this status. They are not only able to have strength. After all, most of the time, their brains are also very important, and it is precisely because of this that they can Sitting so securely in this position!

You must know that although most of their subordinates are not as strong as them, even the difference is huge, but there are still a few people who are stronger than them, and they can limit these powerful people Your own willingness to serve is also a skill in itself!

And at this moment, this skinny general also rushed directly behind the arrogant general, and then punched directly to the back of the arrogant military advisor!

In fact, although this skinny general acted impulsive, he did things after repeated consideration. Although he also really wanted to kill this arrogant general, he knew that killing this arrogant general would inevitably bring about a series of trouble, and the generals behind him will certainly not be happy!

Although no one will stand up for him, the existence of this arrogant general is also worth his existence. Therefore, this thin general also reserved his hand for attacking, instead of directly attacking the head of this arrogant general, but Hit him in the back!

And the arrogant general just now, after laughing at the skinny general, turned around and ignored the little general, because he knew that these generals would help him stop the skinny general, So he doesn't have to worry about it!

But what he never expected was that this skinny general actually broke through the interception of these generals, and then rushed directly behind him. He was also completely unprepared. When he heard that the skinny general was behind him When he was drinking, he was almost petrified!

And when he reacted, his entire body was directly knocked to the ground by the skinny general, and then he also felt a zero-distance contact between his face and the ground!

Only at this time did he react. It turned out that the skinny general had already broken through the interceptions of those generals, and then knocked himself down directly from behind!

When he realized this, the arrogant general couldn't help but scolded: "You bastard, don't you know what a critical moment it is? You hit me now, if you delay the fighter jet? Do you yourself Are you able to take this responsibility? Aren’t you afraid that Yohabach-sama will be blamed?!”

After the arrogant general finished cursing, he heard that no one replied to him. He also thought that the skinny general was frightened by what he just said, and then he put his hands on the ground and prepared to stand up!

However, just when he put his hands on the ground, he also suddenly felt that a foot stepped on his head, and his body couldn't use the strength, and he couldn't stand up at all!

I only heard that the skinny general said angrily to the person under his feet: "What kind of character do you really take yourself as? I tell you, if I put a little force on my feet today, you will definitely die, but now Kirito There, so I won't kill you now!"

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